February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

Thank you guys!

Monitoring took ages but all is well! Size issues I've got another scan next week and consultant after my mw appointment on Friday. From the scan baby looks well.. their concern is the measurements. Measuring 32+2 that along with the fact that I've lost just over 3stone so far. I mentioned to my mw my weighloss before but as baby was growing well and I had no major issues she wasn't that bothered.

Oh Wednesday I'm sorry to hear that! I had shoulder dystocia with my youngest and it was awful. I fully understand the fear of c section I'm exactly the same! I hope your next scan gives some good news! Glad to hear baby has turned though!! Keep us updated xxx
Hi carnat hope everything is ok, glad you are getting further checks xx

I've had bad lower back ache since New Year's Eve and just had appointment with mw who says I have white blood cells in urine :-(

Surely if it's causing back pain it must be pretty bad or is this normal? Not had a water infection before?


Ive heard theyre terrible and can cause a lot of aching in the lower back. My mum gets them regularly - did Midwife give you antibiotics?

Thanks Beth no she's not given me anything! She is sending the sample off so waiting to hear... my back is so bad tho! Xx
BabyRuth sorry I didn't even see your post!

I think depending on the results from the lab will determine what you're prescribed. Did she say when to expect the results back?
Gosh lots going on.

Wednesday I'm terrified of needing a section. Only thing I can say is at least a planned section allows you some element of control? Also recovery is easier (than an emergency!). It's good baby has turned but you are another one in the "play it by ear" position. There are so many of us in limbo about these naughty babies.

Crinkles, glad all was ok and they are keeping a close eye on you. 3 stone is some weightloss? Thought I was unusual for being a few pounds down.

Ruth, give them a chaser call tomorrow and see if you can find out what is what. I only found out I had GD as MW looked up my results!!! Although they are pretty shit hot about treating it so I'm thinking the results were pretty new on the system when I saw MW? Sorry I'm digressing, but yeah definitely give them a call to see what is going on.

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Crikey! Lots of activity today on here! These babies are little tinkers already.

Crinkles - hope everything is ok. Not long to wait for another scan.

Wednesday - good news that the baby has turned. Shame they have advised you to have a section. Makes me a bit concerned as they haven’t so far advised me to have a section and I have a history of shoulder dystocia and an expected large baby again. It is my choice apparently. If they do advise I’ll do it I guess though. Can’t comment on the surgery bit (I feel he same as you about it) but the spinal block was nothing short of bliss for me last time.
Thanks guys will do xx she was very blasé as usual I've not had a great mw experience so far... they don't fill me with confidence! Il chase them I think Ina couple of days and see what the situation is feeling pretty crap and to top things off, I now have a load of varicose veins lumps on my foof!! Arghhhhhhhh god I'm in pain!

Wednesday I didn't see your post sorry, it's great that baby has turned but I'm sorry to hear about the csection, hopefully it will be he best thing for you and baby and it may be A bit better than you think, my sister has just had section for twins and her recovery had been great and a lot better than she thought.... xxx
Tor thats interesting!

She was very much of the mind that it wa my choice but given my size an elective was best... baby getting stuck is a thing of nightmares for me x
Ruth thats reassuring thank you. Sorry to hear about the veins - sounds horrible!!

Haha just my blinkin luck! I have them very bad in my right leg, never dreamt I could get them in my lady bits too! But yes, apparently it's a thing. Feeling sorry for myself lol xxx
Tor thats interesting!

She was very much of the mind that it wa my choice but given my size an elective was best... baby getting stuck is a thing of nightmares for me x

I think it very much depends on the consultant. They all have different views. Mine didn’t give a view particularly. Well she did say zero risk from a Caesarian of shoulder dystocia, but risks of other problems and if I chose an induction there is a chance it could happen again but not a certainty. She sat on the fence really. I’ll see what the next one says on Friday :lol:

Having said that, as much as it was not a pleasant experience, my little girl is ok with no lasting effects from her birth so I’m semi reassured if I decide to go for a vaginal delivery that it could all work out ok if it did happen again. But I’m not sure if I want to risk it if there is a high likelihood of it happening again.

Did they say anything about your diabetes result?
Haha just my blinkin luck! I have them very bad in my right leg, never dreamt I could get them in my lady bits too! But yes, apparently it's a thing. Feeling sorry for myself lol xxx

Poor you. I hope you’re feeling better soon.

I could have these but I can’t see my foof :rofl: it is all swollen and sore though I know that!
Tor thats interesting!

She was very much of the mind that it wa my choice but given my size an elective was best... baby getting stuck is a thing of nightmares for me x

I think it very much depends on the consultant. They all have different views. Mine didn’t give a view particularly. Well she did say zero risk from a Caesarian of shoulder dystocia, but risks of other problems and if I chose an induction there is a chance it could happen again but not a certainty. She sat on the fence really. I’ll see what the next one says on Friday :lol:

Having said that, as much as it was not a pleasant experience, my little girl is ok with no lasting effects from her birth so I’m semi reassured if I decide to go for a vaginal delivery that it could all work out ok if it did happen again. But I’m not sure if I want to risk it if there is a high likelihood of it happening again.

Did they say anything about your diabetes result?

They said its borderline and not to worry....... I couldnt believe it to be honest! With all of these issues, and they still dont Care!

Yes I think youre right about different consultants. Im seeing a different consultant on Tuesday so we will see how this goes

Tor thats interesting!

She was very much of the mind that it wa my choice but given my size an elective was best... baby getting stuck is a thing of nightmares for me x

I think it very much depends on the consultant. They all have different views. Mine didn’t give a view particularly. Well she did say zero risk from a Caesarian of shoulder dystocia, but risks of other problems and if I chose an induction there is a chance it could happen again but not a certainty. She sat on the fence really. I’ll see what the next one says on Friday :lol:

Having said that, as much as it was not a pleasant experience, my little girl is ok with no lasting effects from her birth so I’m semi reassured if I decide to go for a vaginal delivery that it could all work out ok if it did happen again. But I’m not sure if I want to risk it if there is a high likelihood of it happening again.

Did they say anything about your diabetes result?

They said its borderline and not to worry....... I couldnt believe it to be honest! With all of these issues, and they still dont Care!

Yes I think youre right about different consultants. Im seeing a different consultant on Tuesday so we will see how this goes

I’ve seen a different one each time. It’s a bit irritating. The one before last asked me if I was a doctor haha. I think she’s seen me around the hospital. The last one wrote it down in my notes about induction at 37 weeks though so expectations have been set lol. I will be reminding them of that Friday. I have totally had my fill of being pregnant now.
Right ladies - a wwyd.

I’ve been ill since 22nd December. With cold symptoms, blocked nose, temperature, headache, sore throat and cough etc nothing that would ordinarily send me to the doctors. Now I haven’t done too much over Xmas. Nothing to impede my recovery from this virus particularly. I’ve taken it easy, rested up, drank plenty of fluids and stayed in a fair bit. The last couple of days my cough has got a lot worse, it’s crackling on my chest now instead of just being a dry cough. It sounds worse and my chest is feeling tight and painful at times.

Should I go to the gp? What would you do? I would never consider going to the gp for these symptoms ordinarily but I’m thinking should I given I’m heavily pregnant?
God TOR, go the GP.

Given how pregnant you are and the fact you aren't recovered after 2 weeks and relative rest and relaxation, I think you need a once over.

Get to the GP! It could be a chest infection, Go get seen xx

You’re right..I’ll go tomorrow. I’m also a bit concerned about my hands swelling up (can’t get my wedding ring off now)!
Hi tor, definitely get to the doctors, there are some very bad strains of this cold about at the mo and with our immune systems st zero you may need antibiotics? I've had s cold since before Xmas it started to clear then the last couple of days I'm back to not being able to swallow Because of a bad sore throats and tickly cough. It's so annoying as if we need this ontop of everything else!! Hope you feel better soon and get something g from the doctors xx il be going myself if this carries on!
Bless you tor!! Deffo a doctors check up as the others have said.. with the swelling mention to your gp while your there if no joy are you able to call your midwife?

BabyRuth hopebyou feel better soon!

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