February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

Glad everything's ok Wednesday, my daughter was breech but all the midwifes thought she was the right way around until a scan!
Last day at work today, was meant to be there until next week but struggling at the minute so decided to go off a week early. Have woke up this morning with awful cold as well but hopefully will be out of the way before Christmas x
Glad everything is ok JustTrying and Wednesday!! Wednesday hope little one turns soon! Beau hopefully that cold shifts before Christmas enjoy your last day at work xx
Thank You ladies.

Wednesday don't worry there's still time for baby to turn x

I'm sat at hospital waiting for my second GTT blood.

I'm so having a subway, coffee and strawberries after this. Starving!
Hope your GTT goes well!! I have my 2nd Gap scan in a couple of hours!

Subway sounds delicious! Enjoy x
I know its all anecdotal but my SIL had a breech baby who turned at 38w (without my SIL actually noticing) and the baby was an 8lb-er [so not small to feel her turn at 38w]

Hang in there, I am sure baby will get itself the right way.

I know there was a lady on here who used to go to her local pool and do handstands to encourage baby to turn! Also there is a procedure? An ECV - was this not mentioned?

These February babies are certainly keeping us all busy???

And looking like we'll have a good few in January (If I go for a 39w induction I'll be late Jan!)

Food after GTT is always the best food ever :lol:

I don't finish work until a month today? It seemed like a good idea at the time LOL.

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I remember the lady who did handstands in the pool to turn her baby carnat! Think she had her baby not long before I had my first
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I know its all anecdotal but my SIL had a breech baby who turned at 38w (without my SIL actually noticing) and the baby was an 8lb-er [so not small to feel her turn at 38w]

Hang in there, I am sure baby will get itself the right way.

I know there was a lady on here who used to go to her local pool and do handstands to encourage baby to turn! Also there is a procedure? An ECV - was this not mentioned?

These February babies are certainly keeping us all busy???

And looking like we'll have a good few in January (If I go for a 39w induction I'll be late Jan!)

Food after GTT is always the best food ever :lol:

I don't finish work until a month today? It seemed like a good idea at the time LOL.


I have a feeling they wont be such innocent children either.

same, i finish on 12th jan and its dragging
My mat leave is booked for 25th Jan which will have to change if I end up with a c section on 20th Jan!

JT - when do you get the results of your GTT?

I have a growth scan next Tuesday so will potentially be sent for GTT if baby is Big

I know its all anecdotal but my SIL had a breech baby who turned at 38w (without my SIL actually noticing) and the baby was an 8lb-er [so not small to feel her turn at 38w]

Hang in there, I am sure baby will get itself the right way.

I know there was a lady on here who used to go to her local pool and do handstands to encourage baby to turn! Also there is a procedure? An ECV - was this not mentioned?

These February babies are certainly keeping us all busy???

And looking like we'll have a good few in January (If I go for a 39w induction I'll be late Jan!)

Food after GTT is always the best food ever :lol:

I don't finish work until a month today? It seemed like a good idea at the time LOL.


ECV was mentioned but I wont be having it. I know someone who had an awful time with it, so definitely not for me...

Handstands in the swimming pool though!! Haha!

JT - when do you get the results of your GTT?

I have a growth scan next Tuesday so will potentially be sent for GTT if baby is Big

Nobody told me anything so I just assumed it will be available at 34 week appointment unless there is a problem?

Let us know how your scan pans out. Atleast you get to see baby again
I wouldn't have a ecv with my daughter Wednesday, know someone who had one and ended up with an emergency section as something went wrong.
Your all brave working so long haha I'm so ready to finish today. I'm not planning on coming back though so wanted January to relax and spend some time with my daughter before baby is here! I'm booked in for section on 31st January though x
JT yeah Growth scan I had my first one at 28weeks.. she's actually behaving! Head down still (she has been at every scan) with her spine facing my left side. Estimated weight at 3lb 7(ish) on track to a similar birth weight as my others who weight 6lb 7 (older two) and 6lb 4 so no complaints there!

Glad you enjoyed your subway!!

I've heard horrid things about the ECV too so don't blame you for not wanting one! Hope baba turns soon!

Beau the 31st of Jan! I still can't believe how many babies will be arriving in Jan! It's exciting!! Has everyone packed their hospital bags?
God I am only a week ahead Crinkles and mine was 4lb 5oz yesterday - and not measuring big??
4lb 5 is a great weight for 32 weeks.. my 28wk weight she was bang on the middle line and today she's slightly under it.. xx
Actually for GD it is a good weight.

The concerns are baby grows too big and this makes delivery difficult or that baby is too small due to issue with placenta. So they want you mid range and this is what she is!!

I haven't had massive babies - 7lb 8oz (40+9) and 6lb 12oz (40+1). Based on the "they gain 0.5lb a week" maths and the fact I'll be a due date induction I am looking at an 8lb-er though!!

Actually for GD it is a good weight.

The concerns are baby grows too big and this makes delivery difficult or that baby is too small due to issue with placenta. So they want you mid range and this is what she is!!

I haven't had massive babies - 7lb 8oz (40+9) and 6lb 12oz (40+1). Based on the "they gain 0.5lb a week" maths and the fact I'll be a due date induction I am looking at an 8lb-er though!!


I’m hoping mine is only 8lbs. Haha.

It was 5lb 6oz at 32 weeks according to those measurements :rofl: fast forward to 11th January.. hahaha
Gawd I’ve been to the dentist today as well. He’s butchered my mouth!! The anaesthetic was not put in the right place for my filling and it was agony and half of my face is drooping!

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