February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

What beautiful news JustTrying.

So happy for you all.

Merry Christmas to you darling, and your weeny but perfect baby boy.

How lovely JustTrying!!! Huge congratulations to you and your family!!

Merry Christmas everyone xxx
Congratulations just trying !!! And welcome little boy xxx

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Thank You so much ladies. I am so so so happy.

Merry Christmas to you all and I really hope everyone's has a speedy labour and delivery.
Awwwww brilliant news!!!!! Sooo made up for you congratulations xxxxx
Wow Justtrying! What a blessing, huge congratulations & Merry Xmas!! xxx
Thank you so much ladies.

So, on Sunday I decided it would be nice for hubby, I and his 2 boys to go to high rocks in Tunbridge wells which is 1 hour drive from where we live. We drove down and parked up, as soon as I got up out of the car, I felt a gush of water running out of me uncontrollably. I just knew that can't be pre lol so I told o/h and he said we need to go hospital and my immature response was "No, I've got no pain, let's go for a walk" he found that silly so I insisted on calling my mum. My mum told me to go straight to the hospital! My friend and midwife confirmed I should do the same. We drove back home, I got my bags and left straight for hospital. At the hospital they confirmed it was waters and that the cervix is open so I was transferred to the birthing unit. Midwifes at birthing unit wanted things to settle as I was pre term but the pains just continued. They gave me gas and air which is godsend. I also had pethadine but I don't think it helped. At 12:30 he was born naturally. I had a very tiny cut down there but no stitches were required.
Baby is in nice but he's okay. We need his lungs to mature and he had a little bit of jaundice.
Lovely to hear your update.

Must have been scary as he was so early but it sounds like everything went well.

I'm sure they are just keeping an eye on him as a precaution.

He was a good weight for 5.5 weeks early?

An Xmas day baby is so cool.... any names yet?

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I have also now packed both our bags, was dawdling with it but this early Feb arrival made me pack them today :lol:

Ahhh wow! A Christmas baby :D congratulations just trying :)

I actually can't wait to not be pregnant anymore! I know to some that may be a horrible thing to say..but I'm so itchy it's triggering insomnia! I have literally had 10 minutes sleep! I take anti histamines, cold showers, lather myself in aqueous cream..i get relief for all of 5 minutes before I'm scratching again!

I have a consultant appointment on December 29th, and a liver scan! I think it's safe to say i do have obstetric cholestatis!! Hopefully they can give me something stronger before I lose the will to live :/
Do you know what else they can give you Sebbiesmum? (Have you had a look online?)

It sounds awful.

I'm quite fed up now as well. Mainly with the restricted diet [greedy guts that I am] it's so hard to be this pregnant and live on rabbit food.

Sorry to hear you’re suffering sebbiesmum.

Right.. I’m gonna write a list tomorrow. What do I need for this hospital bag?
Carnat I dont know how youve managed this gd diet the whole time. Ive only been on it since Friday and Im miserable. Really miserable.

Tor - I googled it! Basically packed sleep stuff, toiletries, lounge wear and pads. That was about it!

I’m sure I had a mini suitcase last time :lol:

Im think I’ll have a wander round the shops tomorrow too..
Just woke up with a wet arm and a wet "stain" on the bed sheet exactly level with my boob. Yet my nipple is bone dry.

I'm going to go with it being milk pixies

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