February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

Happy New Year Everyone!!

Aww Wednesday I hope your little one feels better soon!

How exciting!! Some of the group can now say they're having a baby this month!! For me it's eeeeek! I will be having my baby next month! Scan for me tomorrow look forward to having an up to date estimated weight!

A day full of cooking and board games for me today! Enjoy your day ladies!
Happy new year everyone! Can't believe what an exciting start to the year we all have ahead!!!!

Wednesday, hope your little boy is feeling better soon xxx
I had a full 11 hours minus random toilet wakes! Must have needed it.

Today the tree is going away and dinner is being cooked. Neither thing done by me. I'm staying in my pjs and watching YouTube junk.

Because I'm 7 months pregnant so I can. Anyone else loving that excuse right now?

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I don't have my pram yet :( My parents have been left in charge so I don't know what I'll end up with! I'm praying it's not something too bulky and gross :lol: im totally spoilt when it comes to prams! I get such bad pram envy! I saw a lovely bright pink bugaboo for sale on eBay for about 280 quid but the bad news was it didn't come with a car seat :( But the pram was immaculate..could tell the owners have taken care of it! All the other ones my mother suggests are hideous :/ or just too big for our tiny terrace house!

I have 5 weeks left and I'm pulling my hair out with stress :/ I'm ordering the cot on friday when i get paid! I found a lovely pink one on Amazon for 95 quid with the mattress too :O OH was pulling faces because it was pink but he's fighting a losing battle because I've gotten my way :lol:
lol sebbiesmum yay for getting your way!!

Anyone else struggling with baby movements?? She doesn't kick anymore tbh hasn't for a few weeks I just feel her turning from side to side/back to front.

Her movements have gradually gone from uncomfortable to painful and as far as I can remember this is a first for me! After dinner last night she literally went crazy stretching my bump all over the place for a good hour I was in agony! Terrified she's decided to turn herself bum down! I've been having semi painful contractions since then and have woke up with them this morning! On the plus side I have a scan today so fingers crossed she just really enjoyed her dinner last night! And hasn't gone breech!

Hope everyone is ok!!
I don't really feel kicks, mine are just painful rolls and getting worse as it goes on. Honestly just feel so uncomfortable and squashed up at the moment. Feel exhausted as well but don't know if it's just that time of year! Going to attempt to get the decorations down today to start getting back to normality! Then try and give the house a good tidy over the next few weeks, we have so much stuff all over from Christmas and my daughters birthday! Still need to sort the nursery as well!
Things are starting to get a bit uncomfortable here.

Poor girl must be so cramped in there?

Have a scan on the 8th so looking froward to seeing how she is getting on (praying not too big or small LOL)

Have my daughters Birthday on 21st so am keen to put off any induction until after then? It all depends on stupid blood sugars..... they need to be stable before they will induce but then if baby big or small or there are any other concerns it could mean earlier induction.... I just want to KNOW.

Of course all this planning and faffing and she could still come naturally. Neither of my others have been early though!

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I wonder how JustTrying is getting on with her little man?
Aww CarNat my sons birthday is on the 20th!!

Have they given you a rough indication on when they will make their decision about when to induce? As in will they monitor your levels for x amount of time before deciding?
Aww CarNat my sons birthday is on the 20th!!

Have they given you a rough indication on when they will make their decision about when to induce? As in will they monitor your levels for x amount of time before deciding?

Appointment on 8th (and scan after) so we should have a better idea then.

Currently the plan is for a 39w induction and I really want to stick with this.

I am currently having a few days of stable blood sugar levels and then some really bizarre readings, but after 36w I think blood sugar levels tend to even out naturally. Hardest time to manage is 28w-35w gestation!

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Ahh that's good then! You're almost 36weeks so hopefully the levels even out for you eeeek! The 3 weeks will fly by!!!
Can't believe I am going to have another January baby :shock:

I just want my little girl to have her "own" birthday [so I wanted them as far apart as possible]
Sods law I'll have another 21st January baby?? :lol:

Until last night it didn't even occur to me that I could still very well have a spontaneous labour?
I am just so caught up in the idea of induction.

My community MW has said she'll do a stretch and sweep for me, to help things along (when I get induction date)

Aww hopefully as far from each others birthdays as possible!

Have you been induced before?

Just had my scan baby is measuring 2weeks behind and now off for monitoring
Oh gosh... glad they are on top of things though!

These February babies are a bit of a worry?

Keep us posted

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Hope everything is ok crinkles xx

I’m well and truly ready for this baby to be out now. I want my body back. Roll on Friday when I get my date confirmed.
Hi carnat hope everything is ok, glad you are getting further checks xx

I've had bad lower back ache since New Year's Eve and just had appointment with mw who says I have white blood cells in urine :-(

Surely if it's causing back pain it must be pretty bad or is this normal? Not had a water infection before?

Massive moany self indulgent post coming up...

So I had my consultant appointment today.

Good news - Baby has turned which I thought it had on Saturday, so thats good as its not Breech.

Crap news - if baby continues to be massive (particularly if babys abdomen continues to be bigger than its head) then they would prefer me to have an elective c section.

I completely understand, and if Im being sensible then I agree a section will be the best thing as otherwise we will likely have a case of shoulder dystocia. I certainly wouldnt want to risk that, and I pushed for 2.5 hours with My son and he was just 6lb 9oz - this baby is expected to be around 9-10lb...... so I dont think Id manage to birth it naturally with the abdomen being so big.

But Im so scared. I dont want a section, I dont want surgery... I dont want the spinal block that they have to do... I dont want the long recovery and the wound on my belly to think about as well as a newborn baby to try and feed.

Need to wait until next Tuesday for the growth scan to make a final decision.
Hi carnat hope everything is ok, glad you are getting further checks xx

I've had bad lower back ache since New Year's Eve and just had appointment with mw who says I have white blood cells in urine :-(

Surely if it's causing back pain it must be pretty bad or is this normal? Not had a water infection before?


Ive heard theyre terrible and can cause a lot of aching in the lower back. My mum gets them regularly - did Midwife give you antibiotics?


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