February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

As soon as I found out I'm pregnant, I became too lazy for gym and quit completely.

As my pregnancy is nearing term, the realisation about having a weak body is hitting me so i joined again and had my first session today. Did leg work . Feel very pleased with myself
ladoes, how is the kicking coming along?

Mine hasnt kicked much since last night, so abit worried but wondering if hes asleep.
ok nevermind, he just woke up and is mildly kicking. Phew. I can continue with my day now xx
JT I am in a similar position.

Mine is moving but not the same. Hardly any kicks, just pushing. I dont know if its normal

Just back from diabetes review. They want to up the medication as I'm still getting some erratic readings with no explanation (I'm eating pretty much the same every day for breakfast and have the same morning routine both getting the occasional spikes?). I can go from 1 tablet to 4 a day [current dosage I'm taking is one so I'm on the lower end of scale] but then it will be insulin, which I really want to avoid.

Current plan is a 39/40w induction. Depends on the next few weeks and how the Metformin works for me.

I was due back at 4.45pm for a scan but they managed to fit me in. Well Impressed and left a glowing compliment about the service.

Baby is exactly where they want her to be. Not too big or small. She is estimated at 4lb 5oz at the moment. Next scan on 8th January.

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Ohhh on the antibiotics..turns out I have a chest infection :( I had a good run to 30 weeks without any infections! Ahh well!..GTT on Thursday at half 10! Why is it so late! I'm gonna be ravenous :/..i wonder if the anti biotics will affect the results any! :S
actually I think Im driving myself crazy an havent felt kicks since last night.

If he doesnt kick by 5pm then I am going hospital.

Starting to panic abit.
Give them a call JustTrying.

Have you tried the usual? Ice cold drink? Fizzy drink? Something sweet? Laying on your left side (and having a good old prod)

He may well just be having a quiet day but no sense in giving yourself another 3 hours of worry. Give them a call now.

Give them a call JustTrying.

Have you tried the usual? Ice cold drink? Fizzy drink? Something sweet? Laying on your left side (and having a good old prod)

He may well just be having a quiet day but no sense in giving yourself another 3 hours of worry. Give them a call now.


He woke up 30 minutes ago and is dancing around now.

Maybe my exercises this morning put him to sleep?

I am so relieved now. I cant express how happy I am but he's now hurting me with some strong kicks! Go back to sleep baby!!!
Mine was playing dance revolution at 3am then nothing major until about an hour ago when she booted me in the pelvis.

These babies obviously enjoy playing with us.

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It's worrying when they don't move isn't it. Pleased you got him to move eventually!

I get worried when I haven't felt movement in the morning but before I leave the house I e usually had a nudge or sometging
What a day yesterday was...

Spent the afternoon and eve at the hospital today as the babys movements have totally changed and slowed down. They then sent me from the local hospital up to the Main hospital for a scan to check cord blood flow and amniotic fluid as the heart rate was pretty erratic..

Got home around 8pm.
Baby looked fine, plenty of fluid around it and it was moving a bit. Heart rate ok as well.
Bit of crap news.... its breech :( I bloody knew it was last week when I was getting massive whacks really low down which were so so uncomfortable. The midwife on Friday confirmed baby was head down and 2/5 engaged.... two midwives today confirmed the same... scan showed it was definitely not head down!
So all this time Ive been pushing its bum out of my ribs, Ive actually been poking the poor thing in the face - oops!
Anyway, I have a growth scan later this week (theyll confirm the date tomorrow) and then Ill have a repeat scan at 37 weeks. If the baby is still breech at 37 weeks, I will be having a c section at 38 weeks which is 20th Jan

Ohhh on the antibiotics..turns out I have a chest infection :( I had a good run to 30 weeks without any infections! Ahh well!..GTT on Thursday at half 10! Why is it so late! I'm gonna be ravenous :/..i wonder if the anti biotics will affect the results any! :S

Half 10?! Gosh you will be starving by then!

Give them a call JustTrying.

Have you tried the usual? Ice cold drink? Fizzy drink? Something sweet? Laying on your left side (and having a good old prod)

He may well just be having a quiet day but no sense in giving yourself another 3 hours of worry. Give them a call now.


He woke up 30 minutes ago and is dancing around now.

Maybe my exercises this morning put him to sleep?

I am so relieved now. I cant express how happy I am but he's now hurting me with some strong kicks! Go back to sleep baby!!!

Glad all is ok xx

What a day yesterday was...

Spent the afternoon and eve at the hospital today as the babys movements have totally changed and slowed down. They then sent me from the local hospital up to the Main hospital for a scan to check cord blood flow and amniotic fluid as the heart rate was pretty erratic..

Got home around 8pm.
Baby looked fine, plenty of fluid around it and it was moving a bit. Heart rate ok as well.
Bit of crap news.... its breech :( I bloody knew it was last week when I was getting massive whacks really low down which were so so uncomfortable. The midwife on Friday confirmed baby was head down and 2/5 engaged.... two midwives today confirmed the same... scan showed it was definitely not head down!
So all this time Ive been pushing its bum out of my ribs, Ive actually been poking the poor thing in the face - oops!
Anyway, I have a growth scan later this week (theyll confirm the date tomorrow) and then Ill have a repeat scan at 37 weeks. If the baby is still breech at 37 weeks, I will be having a c section at 38 weeks which is 20th Jan

Sorry to hear that Wednesday..but! My friend had a breech baby and it turned at like 36 weeks so don’t panic too much yet!

I’m toying with going swimming. Been up for 2 hours as my little girl woke up cold and I couldn’t get back to sleep. :(
Ohhh 36 weeks?? Ok... I can hang on in there!

Ive been awake since 4am, awful.

Enjoy your swim!


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