February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

Ive been advised by Midwife to get myself checked at the hospital especially due to slower baby movements.
Bless you! Are you heading down now? Hope all is well!!

Have you had slower movements before??

Yeah the last 10or so week it gets more real as each week goes by.

I've been having the braxtons since 18ish weeks seems to start earlier for me with each pregnancy.

Keep us updated with how you get on Hun xx
Hope everything's ok justtrying. Iv had braxton hicks since about week 20, they were quite bad last night though all across the middle of my bump, seem to have gone today x
Bless you! Are you heading down now? Hope all is well!!

Have you had slower movements before??

Yeah the last 10or so week it gets more real as each week goes by.

I've been having the braxtons since 18ish weeks seems to start earlier for me with each pregnancy.

Keep us updated with how you get on Hun xx

Everything is fine lol. The baby has been moving every since she's put the devices on me but I can't feel it anymore. She pointed out that he's massive and that he's got less room for kicks now. Gtt is also normal. No preterm labour.

All these aches and pains are normal!

Are your Braxton hicks getting worse with time?
Hope everything's ok justtrying. Iv had braxton hicks since about week 20, they were quite bad last night though all across the middle of my bump, seem to have gone today x

Thank you. I feel silly for leaving work and then finding out everything is fine but I've got peace of mind.

Glad your pain is subsiding or has done for today x
I’ve just been to maternity assessment unit.. midwife sent me there after my appointment. Baby has not been moving as much (though still moving).

Interestingly - whilst hooked up to the monitor I had 5 contractions! She’s told me to keep an eye and take paracetamol or painful and if they remain painful to ring the unit! Yikes.. not ready for the baby to come yet.
Gosh TOR, contractions? Blimey!!!

At least you can't feel them LOL.

Glad all was OK JustTrying.

This baby isn't very lively at all. She never has been though, not since I started feeling her? I don't know if I am just distracted in day time as I am busy (work / other kids etc). I am seeing MW tomorrow so will mention it. It's not reduced movement, maybe just a lazy baby?? :lol:

Interestingly, during second pregnancy I used to think my braxton hicks were the baby moving? Never had them first time. Am better at identifying them now lol.

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Gosh its all going on in here today!

JT - hope the aches go away. My braxton hicks are horrible as well, I can barely walk when I get one standing up!

Tor - glad all ok at the hospital. Contractions though!!!!

Iv got a lazy baby as well, I wouldn't say reduced movements because iv never felt loads, think it's harder when you don't feel as much as I often have to take a few moments out of the day to concentrate on if I can feel it moving! Same with my daughter though and both times have had an anterior placenta though.
Really need to crack on with doing my hospital bag, just realised I need to buy most of it! So think might be a trip to Primark on Wednesday for the essentials x
Gosh TOR, contractions? Blimey!!!

At least you can't feel them LOL.

Glad all was OK JustTrying.

This baby isn't very lively at all. She never has been though, not since I started feeling her? I don't know if I am just distracted in day time as I am busy (work / other kids etc). I am seeing MW tomorrow so will mention it. It's not reduced movement, maybe just a lazy baby?? :lol:

Interestingly, during second pregnancy I used to think my braxton hicks were the baby moving? Never had them first time. Am better at identifying them now lol.


I know what you mean about the baby moving thing. It does feel a bit like that. It goes really tight around the baby though. I dislike the feeling, I’ve had LOADS today mind you. This is the most I’ve had during the whole pregnancy. I hope it’s my womb getting super strong for eviction day lol :rofl:
Gosh just been having a catch up, just trying and Torino glad all was ok at hospital!! My baby seems to have a quiet night every other night.. will keep an eye on it! But sure if I've felt these braxton hicks yet, sometimes my tummy feels really tight like I've eaten to much and it's going to pop but not sure if that's it or not lol 😂 dont really know what I'm looking out for! X
JustTrying and Tor glad everything went well at the hospital!

When I have the uncomfortable braxtons my bump gets really tight and then loosens and will do so on and off for a bit. Mostly I have that accompanied by period pains that increase in intensity (always bearable and random) but can get to the stage where I need a bath to help with them. With my daughter I assumed my labour contractions were braxtons as they didn't get too ridiculous it's only when I realised they were close together rather than random that I phoned in when I arrived I was 8cm!

Can't believe in a few weeks there will be some birth announcements!

Is everyone all sorted for Christmas xx
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MW appointment went really well.

BP was fine (I have white coat syndrome and its unheard of my first reading to be normal - but it was today!!)

MW is lovely and she will do any sweeps if I need them! Not back to see her until 9th Jan now.

Baby was measuring 35cm and I'm almost 34w so yay, no giant baby!!!

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Had a crap appointment today :( made a separate thread on it. Basically baby is measuring 5lb 11oz..... Im 33w3d

I'm so itchy :( It's driving me mad! My bump and my back mainly I cannot get enough of scratching! I have the midwife on Thursday so will probably mention it :/ It's unbearable!
I'm so itchy :( It's driving me mad! My bump and my back mainly I cannot get enough of scratching! I have the midwife on Thursday so will probably mention it :/ It's unbearable!

Are your hands and feet itching?

Saw your thread Wednesday. Sending hugs.

@sebbies. Was going to ask the same as Wednesday. Speak to your midwife asap. I wouldn't leave it if it's unbearable. Just in case.

As for me all is good. Sorted the pram situation and now have 2 haha. Very lucky gum tree find.

Spent the day crocheting. It's so relaxing. I'm currently making a sleep sack.

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30 weeks tomorrow! That feels like a milestone.

I'm at the point where sleeping is hard work. Getting comfy is hard work. OH and mum won't let me do even easy stuff. Nanna wants me on bed rest because I should have my feet up now. (Apparently an old thing they used to do in her day)

My mum asked me yesterday if I was ok. My response?

My ankles are swollen, I'm fat, my back aches, my purse is empty and Every so often a magical little creature punches me in the bladder. I'm great thanks! Haha

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I'm so itchy :( It's driving me mad! My bump and my back mainly I cannot get enough of scratching! I have the midwife on Thursday so will probably mention it :/ It's unbearable!

Are your hands and feet itching?

Thankfully not! It's just my arms, back, and bump that are driving me insane! I see my midwife tomorrow so will be asking her what the crack is with all this itching..just hope it's nothing serious :(

GTT results are in!!..negative for gestational diabetes!!..thank God! Was getting so worked up over that and now I finally have an answer!

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