February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

It's not all bad news Wednesday.

I weigh slightly less now than I did before pregnancy and have dropped a BMI point.

As someone who is big and desperately wants to tackle it (but hasn't quite managed to!) I feel like I'm being given a kick start.

And after a few days going a bit easier diet wise, I actually really enjoyed my dinner yesteday - healthy pasta primavera.

Everyone in the house is asleep and I'm up getting ready for work.


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I know baby is going to be in for 24 hours (at the very least) so I have packed a fair amount for her:
x6 babygrows
x6 vests
whole pack of nappies
water wipes
x3 muslins
x2 small cellular blankets

Plus a snowsuit and hat and gloves for coming home.

OH can pick up anything else we need?

My bag isn't complete but I have:
breast pads
maternity pads
dark nightie for labour
black knickers (7 pair pack from M&S) for after
couple pairs of dark PJ bottoms
few vest tops
TENS machine
nipple cream

Need to get some toiletries - although may just buy those little plastic bottles and fill up some shampoo / conditioner / shower gel from home.

I know there is loads I am missing!!!!

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I need to get mine done this week. I have been putting it off because I can't find a bag I like hahaha.

Oh has told me to use the mini suitcase and quit being so bloody picky.

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Thanks lovely..
I’ve been shopping this morning. I feel I’m struggling a bit because I don’t know what size this baby will be. I distinctly remember last time the poor bugger didn’t fit into the clothes I’d brought :lol: surely if born at 37 weeks it can’t be more than 8-9lbs!

I was only planning on taking a few vests and sleepsuits - like 2-3 do we think that will be enough?
Christmas mess and toys from my 5 year old are not helping my nesting urge - along with pelvic girdle pain

Thanks lovely..
I’ve been shopping this morning. I feel I’m struggling a bit because I don’t know what size this baby will be. I distinctly remember last time the poor bugger didn’t fit into the clothes I’d brought :lol: surely if born at 37 weeks it can’t be more than 8-9lbs!

I was only planning on taking a few vests and sleepsuits - like 2-3 do we think that will be enough?

I have always gone for 0-3 months with all mine (despite never been predicted a big baby).... newborn / first size just seems like a waste to me?

The consultant I saw last week had a 9lb 12oz baby at 37w!!!!! She did have GD though!!!

I know I am going to be in for a while so I am packing for that.

Do you have any idea if you will be in for a while TOR? With being induced?

Thanks lovely..
I’ve been shopping this morning. I feel I’m struggling a bit because I don’t know what size this baby will be. I distinctly remember last time the poor bugger didn’t fit into the clothes I’d brought :lol: surely if born at 37 weeks it can’t be more than 8-9lbs!

I was only planning on taking a few vests and sleepsuits - like 2-3 do we think that will be enough?

I have always gone for 0-3 months with all mine (despite never been predicted a big baby).... newborn / first size just seems like a waste to me?

The consultant I saw last week had a 9lb 12oz baby at 37w!!!!! She did have GD though!!!

I know I am going to be in for a while so I am packing for that.

Do you have any idea if you will be in for a while TOR? With being induced?


I’m not sure. I’ll find out on 5th.. which doesn’t help my predicament really. Lol. I literally live 1 mile from the hospital so it’s not a huge biggie if I miss stuff I guess.

I’m hoping I’m not in for a while. Well no more than 1-2 days post birth. I know inductions can take a long time though. I’ll probablu need more things for me before the baby is out. I hate packing! I’m not going to bother with breast pads etc either because I’m quite sure I didn’t leak last time. I’ve bought a billion maternity pads from mothercare for £1.. there are some bargains out there ladies!

I’ve also bought some fairy washing powder and badedas :rofl: shit just got real
I did all the baby washing last week!

I was going to wait but then realised I couldn't pack anything if I didn't wash it :shock:

Am hoping to get an induction date when I go in on 8th Jan, although my blood sugars are being so bloody erratic..... even with insulin and 1500mg of the nasty medication!!!
They need me to regulate them in order to deliver baby but haven't said what happens if I can't get them to calm down!!!

Christmas mess and toys from my 5 year old are not helping my nesting urge - along with pelvic girdle pain

I’ve given up on the mess. My house is atrocious. I’m trying to not spend any time in it!
I did all the baby washing last week!

I was going to wait but then realised I couldn't pack anything if I didn't wash it :shock:

Am hoping to get an induction date when I go in on 8th Jan, although my blood sugars are being so bloody erratic..... even with insulin and 1500mg of the nasty medication!!!
They need me to regulate them in order to deliver baby but haven't said what happens if I can't get them to calm down!!!


Aw.. you had a scan though recently didn’t you? And the baby wasn’t looking concerning etc through too much sugar passing the placenta etc.

I hope all will be fine.

I have an awful feeling they will say to me we want you to go to 39 weeks or something ok the 5th.. when I’ve set my mind to it coming out in 2 weeks!! Lol
Yeah scan was fine and I am not having any refined sugar / many carbs so any sugar she is getting is from my limited diet.

It's just scary that strong medication and insulin isn't doing the trick?

I will see how tomorrow goes and call them on Friday if I have another day like today (3 out of 3 readings have been high - never, ever had that!!)

I hope they don't mess you around TOR, I should get a clearer idea about dates on 8th Jan.

Am just so sick of it all now... the limited diet, the medication, the taking blood sugar four times a day, the insulin injections and the stress of my body being such a dick!!!

Hi all, hope you've had a lovely holiday. I had my mw appointment today. Baby is head down and my bump is low, i think it's always been low though as he likes being down there. My hips and lower back ache from too much walking round today.

I cant believe it's almost 2018!
Feeling sorry for myself today! Been up most of the night with back and hip pain, got up this morning after about 20 mins sleep feel sick and massive headache. Now got to brave the shops with a three year old to get stuff for her party on Saturday. Really need to get my hospital bag done today as well x
I have only just started my baby washing! I looked in my drawers yesterday and got the over bearing urge to just wash the lot! I've made a small start on my hospital bag but it just dawned on me how much I still need to get for it!..so I may have to stop into town on payday and get organised!
So far I have (for me):
2 pairs of really big knickers (getting more)
1 nightie
2 pairs of slipper socks
A thin robe
32 maternity pads :lol:

Baby has 13 vests in first size, 4 sleepsuits, scratch mitts, hats, 7 bibs..but so far no going home outfit! I'm so crazily disorganised this time around it's doing my head in! I still need to get my cot, Moses basket and the cot bedding! Jeez! I'm going to be skint come payday :/
Hello ladies! I haven&#8217;t been on here in such a long time! I hope you are all ok! I see we have one baby already, how lovely. Congratulations Just Trying <3

I&#8217;m now 35+1, enormous and on mat leave. Have all the pelvis pain and reflux which is delightful! Not even a little bit organised at all. But reading this thread back, I&#8217;m glad it&#8217;s not just me!
I have some serious swelling in my hands today... its appeared this morning. Anyone else really swollen?

I have some serious swelling in my hands today... its appeared this morning. Anyone else really swollen?

Did you have any swelling last time?

Anywhere else swollen?


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I have some serious swelling in my hands today... its appeared this morning. Anyone else really swollen?

Maybe ring your midwife see what they say? Although my hands did swell up a couple of nights ago so I couldn't get my rings off, they went back down by the next morning though x
I&#8217;d get that checked out Wednesday.. hope all is ok x

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