Ok Im Home and in the bath.
So here are the scans I have had -
33+3 (hospital) - 5lb 11oz
36+1 (private) - 6lb 9oz
36+3 (hospital) - 7lb 8oz
The two hospital ones seem more sensible. They were done by the same woman as well. Although how the hell has fatty put on almost 2lb in three weeks.... geez.
So I went into the consultant fully expecting to be booked in for a section given that its a massive child... however, that is not what happened!
She caught me off guard entirely - suggested induction. This wasnt even mentioned last time. She was very concerned about the GD which has been completely ignored by others as I am borderline, and she recognised that baby is massive due to this. That was quite reassuring as I have been fighting them over that for so long now.
Anyway, long story short, I am booked in for induction at 37+3 which is next Tuesday. That was the first day after 37w.
I am shitting myself about it and spent most of the appointment crying about it as I am so nervous and it wasnt What I expected.
She estimated that baby will be around 8lb then. That should be doable.....
I have laid out some ground rules to make sure Im not torn from my arse to my elbow and ending up with forceps. We have agreed that I will have the pessary at 10am on Tuesday, and if after 24h nothing has happened, they will review with the view of sending me home and booking a section for 39w.
I am pleased that they recognise this baby is too large for me, and are being proactive. I do not want to be on the drip and have it all forced at this early stage, but I am pleased that I will have a shot at a vaginal birth.
So ... roll on Tuesday!