February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

What did the consultant say Wednesday? One of those scans has got to be wrong!

Carnat my iron is low as well, shown up on my 28 week bloods but they only rang me about it on Friday! x

Out of interest what is your count?

That is a long time for the result to come to you. Blimey


She didn't say, looking at my book I think it says 8.7 but it's in her handwriting so I'm not quite sure! I know when I had to have a transfusion before it was 4 something, it was just borderline at my first appointment though so I'm not surprised x
Gosh that is low to have been left 8 weeks?

I'm 10.2 so not too bad, just something else to add to my checklist of woe :lol:

No word from Wednesday?

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Ok Im Home and in the bath.

So here are the scans I have had -

33+3 (hospital) - 5lb 11oz
36+1 (private) - 6lb 9oz
36+3 (hospital) - 7lb 8oz

The two hospital ones seem more sensible. They were done by the same woman as well. Although how the hell has fatty put on almost 2lb in three weeks.... geez.

So I went into the consultant fully expecting to be booked in for a section given that its a massive child... however, that is not what happened!

She caught me off guard entirely - suggested induction. This wasnt even mentioned last time. She was very concerned about the GD which has been completely ignored by others as I am borderline, and she recognised that baby is massive due to this. That was quite reassuring as I have been fighting them over that for so long now.

Anyway, long story short, I am booked in for induction at 37+3 which is next Tuesday. That was the first day after 37w.

I am shitting myself about it and spent most of the appointment crying about it as I am so nervous and it wasnt What I expected.

She estimated that baby will be around 8lb then. That should be doable.....

I have laid out some ground rules to make sure Im not torn from my arse to my elbow and ending up with forceps. We have agreed that I will have the pessary at 10am on Tuesday, and if after 24h nothing has happened, they will review with the view of sending me home and booking a section for 39w.

I am pleased that they recognise this baby is too large for me, and are being proactive. I do not want to be on the drip and have it all forced at this early stage, but I am pleased that I will have a shot at a vaginal birth.

So ... roll on Tuesday!
Beau that bump does look low!

Carnat thats annoying about iron! Especially as she knew before!!! Highly recommend spatone rather than iron tablets - no constipation!

Tor - good news about the sweep!

Ts - not long now until c section for you! I think a lot of heads get mistaken for bums - thats what has happened for me at quite a few appointments with this babs

Oh wow Wednesday.

That is a bit of a shocker, but in a good way? At least it's not a section immediately (im impressed they have given a planned c-sect if you need to go down that route? That sounds ideal.... well you know what I mean!!)

I think allowing you to set some rules and have some control is really positive and shows they are (at last) listening to you.

Gosh it's going to be an intense few days for you? The next week will probably drag?

So you are in on 16th? And TOR on 18th. Can't wait to hear all about your babies

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Yes I completely agree! I feel so much better than I have some choice i this. And I get to give it a go at vaginal birth xx

Ts - glad your appointment went ok. Good news!

Sorry to hear you have to take the iron tablets beau and carnat, keep up with the greens so you don’t get constipated!

Wow Wednesday!! Bet you weren’t expecting that. Good news that thy are taking you seriously. It totally depends on which bloody consultant you see I notice. They all have different views. I have said similar re: induction and said no mid cavity forceps as I believe that is why my daughter got stuck last time. I also want to make sure there is a consultant available or senior midwife when I’m pushing because I’ll have anxiety about it getting stuck again. I wanted the chance to have the baby normally like you though.
Midwife just rang (God my heart sank when I saw her number. It's never good news!) and she had made a mistake. My iron levels are 12 something so fine. Phew.

Midwife just rang (God my heart sank when I saw her number. It's never good news!) and she had made a mistake. My iron levels are 12 something so fine. Phew.


You’re clearly due some! That’s good.

My levels were 63 (6.3) when I had to have a transfusion and I was so poorly.
Gosh that is low to have been left 8 weeks?

I'm 10.2 so not too bad, just something else to add to my checklist of woe :lol:

No word from Wednesday?


They lost my first lot of bloods so those were from the repeats at 30 weeks, my midwifes are a bit rubbish to be fair! Mine were only 10 something at 8 weeks x
Tor -
Youre absolutely right! It depends on who you speak with! They all feel differently! Ive said no to forceps, and they seem to be respecting that so far...
Honestly, when does the shit end?

My 5yo has been puking for past few hours.

It's my worst thing (I'm severely phobic). OH is starting a new job tomorrow and I'm meant to be in work too. Not to mention my scan.

I think someone 'up there' hates me.

Ah Carnat that is crap!! Hope little one is feeling better. I hate sick as well

Is anyone else ridiculously scared now the time is approaching?

6 days until induction... and Im definitely starting to panic!

Oh my god just been catching up on posts! Wow tor and Wednesday... GOOD LUCK for next week!! We will all be thinking of you! Wow it is getting scarily real now lol I'm creeping up to 35 weeks and catching you up very slowly but my god, the time seems to be flying.. can't be air to hear how you both get on next week :-)

I've just been diagnosed with a uti:-( first one I've ever had, really annoyed with midwife she never chased it up and it was only for me ringing yesterday to see what the result was that she realised it had come back from lab as infection! 11 days I've been struggling with an 'off' tummy and back ache I'm hoping that isn't too long to have left a uti untreated to have caused any problems.. anyway, on antibiotics now along with everything else argh!!! Xxx
Sorry to hear that Ruth.

Looks like we've all been landed with bloody useless MW's :shock:

Little one is still really unwell. Puking all night and still going (can't keep water down). I'm getting a lift to scan later and MIL will sit with kids for an hour.

Jeez! That's come around quickly! Good luck Wednesday and got

Off to the hospital for my weekly stabbing :( really hate having blood tests every week! It's so annoying! But on the plus side the itching has gone completely! :D wonder if they'll let me stop taking the urso now!..and of course get the results from last blood test too!

4 weeks to go! Counting down every single day! Cannot come quick enough! So ready not to be pregnant anymore!
Oh wow!! These Feb babies keeping everyone on their toes!

So that's two babies next week!!! Tor and weds can't wait to hear all about it!!! Wednesday I think it's great you're able to try a vaginal birth!!! And so glad they're listening to your wishes!!

Carnat! Pleased your iron levels are ok! Sorry to hear about your little one hope he makes a speedy recovery! So much going around at the moment. Hope your hubby has a good 1st day!! And good luck with today's scan!!

BabyRuth sorry about the mw! Glad you're on antibiotics now!

Sebbiesmum glad the itching has stopped! Fingers crossed they say yes to no more blood tests!

I finally bit the bullet and agreed to look at 7seaters! I really didn't want to sell my car but as it makes sense for me to have the 7seater il be selling my little batman! Just means il drive his car when I don't need the big one lol
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My midwives haven't been too bad but the appointments team are awful.

I was supposed to see a health visitor at 28 weeks. Midwife has had to chase her up. I'm 33 weeks lol.

I was supposed to discuss my csection by 28 weeks. Only just got an appointment to see my consultant.

Honestly I seem to be constantly chasing up.

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