February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

I think I just got my first taste of braxton hicks!! My god! My stomach hurt so bad and it made me poop! But then again I've eaten nothing but garbage these past couple of days so babies probably telling me off :lol:
I keep getting told they don't hurt.

I beg to differ.

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I called the midwife and she said dont worry about it unless accompanied by a headache... she was disinterested!

Well I guess that’s some reassurance Wednesday? Keep an eye on it and if you get other symptoms I’d bypass her and go to the unit..
I’m starting to get a bit anxious about getting the baby out now. Time is creeping up on me and having done it once and had an unpleasant experience I’m worried about what this next one will be like!

Anyone else?
Yes it was the unit I called. Luckily I dont have any other symptoms.

Ive booked in to my midwifes clinic tomorrow at the GP surgery so will get my BP checked again xx

Sounds like a plan.

I don’t see the midwife again until 9th Jan.. then that’s probably it for me! Eeeek.
I am terrified of having to get the baby out lol, can remember the pain from last time! I'm hoping I'll have a better experience this time though. I saw my midwife yesterday, then will be the 11th of January. That will be in for me after that, got my pre op on the 25th January!
I've done it twice before and have felt more nervous each time!!

I think with number one you are blissfully unaware.

I'm bricking it this time. I'm seriously nervous.

I have appointments coming out my ears. I have 2 on the 8th and 1 with community MW on 9th.

A lot of surgeries have walk-in BP machines Wednesday? Or somewhere like Boots could do it. I have my own machine :shock:
Although seeing MW sounds like your best bet as she can check urine as well as BP.

I have some serious swelling in my hands today... its appeared this morning. Anyone else really swollen?

Yes, i've had some swelling and numbness especially in the mornings but it goes down. On one occasion my hand was really swollen, then realised my watch was too tight. Midwife says to take off rings and tight jewellery as your blood volume is increasing, which can lead to swelling. She wasn't concerned either.
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Not too bad thank you! I saw the midwife and she was her usually blasé self.....

Ive got some of the urine strips to use at home... I tested my own urine today which had small amount of protein, +glucose, +++ketones and +++SG

Midwife tested it and was all like ok great! See you next week!

I just dont understand why she wouldn
Yep :( It's definitely cholestatis!..been prescribed the urso acid twice a day until I deliver! :( which will be 7th February..its already been booked in!..blood tests every week!..whoopy! Lucky me! :( this pregnancy has sucked so bad when my first was such a breeze! Girls are brutal!!
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Yep :( It's definitely cholestatis!..been prescribed the urso acid twice a day until I deliver! :( which will be 7th February..its already been booked in!..blood tests every week!..whoopy! Lucky me! :( this pregnancy has sucked so bad when my first was such a breeze! Girls are brutal!!

Oh no, with your needle phobia as well, so sorry xx

Your MW sounds crap Wednesday.

When will you next be seeing someone other than her?

Sorry to hear that Sebbiesmum, but now you have a date? Eeeekkk. How many weeks will you be?

Luckily have a consultant appointment on Tuesday 2nd jan - thank god. I cannot cope with my midwife, she just does not care about anything...

Thanks guys! I'll be 38+3 by the time I go in for my section :), madams measuring around 4lb 7oz at the moment so hopefully she'll get a bit more chunkier in the coming month! The race really is on now to do my last minute baby shopping..SIL has ordered us a moses basket :)..so just need my cot, bedding and bits and pieces for my hospital bag!..next blood test is in January! My needle phobia is really going to be tested

So nervous about taking the urso..some of the side effects I've read about sound awful :(
Glad to hear you have an appointment soon Wednesday.

I'm not one for moaning about NHS staff but jeez!!!

What are side effects Sebbiesmum? I'm on something pretty nasty for the GD. Side effects are vomiting and nausea and diarreah (sp)
Oh joy. Touch wood I'm just having nausea and loss of appetite, not the other side effects.

Glad to hear you have an appointment soon Wednesday.

I'm not one for moaning about NHS staff but jeez!!!

What are side effects Sebbiesmum? I'm on something pretty nasty for the GD. Side effects are vomiting and nausea and diarreah (sp)
Oh joy. Touch wood I'm just having nausea and loss of appetite, not the other side effects.


Pretty much the same carnat :( nausea, vomitting and the trots! I'd gladly take the trots over vomitting anyday of the week! I just wish they could give something with zero side effects :/ I'm not one for being mardy but id rather not spend the remainder of my pregnancy with nausea or vomitting! Since I've done so well to avoid it for 32 weeks! :/

I'm just hoping I'm one of the lucky ones and get zero side effects but I know that'll be too easy :(
It's rough Sebbiesmum. I felt so rotten for the first 14 weeks, then had a reprieve and now this!!!

It's been a pretty crap pregnancy.

I'm pretty sure side effects are relatively rare for most medications? They just have to mention them. I'm emetophobic so taking something that could make me vomit is truly awful for me. Touch wood I'm quite strong stomached though. :lol:


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