February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

It has been so tough!!

It's mainly my skin that's causing all the discomfort! The front of my bump is so so sore, it stings like it's cut!! Feel like I can't possibly stretch any more!!

I've been getting period type cramps in my belly and back for a good week or so now and the most uncomfortable braxton hicks, but been monitored and that's all they are!!

I'm definitely ready for birth (I think!!)

Oh no! That sounds so sore! I bet your bump is beaaaautiful though x

Selphie - my bump was way above the top line haha! Ive never seen anything like it. Sorry youre feeling so crappy

Carnat - yes I agree, I hope it isnt but best to find out.

Should be getting a call before 6pm with results.

It is Wednesday, I'm measuring term already!!
Talking about big babies, my boys are going to be big I think!! At my 28 week scan twin 1 was 2lb9 and twin 2 was 3lb1 😳 I have another scan next week and I'm feeling like they're going to be well over 4lb now!!!
Oh wow shellie!

They sound like they will be brilliant weights! Are you being induced or having a c section?
Just been having a catch up with posts! Wednesday I
Hope you get good results back tonight, fingers crossed for you xx
28 week scan today.

Baby is measuring just a little over the top line (95 centile? ) so a little on the big side. Not overly concerned tbh. Should I be?

On the plus. We are team pink. She opened her legs this time and showed her little lines.

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How many weeks are you Tor?

32 plus 2 I think.

My options are induction at 37 weeks or c section at 39 weeks!

Score.. lol :rofl:

Oh no.... if it were me, I think Id go for the section! Induction scares me!

See a section scares me. The recovery etc. I know it will be difficult for weeks afterwards. And with another child to get to school I’m concerned about managing.

There is always an epidural :lol:
Got the blood results - all clear! Phew! So pleased. Now just to wait to be measured again on 22nd December (bit close to Xmas!!) and see if I need a growth scan and GTT

Got the blood results - all clear! Phew! So pleased. Now just to wait to be measured again on 22nd December (bit close to Xmas!!) and see if I need a growth scan and GTT

That's great news!
Im at the hair dressers today to Cheer myself up... I have dark brown hair but am going for an ombre! Ive given clear instructions that I dont want anything blonde so lets see how this goes!

Im at the hair dressers today to Cheer myself up... I have dark brown hair but am going for an ombre! Ive given clear instructions that I dont want anything blonde so lets see how this goes!

Oooo I can't wait to see! I'm glad the results were all clear :)
Aww glad the results were clear!! Great news :-)

How did the new hair do go, are you pleased with it? Xx
Just been reading all your posts about big babies. I have checked my notes from my 2 hospital scans and although there are little charts in there nothing was ever said to me about them and it was the same for my DD. All I will say is that the measurements and weights are all estimates and can be wildly inaccurate. I had a 9lb 8oz baby last time.... I am tall but slim and there was never any mention that the baby might be large and look what came out!!! Praying for a slightly smaller one this time lol
My skin has been getting really itchy but just over my belly button where it's being stretched so much. I am using bio oil twice a day but it's still hard not to scratch......
New hair!


Just been reading all your posts about big babies. I have checked my notes from my 2 hospital scans and although there are little charts in there nothing was ever said to me about them and it was the same for my DD. All I will say is that the measurements and weights are all estimates and can be wildly inaccurate. I had a 9lb 8oz baby last time.... I am tall but slim and there was never any mention that the baby might be large and look what came out!!! Praying for a slightly smaller one this time lol
My skin has been getting really itchy but just over my belly button where it's being stretched so much. I am using bio oil twice a day but it's still hard not to scratch......

Argh the itchiness is horrid isnt it! I occasionally put some belly butter on but I should do it more often...

Oh wow. New hair is fab!!!

Glad you got the all clear for OC.

We've just been out in the snow. We don't get it often here in London so I dragged kids out on their Pj's and wellies.

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I'm dying :( why do colds really knock you off your feet while you're pregnant!!..my asthmas going haywire and I'm out of my inhaler!! I've used tjem all trying to be able to breathe right :/ I ordered a new one on Friday and it's not going to be ready until Tuesday!!..a day and a bit from now! Kill me now!

On the plus side of things 30 weeks today!! :D only 9/10 more weeks to go!!

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