February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle



I cannot believe a lot of us will be having our babies this month....

A good tip I saw elsewhere (especially for c section mums) was to put the first outfit and nappy into a freezer bag in your hospital bag so its separate and easy for midwife/hubby to find.

Also Ive rolled up newborn clothes into a freezer bag and then upto one month in a freezer bag - clearly labelled, of course, so we know where things are when baby is out and what size it is.

Sounds like a good tip Wednesday. I still haven’t finished my bag. Hopefully when I see consultant tomorrow I will get a date! I can’t see it coming before then tbh so I’m not too stressed about not having it packed.
Ok so I’m going to have to try the ice and fairy liquid tomorrow! My ring has been stuck too, tried the whole string trick and my finger went blue. I even tried sellotape and baby oil lol. DH has been giving me the ‘I told you so’ speech, he advised me to take my rings off weeks ago.
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Ok so I’m going to have to try the ice and fairy liquid tomorrow! My ring has been stuck too, tried the whole string trick and my finger went blue. I even tried sellotape and baby oil lol. DH has been giving me the ‘I told you so’ speech, he advised me to take my rings off weeks ago.

My advice is to relax as best you can and twist it up towards the knuckle in stages. I’m not gonna lie it hurt :( I didn’t think it was going to come at one point but I persevered.
When I had my eldest (2006 eek) it was a nightmare. I had a csection. My parents turned up as I left recovery and insisted on "settling us in" on the ward. The next lunchtime they turned up again during visiting with my Grandma and great nanna. Then on the evening they arrived a 3rd time. Except this time I ended up with them, my nanna, 2 brothers and OH brought his older girls.

Ward rules said no more than 2 at a time so we had to shuffle people in and out so everyone got to meet DD. By the time they left i was exhausted and just wanted my OH who had barely seen DD that day because he had his oldest two.

By the time I got home I was fed up of people but, of course, visitors just kept appearing. I was only 21 and thought it was something I just had to accept. You know, the done thing?

This time I am older and wiser. Nobody but OH and baby's sisters will be allowed in the ward. Anyone else is to be turned away.
When I get home people are welcome between 10 and 3. Outside of those times the door is locked with the exception of anyone calling to let me know. That allows me breathing space and time for all of us to bond.

And as for those who couldn't ever bother to visit when we needed them... not welcome at all. This isn't a circus.

It seems cold I guess but I've learned that I need to set the rules. The only feelings i should be worrying about are my own.

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We both have massive families, all of whom are pretty local so it's quite hard to manage.

I was in 36h first time so I had mum and dad, then sister, then FIL, then one BIL, then one of my brothers, then another BIL. Not to mention MIL every few hours as she worked there. I was trying to establish breastfeeding and whilst no-one stayed longer than 5-10m it was quite full on. Only MIL came with Bee though as we were only in for 6 hours :lol:

When we get home, we have a lot more people to see - 3 siblings + partners and 9 nieces and nephews on my side. OH had 5 siblings + partners and 6 kids on his side. Plus parents and friends. Not to mention DP's 30 first cousins and various aunts and uncles (thankfully quite scattered around the globe but a few will visit)
18th January is my date. Baby is 7lb 5oz already and has dropped a bit on the centile.

I’m annoyed. I want it out sooner. :(
Oh wow TOR. That isn't too far away?

What will you be then - 38w?

At least you will get a bit of time over the next few weeks to rest and get organised.

Will be intrigued to see of baby is actually that big? Going on current estimated weight, another few weeks and he / she should be around the 8.7 mark? Not too big?

I'm hopefully finding out my induction date on Monday and I'm going to refuse anything before 22nd. Unless scan tells me otherwise of course. I don't want this baby before Bee's birthday [health and wellbeing permitting of course]

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Yes 38 weeks. She’d told me 37 that’s why I’m a bit miffed. But as the baby has dropped a bit on the centile I think they are happy to let it go to 38 weeks now instead.

A week is a long time when you’re fed up that’s all :( I’ll get over myself, I’m being a brat.
Finally ordered the cot! And it should be here tomorrow..gotta love that Amazon prime :lol: now all i need to get is the bedding..how an earth is something for a tiny little bed so extortionate in price!? :/ it's ridiculous!

And then I just need to finish my hospital bag..still haven't got the essentials yet :/..i don't get paid again from work until February 2nd :/ that's cutting it fine! But luckily for me I'm at the dentist that day so I'm right in the middle of town!..nothing like a bit of late shopping to get the blood pumping :lol:

With my first my visitors were few and far between! The day he was born i had my mum, dad, grandma, 2 of OH'S friends and their son and my brother :) I loved how easy going the ward people were..the didn't give a crap about visitor numbers :lol: my family buzzed to come and see me..and instead of being turned away the midwife was like..yeah, come on in all of you! She was awesome :lol: just hope I'm lucky next time around!
Not been feeling very well since this afternoon.

TMI but bad tummy and feeling sicky. Praying not a bug, not now.

Aww! Yay for a date Tor!! might be right with the slight drop in centile! eeek! 18th will be here before you know it!!

SebbiesMum yay for starting the shopping!

CarNat! oh no! hopefully not a bug!

saw the midwife today and for the first time ever I was asked about a birth plan! I'm pretty easy going though and as long as I can have an active labour (if all is well) then im happy! oh and no epidural.. hubby to catch baby and cut cord (again if all is well) he caught our second and it was magical!
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Midwife asked me about my birth plan, I said don't die and take all the drugs I can lol. Oh went for a drink at the pub tonight so I booked our newborn photos while he wasn't here to argue about it haha x
Tor thats frustrating for you. At least you now have 2 weeks to get things sorted!

Midwife asked me about my birth plan, I said don't die and take all the drugs I can lol. Oh went for a drink at the pub tonight so I booked our newborn photos while he wasn't here to argue about it haha x

Excellent plan!

Ive got over myself.

It will be helpful for my husband to get some more days in at work this year before the baby comes.

I’m just going to be at a loose end for a week that’s all!!

Hope everything is ok carnat..
No I totally see that Tor. The goalposts the moved, not nice xx


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