February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

I keep having naps in the day - anyone else? I don’t know how I’m gonnna manage work this week!!
What about a sling ts? Until baby is big enough for pushchair?

No naps here. Barely get a chance to sit down :shock:
Iv managed a nap today but only because I think I have a sickness bug, threw up at 11.30 last night and feel awful today!
Ts thats awful. I would have a look on gumtree though. I sold my travel system for £50 with the car seat so there are some good deals.

I love a good nap but back to work this week so no naps for me!



I am so pleased its done

If I sit on the sofa I'm out like a light. I've taken to sitting at the table and crocheting whilst watching Netflix. It's that or 10 naps a day.

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Wednesday we have found a few on there.

It's just thrown us so hard. OH has had months to get pics. Now was not the best time. Lol.

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Officially on maternity leave :D as of today!!..had a bit of a crafty nap earlier and I'm still tired :( my body really isn't taking too well to pregnancy this time around! I'm still waiting for the boundless energy second trimester promised :lol:
I feel like Im falling apart as well. My body is not what it was 6 years ago!

I have also discovered the start of a stretch mark on my bump!!! So annoyed! I never had any last time. 33+1 today

I’m really looking forward to the end of the week. I’m taking my team out for Xmas lunch on Wednesday and have a trip to stokeld Park arranged with small person on Friday. My mum has an important appointment on Friday though so I just hope that doesn’t take the shine off it all :( we could find out the cancer has spread further and we could all really not do with that news hours before Xmas.

But... no more work after then! Whooop.
Wishing good news for your mum on Friday TOR

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All the best for your mum on Friday tor! I hope it's good news xx
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Hoping for good news tor

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I seem to have a very hiccupy baby! And I'm pretty sure I can hear little click sounds coming from my bump :/
Im starting to get extremely painful Braxton Hicks - cramping in low tummy and top of legs with lower back pain. Last night it woke me up. Paracetamol didnt really help but it had subsided by morning.

Im also starting to get swollen ankles in the evenings.

Should I be worried? I do have my 34 week midwife appointment tomorrow.

Any personal experiences?

Right now, I have mild cramping.
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My braxtons are always painful I get the odd uncomfortable tightening but the majority of the time mine feel like period pains I tend to bath to help mine.

As it can be sign of pre term labour I would monitor them and any concerns ring your MW just incase.

No experience with the swelling though sorry xx
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My braxtons are always painful I get the odd uncomfortable tightening but the majority of the time mine feel like period pains I tend to bath to help mine.

As it can be sign of pre term labour I would monitor them and any concerns ring your MW just incase.

No experience with the swelling though sorry xx

ahh thankyou, so this damn pain is normal I guess.

Yes you are right, they feel like period pain.
I did ring the midwife last night but she told me to take a paracetamol and settle down. It was such a painful night, trying to shuffle sides was difficult too, it felt like some nerves were also being pulled.

everything feels so real now.

My problem is that because this is my first pregnany, I don't know what to compare to and if I am "measuring" symptoms correctly.

Have yours started this time?

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