February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

So..... scan showed same as Monday.

They think it could be very early indications that my placenta isn't going to continue to work efficently. Back for scan in 5 days and I'm to go in for any reduced movement.

Not sure how I feel as I'm so exhausted after zero sleep last night.

James had a delirious episode earlier (temperature related) and I ended up calling an ambulance. He didn't recognise me, was talking gibberish and was shaking...... thankfully whilst on the phone to the call handler he finally snapped out of it. So currently I'm to ring for ambulance if it happens again.

I'm so fcuked off with everything now. I'm going to be a wreck about reduced movement, she isn't a massive mover anyway???

It should be my last day tomorrow and I'm now working Friday and Monday instead.

Oh no Carnat. You're not having an easy time of it this week :(

Glad your lil ones episode didn't last long and hope he feels better really quickly.

Reduced movement wise... have you told the midwives that baby isn't a big mover anyway and you're not sure how to measure reductions. If they know you're anxious they should at least have some advice.

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Oh god carnat, really sorry you're having such a shit time and hope your little one is over the worst of it so you can concentrate on you and bump xx like TS says it might be worth speaking to midwives to see if they can help with you monitoring movements when baby is a bit on the quiet side anyway? Sending lots of love xxx
Aw carnat!! What a day!! I hope you have your feet up now and your little man has perked up a bit. How scary for you :(

Oh no Carnat. You're not having an easy time of it this week :(

Glad your lil ones episode didn't last long and hope he feels better really quickly.

Reduced movement wise... have you told the midwives that baby isn't a big mover anyway and you're not sure how to measure reductions. If they know you're anxious they should at least have some advice.

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I think I'm just going to ask for an induction ASAP at my appointment on Monday. I can't take all this uncertainty.

I did mention about her not being a massive mover, they've really put the onus on me to manage this? The Sonographer who scanned me said she is in on Saturday - couldn't make me an appointment but said to go in if I have any concerns and she'll see me.

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Oh no Carnat. You're not having an easy time of it this week :(

Glad your lil ones episode didn't last long and hope he feels better really quickly.

Reduced movement wise... have you told the midwives that baby isn't a big mover anyway and you're not sure how to measure reductions. If they know you're anxious they should at least have some advice.

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I think I'm just going to ask for an induction ASAP at my appointment on Monday. I can't take all this uncertainty.

I did mention about her not being a massive mover, they've really put the onus on me to manage this? The Sonographer who scanned me said she is in on Saturday - couldn't make me an appointment but said to go in if I have any concerns and she'll see me.


I would definitely go in on Saturday. Your dont need all this extra stress xx

If baby is moving ok then I won't, but if I have any minute issues I'll be there for when the Dr'sa shift starts lol.

(Checked my notes and she is actually a specialist Dr, feel a bit better about that as well)

Hey Nat, just saw your post and had to comment. I'm sorry you are having to go through all the uncertainty with the scans and the blood flow to the placenta I had similar worries with Alfie. Although thankfully my blood flow was never a problem I did have reduced movements and a below 5th centile baby. Towards the end I was given set appts to go in for ctg's, which were once or twice a week, plus scans every 1/2wks. Although in the days leading up to his birth I was in on the Saturday twice with reduced movements, the Sunday was an appt ctg but still had reduced movements then the Monday I had a scan and still left the movements were reduced. I ended up being kept in overnight (scan was 5pm, then ctg and no consultants on duty). I was then induced at 2:30pm at 37+4wks on the Tuesday and labour started at 6:30pm and born at 7:07pm!!

My point is that I am glad they are keeping an eye on the placenta and that I completely understand the worry and fear it causes. I would definitely go in as many times as you need until your next scan and I hope they will induce you. On the Saturday before my induction I was actually given a sweep as I was so distraught whilst in for the reduced movements so I am sure that they will have a plan in place for if the placenta is still iffy at your next scan xxxx

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How is everyone feeling at the moment?

I am trying anything and everything to get labour started myself and avoid induction.. Im wondering if it would be worth asking for a sweep tomorrow or Monday ahead of the induction on Tuesday....
You could always ask Wednesday?

Would be good to get a head start lol.

I'm 37w today. Fully cooked!!! Going to get some Rasberry leaf capsules today..... can't stand the tea.

Feeling OK, seem to have a cough now? Great.

Little one seems a lot better today so I've confirmed with work I'll be in tomorrow and Monday.

Kanga, hello stranger. Lovely to "see" you lol.

Thanks so much for your input.

My issue is not with reduced movement, movement is actually better than ever at the moment lol. I just need to keep an eye on it all as reduced movement would be a warning sign about placenta failure. Currently I have a high measurement on one artery but the other vein (?) Is perfectly fine so it's basically now they have flagged something up they need to keep an eye on it. In itself it's not a massive concern but given the other issues in this pregnancy it needs to be monitored.

So now it leaves me with the situation I was so keen to avoid - 38w induction. My little girls birthday is when I'm 38+3. So I would likely to be away from her and I find that so upsetting.

How is everyone feeling at the moment?

I am trying anything and everything to get labour started myself and avoid induction.. Im wondering if it would be worth asking for a sweep tomorrow or Monday ahead of the section on Tuesday....

Are you having a section on Tuesday Wednesday? Did the consultant write anything about sweeps in your notes? The wrote sweeps from 37 weeks in mine. I’m feeling crap at the minute. My face is swollen and I have cankles!
Ps.. I’m not too worried about the induction bit. I’m hoping if The pain relief is sorted im trusting my body knows what to do this time! I know lots of people that have been induced and have not had a bad experience.

I’m just worried about it getting stuck!
Pps.. my feet/trotters!!!
I might ring the unit actually as I think my face and feet swelling is probably not a good sign.


Wow they look painful Tor!
I'm not feeling too bad at the minute, pains seem to have stopped just got bad heartburn constantly so struggling to sleep at night!
Got midwife again this morning for mrsa swab and then going for a meal for my grandmas birthday, would much rather go back to bed lol x
Yeah TOR, give them a ring. I think you need to mention it.

My MW is obsessed with swelling, she seems amazed that I've never swollen up :lol: (only bloody ailment I haven't had!!)

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How is everyone feeling at the moment?

I am trying anything and everything to get labour started myself and avoid induction.. Im wondering if it would be worth asking for a sweep tomorrow or Monday ahead of the section on Tuesday....

Are you having a section on Tuesday Wednesday? Did the consultant write anything about sweeps in your notes? The wrote sweeps from 37 weeks in mine. I’m feeling crap at the minute. My face is swollen and I have cankles!

No I got myself confused and wrote section instead of induction! I hope it isnt a sign of things to come - eekkk!!

Well :( I have the mother of all diagnosis :/ I have gallstones!! Had my liver scan this morning and the midwife has phoned me to let me know it's gallstones that are responsible for the raised bile acid readings! She was shocked when I said I don't have symptoms...they don't hurt or do anything! Obviously they can't do anything about them while I'm pregnant! But I have to ask my consultant at my next appointment what the plans will be, if they don't bother me will they leave me alone? Really can't be doing with another operation :( And if their not tormenting me then let's leave em be!

But all my other readings have been much better! So I'm hoping my bodies fighting off the CMV! And the itching has disappeared fully now! I still have to have the weekly blood tests which is a ballache..im so over this pregnancy!!
Back from midwifes, urine has protein in which Iv just realised she wrote last time as well so has been sent off for analysis. Had my mrsa swabs ready for c-section. Should be the last time I see my midwife now as will have 38 week appointment at the hospital as part of my pre op!

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