Thank you so much ladies.
So, on Sunday I decided it would be nice for hubby, I and his 2 boys to go to high rocks in Tunbridge wells which is 1 hour drive from where we live. We drove down and parked up, as soon as I got up out of the car, I felt a gush of water running out of me uncontrollably. I just knew that can't be pre lol so I told o/h and he said we need to go hospital and my immature response was "No, I've got no pain, let's go for a walk" he found that silly so I insisted on calling my mum. My mum told me to go straight to the hospital! My friend and midwife confirmed I should do the same. We drove back home, I got my bags and left straight for hospital. At the hospital they confirmed it was waters and that the cervix is open so I was transferred to the birthing unit. Midwifes at birthing unit wanted things to settle as I was pre term but the pains just continued. They gave me gas and air which is godsend. I also had pethadine but I don't think it helped. At 12:30 he was born naturally. I had a very tiny cut down there but no stitches were required.