February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

Im sure I dont have any of this centile stuff! I will see the midwife tomorrow for my 32 week appointment so i shall ask her then!

Is there not a growth chart in your notes Wednesday? I have one they plot both size of bump and baby weight from scans on.

The scans I’ve had also have a little scale on them as well with the measurements on.
Im sure I dont have any of this centile stuff! I will see the midwife tomorrow for my 32 week appointment so i shall ask her then!

Is there not a growth chart in your notes Wednesday? I have one they plot both size of bump and baby weight from scans on.

The scans I’ve had also have a little scale on them as well with the measurements on.

There probably is - my midwife is a bit hopeless and doesnt really talk much during appointments so I probably just havent seen it! Will check

I don't have a chart either, but there are measurements on my scan reports for the baby in terms of growth?

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Scan today for me..

Will tell you how enormous it is later this morning :rofl:

I’m going to lobby for my 38 week delivery. Wish me luck.. I’m not feeling hopeful!
Scan today for me..

Will tell you how enormous it is later this morning :rofl:

I’m going to lobby for my 38 week delivery. Wish me luck.. I’m not feeling hopeful!

Do update us as soon as you can.

You and I are head to head in the lead :lol:
I don't understand this percentile stuff. Someone please explain?

Mine is in 90th so I have to go for a second GTT (sigh) and they will be booking another scan for 36 weeks.

Now I have to take more time off work. Ffs

So 90th centile is on the larger side... but...for a bit of reassurance, mine is off the scale I.e greater than 99.3> for all measurements at 28 weeks.

They aren’t worried about it particularly and I don’t have GD so you may not either. Are you and your partner tall?

My husband is 6’5 and I’m 5’9 and neither of us are slight in build. my daughter was 95th centile at birth and is still growing at that rate now. We’re just a big family :rofl:

No we are not tall at all. Im 5'5 and he is 5'7-8 BUT he was a 10lb baby.

I'm just fascinated by it and have accepted that he's my little chubster.
Oh dear....

Back from my 32 week appointment. Midwife thinks I may have some condition with my liver - begins with O and is something to do with the bile it produces. So Ive had to have a blood test and get the results this eve. If I have that then I need to go and see the consultant.

Also... baby is measuring big. Its on 140th centile apparently which scares me! I need to have a measurement done again in two weeks (22nd Dec) and then a growth scan and GTT if baby still measuring big.

Oh dear....

Back from my 32 week appointment. Midwife thinks I may have some condition with my liver - begins with O and is something to do with the bile it produces. So Ive had to have a blood test and get the results this eve. If I have that then I need to go and see the consultant.

Also... baby is measuring big. Its on 140th centile apparently which scares me! I need to have a measurement done again in two weeks (22nd Dec) and then a growth scan and GTT if baby still measuring big.

is it obstetric cholestasis? Have you been itching alot?
Im so sorry to hear about this. Its a very uncommon condition in pregnancy but I dont know too much about it.

jesus christ 140th centile, how much did your first born weigh? Are they sending you for scans too?
Oh dear....

Back from my 32 week appointment. Midwife thinks I may have some condition with my liver - begins with O and is something to do with the bile it produces. So Ive had to have a blood test and get the results this eve. If I have that then I need to go and see the consultant.

Also... baby is measuring big. Its on 140th centile apparently which scares me! I need to have a measurement done again in two weeks (22nd Dec) and then a growth scan and GTT if baby still measuring big.

Have you been itching like just trying said? I had a test for that last appointment as the bottom of my feet have been really itchy. It’s likely to be fine. Keep positive. They will probably induce you early if you have it, but not too early.
I chickened out of my GTT :( my anxiety got too much and I ended up phoning the hospital in tears because I was shaking so much, my acid has been so bad recently :/ it almost makes me sick! All that work I put into fasting and my anxiety really got the best of me!

I've rescheduled for next week and this time I'm gonna stuff my face until 12am! I think that's where i went wrong! I stopped eating too early and by morning I felt terrible, shaky and sick!..lesson learned! Just need to conquer my anxiety about hospitals and needles..luckily the midwife on the other side was nice enough and understood me!
I have been itching a bit... hopefully its nothing! And yes, that is the name of the condition...

My first born was tiny! 6lb 9.5oz!

Well this baby is still growing at the same rate. I haven’t seen the report yet for the weights etc but she’s said it’s on the same trajectory.

The sonographer went to school with my husband :lol: small world eh?
Hello ladies! I do hope you're all well. I haven't posted for a very long time! This pregnancy for me has just been the worst 😖 I found out at 9 weeks that I'm having fraternal twin boys (massive shock!) I suffered with hyperemesis until around 19 weeks, then I had maybe four weeks of feeling just ok! I'm 31+4 now and I'm completely done with it!! I'm in agony all day everyday. I know I should feel blessed but god it's been hard work cooking 2!! Not long left now though 💪🏽
It has been so tough!!
It's mainly my skin that's causing all the discomfort! The front of my bump is so so sore, it stings like it's cut!! Feel like I can't possibly stretch any more!!
I've been getting period type cramps in my belly and back for a good week or so now and the most uncomfortable braxton hicks, but been monitored and that's all they are!!
I'm definitely ready for birth (I think!!)
Beth I hope the results come back clear

My bump has felt itchy but it hurts when he's moving about so I think my poor skin is close to being stretched to the max! I had my 28 week appointment Wednesday. I had +2 glucose in wee but when she checked for my gtt results it said tell patient normal but then said some other stuff. So the mw rang up to ask so I sat there panicking but it's all fine. And that the gtt can still be in system for 4 weeks? So I see her again the 27th and must remember to drink water and do my sample first thing. My bump was the top line, not sure what percentile and my notes are upstairs.
We are all full of cold so feel awful
Gosh lots going on ladies.

Hope it's not OC Wednesday, but as with most things I think it's if it's untreated / undiagnosed that it is more of an issue.

We seem to be having quite a few big babies?? I'll find out how my girls is (size wise) on Monday afternoon!!!

At least the MW's are picking up stuff and looking after us, that's what is most important.

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