February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

How exciting, lots of babies finally coming! Good Luck ladies I hope it goes smoothly xxxxx
Oooh baby time is starting!

Good luck ladies x. Will stalk for updates.

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Oh my god so excited for the 3 of you eeeekkk!!! Won't be able to think of anything else!! Carnat and Wednesday GOOD LUCK for tomorrow we will all be sending lots of love over to you woooooo xxxxx
Is anyone else really struggling with names? It seems near impossible to pick a girls name.. any ideas welcome xxxx
We haven’t got firm names either.

I like Ariadne for a girl and Douglas for a boy but Felipe hates them. Hahaha..only way I’ll get one of those passed is if I suffer in labour :rofl:
We like Edith Rose...

Not sure if we're brave enough to use it though.

We have Rose for a middle name too Carnat. I think we are going to have to wait until she’s here! Boys are so much easier to name lol xxx
Torino I love both, surely he CANT say no after seeing you suffer in labour lol xxx
Love Edith!

We are struggling with girls names. It was Josie but OH changed his mind last night....

Dougie was our other boys name... but I think we are going with Jonah.

If its a girl, I quite like Aubree. Not sure how to spell though? Aubrey? Aubree? Aubrie?

Ahh I love them all. Wednesday my friends little girl is Aubree it’s so nice and you don’t hear it often xxx
So..... I'm being induced tomorrow.

Haven't even had my scan yet.

Best of luck with your inductions tomorrow Nat and Wednesday. Edith Rose is a lovely name Nat xx

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I like Edith rose - Tilly’s middle name is rose - go for it! Edie is another name on my list.

Love Aubrey too..!

I don’t think my baby will have a name for a while :lol:
Arghh cant sleep....

Just lying here since 4am wondering if Ive packed all the right things etc

You should try to rest though Wednesday. Good luck for today x

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