February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

Tor - maybe get checked out tomorrow and go for monitoring? They scan you as a precaution if you go in for monitoring here so its quite reassuring x

I feel like I have poor judgement on it sometimes. I know it’s better safe than sorry, some days it just moves a lot less, it has done all the way through really. The next day it’s usually throwing shapes etc.

I’ll have my last midwife appointment tomorrow. I think I was meant to have a sweep but I have a feeling she won’t do it as I’m not quite 37 weeks.

I’m quite fed up now :( everything has become difficult.
Ahh Tor xxxx

Maybe just mention it to the MW and see what she thinks. It wont hurt to go and be monitored for half an hour. I know what you mean though, I felt like a right drama queen when I went in because baby had been slow etc

I think my bump is a fan of the sex pistols :lol: just put my headphones on my stomach and she was going crazy! I wonder when shes born if she'll remember the music from the womb?..Its an interesting theory!

I cannot sleep :(, the insomnia has managed to sneak in again!

Hope you're all well!
That’s a good size. Not too big at all is she?

I’m starting to be really fed up. My foof hurts. I’m going to mention to midwife tomorrow. My foot is swollen and I’m struggling to walk. The baby isn’t moving much either which I don’t like:

Tor this is what happened with me and turns out I have some varicose veins that have popped out the right side of my foof'.. JOY :-(

Really hurts to stand in the morning and v swollen and painful. Never had them before and apparently they disappear after birth (bloody hope so!!) Hopefully you can get some answers when they check you out xx good luck xx
Wide awake here as well - 2.30am... yawn

Poor you!

I seem to have one bad night sleep followed by one good one. I’m fresh as a daisy this morning. And I had 2 naps yesterday. Can only be bad news for tonight hahaha.
That’s a good size. Not too big at all is she?

I’m starting to be really fed up. My foof hurts. I’m going to mention to midwife tomorrow. My foot is swollen and I’m struggling to walk. The baby isn’t moving much either which I don’t like:

Tor this is what happened with me and turns out I have some varicose veins that have popped out the right side of my foof'.. JOY :-(

Really hurts to stand in the morning and v swollen and painful. Never had them before and apparently they disappear after birth (bloody hope so!!) Hopefully you can get some answers when they check you out xx good luck xx

Poor you :(

I’m going to mention to midwife today. I’ve tried to have a look but can’t see anything resembling a varicose vein but who knows! It seems to be worse after I’ve done a bit of walking.
Just had the scan, waiting for consultant. Its 7lb 8oz today... Im only 36+3.....

I think this conversation may end with a c section booking

Just had the scan, waiting for consultant. Its 7lb 8oz today... Im only 36+3.....

I think this conversation may end with a c section booking

It can’t put on 1lb in 3 days.. one of the measurements is out. Mention your other scan to them x
That is some discrepency Wednesday?

Ask for another scan (maybe fetal medicine or your hospitals equivalent?)

Anyone got any recent bump pics, this is me today, feel like iv dropped! x


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Lovely neat bump there x

I'm going to take a pic on Thursday (random lol) as that is when I'm full term!!
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Gah.... So my iron level is low and I now need iron tablets!!!

Oh and the MW forgot to tell me this!!!! She got my results almost 2 weeks ago.

Seriously, I'm so over being pregnant.

I do love this MW though and my BP reading was much better with her today (BP was up yesterday as well as all my orher issues lol)

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What did the consultant say Wednesday? One of those scans has got to be wrong!

Carnat my iron is low as well, shown up on my 28 week bloods but they only rang me about it on Friday! x
It’s all go in here isn’t it!

I’ve had my last midwife appointment. She took pity on me and has arranged a sweep for Friday. Hopefully it will work :lol:

Wednesday - hope you got on ok!
Midwife appointment done. Everything is looking perfect.

Blood pressure is spot on. No sign of the ectopic beat and bloods all look fine.

No idea if she's breech or not. Both ends were "bobbing" so she doesn't want to guess. Also doesn't matter since I'm having elective csection.

Consultant at 34 weeks and back with her at 36. Diary is nuts now. So many appointments.

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What did the consultant say Wednesday? One of those scans has got to be wrong!

Carnat my iron is low as well, shown up on my 28 week bloods but they only rang me about it on Friday! x

Out of interest what is your count?

That is a long time for the result to come to you. Blimey

Midwife appointment done. Everything is looking perfect.

Blood pressure is spot on. No sign of the ectopic beat and bloods all look fine.

No idea if she's breech or not. Both ends were "bobbing" so she doesn't want to guess. Also doesn't matter since I'm having elective csection.

Consultant at 34 weeks and back with her at 36. Diary is nuts now. So many appointments.

Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk

It gets pretty hectic.

I've had 5 appointments in 3 days!!!! Absolutely insane as I only had 3 appointments prior to GD diagnosis (booking,16w and 28w)


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