February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

That's good news Sebbiesmum.

I hope I haven't made everyone paranoid about having GD? :shock:

I'm back at diabetes clinic tomorrow and I suspect they may put me on insulin. Medication isn't working completely for me and although I could up the dose, I'm feeling rotten on the current dose (1000mg currently and I could go up to 2000mg). Insulin should control it all better but then I'm at risk of hypos [blood sugar being too low]. It's a minefield.

Been feeling loads of Braxton Hicks, they are a bit uncomfy and it's prompted me to do some baby washing so I can pack a bag.

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Anyone else have a really sore foof?? I don’t like it. :(

It’s feels like it’s swollen and sore.
I’m so over work already and I’m only almost 31 weeks! As it’s year end I have to work over Xmas and new year and I’m just not feeling it, I don’t know how I’m going to get through to the 9th of Feb, I just want to leave now!!

Anyone else have a really sore foof?? I don’t like it. :(

It’s feels like it’s swollen and sore.

Yes, me!! Feels a bit bruised and painful when I get out of bed and swollen too like a bit of pressure.. is that what you mean? Xxx

Anyone else have a really sore foof?? I don’t like it. :(

It’s feels like it’s swollen and sore.

Yes, me!! Feels a bit bruised and painful when I get out of bed and swollen too like a bit of pressure.. is that what you mean? Xxx

Yeah.. that’s the feeling :( it’s horrible isn’t it? It just feels really tender.

I’m up with the birds again #yawn

Last day at work today though!! I have LOADS to do :(

Anyone else have a really sore foof?? I don’t like it. :(

It’s feels like it’s swollen and sore.

Yes, me!! Feels a bit bruised and painful when I get out of bed and swollen too like a bit of pressure.. is that what you mean? Xxx

Yeah.. that’s the feeling :( it’s horrible isn’t it? It just feels really tender.

I’m up with the birds again #yawn

Last day at work today though!! I have LOADS to do :(

Aww hopefully that means the day will go quick for you! Good luck! Xxxx
Enjoy your last day Tor!

Im off for my GTT this morning... can hardly wait

Enjoy your last day TOR.

I'm a tad jealous. Still got 3 weeks after this week. Although I know you are having baby early.

Hope all goes ok Wednesday. It's a hassle but hopefully will rule out GD for you.

Yep I’m hoping all will be ok, but we shall see!

Second blood test in half an hour, then I’m going through McDonald’s drive they as I am starving ��
Tapatalk isn’t working for some reason so I’m on the actual website for the forum... it’s so refreshing being able to type and include apostrophes - does anyone else get issues when posting on tapatalk? If there are any apostrophes it doesn’t work

Have you all decided on names? We’ve got a boys name decided but I am really struggling for a girls name. We like Aubrey, Ada, Eva, phoebe and daphne... I don’t think I love any of them though
I don't bother with Tapatalk anymore. Unless I want to post a pic.

No names at all here.

I am liking Elizabeth, Eliza, Isabelle and Imogen (Elizabeth is daughters middle name though so not sure if we could use It?)

DP mentioned Edith? Not sure about It?

We have a James and a Beatrice already?

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Update from diabetes clinic and I am now on insulin.

A low dose, once a day but just to help me with breakfast as that is where I'm having the bulk of my erratic readings.

Doesn't make a difference to my clinical care. I'm still having fortnightly appointments and they are still looking at induction around the 39w mark.

As usual it's all dependant on how my stupid blood sugar levels behave.

Can't believe I went from 3 appointments (plus x2 scans) in my first 29w and now I'm having 2 bloody appointments in 2 days. It's not end of the world and I appreciate all the care I'm being given but this is all so new to me. I've never been high risk / consultant led.

Consultant today was lovely, she was showing me pictures if her 19mo.

And whilst waiting to see the insulin MW I got to sit next to 3 week old twins, who were just so scrummy.

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Glad to hear they are controlling your diabetes differently - hopefully this will help your readings carnat.

I’m struggling with names.

I want an uncommon name.

I thought Matilda was rare when we had her but it’s really popular now!

We like bodhi and Fraser for a boy and I like Ariadne, leonore and Cecily for a girl.
My foof is doing fine. But anyone else getting heavy sensations in their butt when they sit to pee?

Got one yesterday and I actually felt like baby was going to fall through.

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As for names... Willow Jade.

We did choose Dylan Levi for a boy so that's a backup in case they're wrong. which I'm hoping now. We just bought 3 totes of girl clothes.

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