February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

oooo 40+9 I was pulling my hair out at 40+5 (she was born 40+6 but I was in labour at that time)

Bless her hope she stays on that trend.. yay for the due date induction rather than the csection have you been induced before?

Lovely birth weights for your older two!

Tor how many weeks are you now? Xx
I think I’m 32+5 or 6 depending on whichever date I use.. 31st or 1sf Feb are the due dates I had.

I’m going to take induction at 37 weeks though lol.
Never been induced. Had to have the drip as I stalled at 6cm with my first. So I have some idea of how induction will go (once I needed the drip I was classed as high risk and was closely monitored / was moved from birthing centre). Don't want a section but I'm well versed in baby's having their own agenda.

Due date induction is current plan. Back on 21st Dec for Diabetes clinic and we'll see how it's going. I think if I pushed for a 37w induction they would give it to me? Consultant I saw yesterday was very pro induction.

As I'm now medicated for GD then there is no way I'm going beyond 1st Feb.

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Been one hell of a day.

28 week midwife appointment was today. When there we realised that baby girl has been plotted on her weight chart wrong. She's not above 95 centile but lower end of normal. Baby ain't big. She's dinky.

She kicked a student midwife in the face too. Wasn't having any of the old style Doppler.
We also heard a slightly odd heartbeat (4 beats then a missed one) so got sent for monitoring. Nothing to worry about. They called it an ectopic beat and said it requires no action. No risk to baby and will likely fix itself.

Hilariously all through the monitoring this diva was kicking hell out of the monitor. I mean HARD. She was having none of it. Then she hid so her heartbeat vanished. Midwife said she had literally moved as far as she could from the monitor.

Plus side we collected the crib for the living room on the way home and the swing chair arrived.

Roll on end of Feb. We are almost ready for cuddles. But she needs to finish cooking first.

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I wouldn't have a ecv with my daughter Wednesday, know someone who had one and ended up with an emergency section as something went wrong.
Your all brave working so long haha I'm so ready to finish today. I'm not planning on coming back though so wanted January to relax and spend some time with my daughter before baby is here! I'm booked in for section on 31st January though x

Yes its just not worth it is it! If I have to have a section then I will, but I will certainly try and move this baby

Been one hell of a day.

28 week midwife appointment was today. When there we realised that baby girl has been plotted on her weight chart wrong. She's not above 95 centile but lower end of normal. Baby ain't big. She's dinky.

She kicked a student midwife in the face too. Wasn't having any of the old style Doppler.
We also heard a slightly odd heartbeat (4 beats then a missed one) so got sent for monitoring. Nothing to worry about. They called it an ectopic beat and said it requires no action. No risk to baby and will likely fix itself.

Hilariously all through the monitoring this diva was kicking hell out of the monitor. I mean HARD. She was having none of it. Then she hid so her heartbeat vanished. Midwife said she had literally moved as far as she could from the monitor.

Plus side we collected the crib for the living room on the way home and the swing chair arrived.

Roll on end of Feb. We are almost ready for cuddles. But she needs to finish cooking first.

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Glad all is well.

Isn’t it strange how where I live they don’t check the heartbeat at all? Like I haven’t had any Doppler listening at any of my appointments.
Been one hell of a day.

28 week midwife appointment was today. When there we realised that baby girl has been plotted on her weight chart wrong. She's not above 95 centile but lower end of normal. Baby ain't big. She's dinky.

She kicked a student midwife in the face too. Wasn't having any of the old style Doppler.
We also heard a slightly odd heartbeat (4 beats then a missed one) so got sent for monitoring. Nothing to worry about. They called it an ectopic beat and said it requires no action. No risk to baby and will likely fix itself.

Hilariously all through the monitoring this diva was kicking hell out of the monitor. I mean HARD. She was having none of it. Then she hid so her heartbeat vanished. Midwife said she had literally moved as far as she could from the monitor.

Plus side we collected the crib for the living room on the way home and the swing chair arrived.

Roll on end of Feb. We are almost ready for cuddles. But she needs to finish cooking first.

Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk

Glad all is well.

Isn’t it strange how where I live they don’t check the heartbeat at all? Like I haven’t had any Doppler listening at any of my appointments.
That is strange. I would think it would be standard considering heartbeat and movement are great indicators.

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It starts!! :cry:

This is 2 nights on the bounce I’ve been up since 4am. And I had been sleeping so well :(
I haven't had a decent nights sleep since summer 2012.

Okay guys!!..GTT tomorrow morning!!...tips on getting through it? My first mistake is I didn't eat enough and by the next morning I was shaking and felt awful..how can I avoid that? It's going to be at least half past 12 before I get out of there (test is at 10.30)..so I'm probably going to feel ravenous! On top of a chest infection too!..my stomach muscles are absolutely killing me today with the amount of coughing I've been doing :( really sore!..so I'm sat here now wondering if antibiotics affect the results?

I'm very scared and the anxiety shakes have started already :(

I think baby is having a lazy day today, I'm feeling movement, but not as much as usual (I have an anterior placenta though so that's not unusual), I'm just about to have lunch at work, see if that perks baby up, if not I'll give the midwife a call, see if I should pop to the hospital to be monitored.

Hope everyone else is having a good day!
Okay guys!!..GTT tomorrow morning!!...tips on getting through it? My first mistake is I didn't eat enough and by the next morning I was shaking and felt awful..how can I avoid that? It's going to be at least half past 12 before I get out of there (test is at 10.30)..so I'm probably going to feel ravenous! On top of a chest infection too!..my stomach muscles are absolutely killing me today with the amount of coughing I've been doing :( really sore!..so I'm sat here now wondering if antibiotics affect the results?

I'm very scared and the anxiety shakes have started already :(

It’s really not that bad sebbiesmum.

It would be much much worse for you and your baby to have undiagnosed gestational diabetes. Think of it that way.
Sebbiesmum eat something as close to the cut off time as you feel comfortable. Drink some water in the morning.

It really isn't that bad and I hate blood tests well needles in general tbh! The worst part is the waiting and that's because of boredom if you're into reading I'd recommend taking a good book with you. The drink wasn't bad either kind of tasted like a fruit squash much easier to down quickly than the lucozade I had the last time.

Hope all goes well x
I sneezed... and peed a tiny amount! Think it's time to up my kegals!!!

I think baby is having a lazy day today, I'm feeling movement, but not as much as usual (I have an anterior placenta though so that's not unusual), I'm just about to have lunch at work, see if that perks baby up, if not I'll give the midwife a call, see if I should pop to the hospital to be monitored.

Hope everyone else is having a good day!

Hope the food/drink helped x

Okay guys!!..GTT tomorrow morning!!...tips on getting through it? My first mistake is I didn't eat enough and by the next morning I was shaking and felt awful..how can I avoid that? It's going to be at least half past 12 before I get out of there (test is at 10.30)..so I'm probably going to feel ravenous! On top of a chest infection too!..my stomach muscles are absolutely killing me today with the amount of coughing I've been doing :( really sore!..so I'm sat here now wondering if antibiotics affect the results?

I'm very scared and the anxiety shakes have started already :(

I am terrible with needles but seriously, it will be fine. It is necessary and you just need to look away from your arm at the time.

My first pregnancy is what helped
Me get over my phobia of needles as I had so many!

Sorry ladies, been quite busy so catching up
Sebbiesmum I had my GTT today! Fasting wasn’t too bad, neither was the drink they gave but my advice is to eat straight after. I didn’t get a chance til about an hour after everything and my hands started to shake :/ glad that’s over now though.
I’m also 30weeks too! Time flies. Last week twins were weighing about 2lb13&14..
Hospital bag and baby bag is half packed!
Ankles are slowly getting swollen now, anyone else?

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