February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

Fingers crossed you aren’t Wednesday.

I’ve been having more cramps and Braxton Hicks today so I thought that she might have been able to do it. Bit gutted she couldn’t :( though tmi.. I’m not sure how she could tell cos she didn’t go in very far!

I’m really tired now.
I had so much backache and hip pains earlier I thought i would be beating you all. Got home and they're gone.

Tbh I'm glad. 33 weeks is too soon. Not looking forward to that again.

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33 weeks is a bit early ts, although not super early!!

TOR, glad your hubby is being as 'useful' as my OH :whistle:

Got a hacking cough but it seems to have eased up now I'm awake and up and about.

Roll on Monday and I'm going to push for an induction date. No more of this "wait and see" crap.

Maybe not but I'm not ready yet haha.

It honestly felt like my pelvis was falling out combined with mild period cramps. Got to my mum's and called the midwives who said it sounds like I'd done too much and to rest. I'm fine today.

Hope you get your induction.

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Been up the mountain today in an attempt to move this child! Nothing yet....

It just dawned on me that tomorrow I'll be 35 weeks..which means I only have 3 weeks left :/..roll on 38+3..got another blood test on Wednesday, midwife on Thursday and then hopefully a nice rest before my consultant appointment on the 26th as well as my growth scan! My parents have been browsing prams for me and have seen a few nice ones! Which I really want to take a look at before they buy one! :)

Madam is still as fidgety as ever, hoping she behaves at the growth scan as at my liver scan she was in my back and refused to co operate :lol: .. I just wish I had enjoyed this pregnancy :( But to be honest I'll be glad when it's over..it sounds horrible but it really has been one hurdle after another to overcome! I've had several crying fits because of all the ailments..i feel mardy! But I just wish I had my first all over again! He was so easy compared to all this fussing around :(
Ts.. wow.. sounds like you’ve had an eventful day yesterday.

Wednesday - how are you feeling now? Any cramps? I think my baby is quite happy to stay put tbh. :(

Carnat - are you feeling any better? Only tomorrow to get through and you’ll probably have a date.

The midwife has written 4/5 engaged in my notes yesterday - which means head not engaged I guess. Booo - I’ve been reading spinning babies to try and make the baby get in the right position so I’m going to do 10 mind on all fours later :lol:
Been up a Mountain Wednesday? Blimey!!!

Still feeling quite rotten TOR but thankfully I'm quite organised and don't need to do anything much today.

I feel the same Sebbiesmum, have had 2 textbook pregnancies so I'm now completely fed up of this high risk pregnancy. I had more appointments in 3 days last week than I'd had in 29 weeks previously (including scans!!!).

I was only diagnosed 8 weeks ago as well?

Oh well it will soon be over.

Hope everyone is ok!! Well as ok as can be!!

Am I right in saying we should have two babies being born this week! How exciting!

I’m still feeling shitty :(

Bad night sleep last night. I’ve washed the bedding today and I’m going to have a nice relaxing bath tonight to help me get some shuteye. I still don’t know what sort of infection I have.. jeez.

Eviction day -3 today :lol:
So..... I'm being induced tomorrow.

Haven't even had my scan yet.

Shitting myself!

But also glad that I don't have the anticipation of it all hanging over my head for too long.

Am at work, leaving soon to go home and get ready!!!

Carnat!!! How exciting! Induction buddies!!

Ive just got back from the hospital - had my sweep. She said my cervix was favourable and very anterior, I am already 1cm and she could touch babys head! Yay!!!
Eeek...2 babies tomorrow hopefully!! Exciting :)

You’ll have to let me know how it goes. I have anxiety today :(
Eeee Wednesday that's so exciting !!

Good luck ladies that are being induced this week, I can't wait to see the first of the Feb babies!
Tor I feel similar. I know I will end up getting myself in a right state throughout the night tonight. I was on edge driving to the hospital this morning, but actually it was all ok and I feel pretty reassured xxx we will be ok xx

Just been to get my nails done ... blue on my hands, pink on my toes! What will baby be, blue or pink?! Who knows!

Oh wow!! Carnat that's great!

Wednesday that's fab! And with already being 1cm hopefully means things will be nice and quick!

So that's 3 little cuties arriving this week! Good luck!!

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