February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

I'm behind you all (32 weeks) and her kicks have slowed too. Movements are more like massive shuffles and swooshes now. And yep... They are much less than comfortable.

She also likes to sit really low. She's breech and gets herself bum down on my pelvis with her legs stretched. Means going out for a walk to shop is usually painful. Looks like I'm spending 6 weeks in the house at this rate.

Hips are horrid today. Midwives say it's normal and to rest so I'm self placing myself on sofa rest. It's just me and my books from now on haha.

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Been feeling really crampy and uncomfy since last night?

I am sure its just my medication though, doesn't feel like anything could be kicking off?

Had a mega busy morning at work, so the day has flown.

Roll on 11th Jan - my last day!!!

Well I'm back from the hospital from my weekly bloods! Official diagnosis..Cyctomegalovirus :( consultant didn't seem too worried as it's been dormant in my system for sometime but the risks of my baby having complications because of it are quite low! :/ he told me not to worry but now I have a paediatric alert on my baby once she's born! How can I not worry about that :/

I'm so glad I'm not having anymore children after this one :lol: im so nervous!!
Ts sofa rest sounds amazing! Might have to copy you and do the same!! All these aches and pains (although they. Hurt like hell) hope little miss turns for you soon!

Carnat hope you feel better soon!! Not long left! Jam 11th will be here before you know it!

Sebbiesmum what is that sorry? Not heard of it before? Glad it's not going to cause any problems!

I seem to have some horrid braxtons on the daily at the moment!
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My baby will be under paediatric care too Sebbiesmum, and she'll need her blood sugars tested several times in the first 24h.

I think that is the most upsetting part of all of this. I don't care about me having to test 4 times a day / inject insulin and all the other crap BUT to know the baby will have to have her blood tested makes me feel like utter shit.

I know it could be so much worse and I know she won't remember it. I just remember how hard it was to get blood from my other little one when she had to have her heel prick test (5 days old??) and how she was so distressed!!!! Although to be fair I don't remember my eldest having any issues with his heel prick.... so hopefully this little one wont be too fazed?

Oh has put the aches and lack of sleep probably down to our mattress needing replacing.

So he just went and got a new orthopaedic one.
That dude is totally getting less hormonal rants this week.

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Well I'm back from the hospital from my weekly bloods! Official diagnosis..Cyctomegalovirus :( consultant didn't seem too worried as it's been dormant in my system for sometime but the risks of my baby having complications because of it are quite low! :/ he told me not to worry but now I have a paediatric alert on my baby once she's born! How can I not worry about that :/

I'm so glad I'm not having anymore children after this one :lol: im so nervous!!

Goodness! What made them test for that? Don’t google sebbiesmum - if the consultant isn’t worried then take assurance from that.
Ts sofa rest sounds amazing! Might have to copy you and do the same!! All these aches and pains (although they. Hurt like hell) hope little miss turns for you soon!

Carnat hope you feel better soon!! Not long left! Jam 11th will be here before you know it!

Sebbiesmum what is that sorry? Not heard of it before? Glad it's not going to cause any problems!

I seem to have some horrid braxtons on the daily at the moment!

Crinkles, It's basically the coldsore virus :lol: that's been lying dormant in my system for many years (havent had a coldsore in like 20 years!!) being pregnant has reactivated the virus!

TOR, I have weekly bloodtests because they thought I had colestatis because of the itching..i still have to have the weekly blood tests but I think that was the reason behind the abnormal infection readings :)
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Oh! So have you not got Oc then? That’s positive.

I don’t think they routinely test for CMV that’s all (I look after pathology in my job) just wondered if there was a reason they had requested the lab look for it.
Ahh! And the pregnancy triggered it off! Pregnancy never fails to amaze me! Sorry you still have to have the weekly bloods! Will they still induce you?
I have officially finished work!! No more work for me!!

Sebbies - glad theyve given you some answers! Great that you dont have the OC anymore.

TS - that is amazing - well done hubby!

Carnat - I know its crappy but youve been so good with your diet, I bet she will pass with flying colours.

They think the chances of me having OC now are quite low!, But they still want me to carry on with the urso as it seems to be helping with the itching and it has bought my liver function numbers down to a normal level when before they were elevated :)

They will still be performing my c section at 38+3, but obviously they've told me that the virus will go away by itself as it's not causing any symptoms but they still have to monitor me weekly :/ slightly annoying but at least they know what's finally wrong with me :)

It is actually amazing what you learn about the body when you have weird complications! A virus that lays dormant in your body for several years wakes up again when you get pregnant..fascinating isn't it? :)
Decided to pack hospital bags today, mine is done fine but can't think what I'll need for baby in regards to sleepsuits vests etc, how many of each and what size! I'm in for a c section, last time was in 5 days but hoping to be home earlier this time, can't remember from my first! x
Gosh 5 days was quite a long stay?

I am packing for 24h but know OH can bring extra bits if we are in longer (it will be at the very least 24h.

I have gone for 6 vests and 6 sleepsuits, pack of wipes and nappies, few muslins, coat and hat for coming home. Can't remember what else!

Have packed 6 of each now and done a bag with extra bits in incase oh needs to pick up some more.
Yes, seemed like a long time as well lol, had to have a couple of blood transfusions as couldn't get my levels up. Then was back for 5 weeks after being home for two weeks so hoping for a bit of an easier time this time! x
I keep meaning to start packing mine but putting it off. Really should get on it. If I remember right I'll be in about 3 days so I'm thinking 10 vests and sleepsuits and a couple of cute outfits will cover baby. Plus nappies etc.

For me I want tracksuit bottoms and teeshirts. My mum is determined I take presentable pjs "for visitors". She won't accept that I've put "NO VISITORS" on my birth plan. Only OH and our daughter allowed.

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I'm hoping to be home same day. Even though I work in a hospital I hate the place when I'm in as a patient.

I've packed the bag for little miss and the majority of my stuff need to get some nursing bras but putting it off for another week or so

Another one for no visitors ts! When I had my daughter all my oh 6 siblings turned up along with his parents! She was only about two hours old I was absolutely horrified! (They'd driven up 70 miles without even letting us know) so this time I have said no visitors til we are home and settled. I want the kids to see and spend time with her first!

TS wear whatever you feel comfortable in xx
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No visitors here either.

MIL worked at my hospital (retired now) and she was first visitor for both.... she turned up well outside actual visiting hours of course. I do love her very much but when she popped in to the birth centre to say hi when I was in with first baby, she did get told to leave!!!

It's very important to me that James and Bee meet baby first and I don't want them to meet her in hospital? I think Bee (a massive mummy's girl) will struggle with that? Coming in and leaving without me?

So plan A is no visitors and kids meeting baby first but we'll see. If we're in for a few days then kids will have to come and see us, I'll miss them too much.

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I may need to pack more in my bags! I literally have 2 vests and 2 sleepsuits!

I don’t want visitors but someone will undoubtedly bring my daughter to see the baby and I won’t be able to say ‘no you’re not seeing the baby’ which is likely going to be grandma. Last time she rang the labour ward like every 2 hours and caused me a bit of stress :(
I’ve also had dramas today. My hands have swollen quite badly and my wedding ring has been stuck on. It’s been causing me a bit of stress so I decided to make a determined attempt at getting it off.

I’ve tried to get it off and it got even more swollen and even looking at it seemed to make it swell. So half an hour of my hand in an ice bucket, lots of twisting and some fairy liquid and it’s off. My finger is mangled though!

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