February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

Hi ladies I haven’t been on here for so long, good to catch up and read everyone’s pregnancy is going ok. Is anyone having trouble sleeping at night.. I’m only getting about 3 hours sleep a night and it’s not really through discomfort that’s more when I’m up and about! I am wide awake by 3am it’s driving me crazy! Currently sat in work staring at a computer dreaming of my bed xx
I feel really emotional today and have been crying alone again lol. Feel so down in the dumps with the pains, and now uncomfortable belly and now Ive got a full blown cold and havent been sleeping for more than a few hours each night for the past week.

To top it, had an argument with o/h and havent spoken to him for 2 days.
All I want is some attention (not sex, ew) and TLC!!!

Nobody understand me :(

Ah bless you xxx

Im with you on the constant pressure. Sometimes baby kicks really low towards my cervix and it hurts soooo much..

Maybe go and have a hot bath? Might help with the cold and general rubbish feeling!

Are you off work?

I feel really emotional today and have been crying alone again lol. Feel so down in the dumps with the pains, and now uncomfortable belly and now Ive got a full blown cold and havent been sleeping for more than a few hours each night for the past week.

To top it, had an argument with o/h and havent spoken to him for 2 days.
All I want is some attention (not sex, ew) and TLC!!!

Nobody understand me :(

Ah bless you xxx

Im with you on the constant pressure. Sometimes baby kicks really low towards my cervix and it hurts soooo much..

Maybe go and have a hot bath? Might help with the cold and general rubbish feeling!

Are you off work?

I havent had the low kicks yet and today he's sitting so high up, my stomach is hard as a rock.

No Im at work feeling sleepy but not long to go.

How is your SPD?
Poor you.

I’m not feeling too badly at the minute. Im massive, but aside from that I’m ok. I’ve washed 2x cars today inside and out so I’m feeling pretty pleased with myself :lol:
I am getting bloated easily. Stomach gets tight and hard (not Braxton hicks) like baby is trying to escape. Last night it went lopsided for about 5 mins. That hurt.

Dead legs, cramp and clicky hips every night.

And omg the wind. I have candles lit constantly.

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SPD/PGP is sooooo much better.

Turning over in bed is still not much fun but I feel way better. I can walk!

Poor you.

I’m not feeling too badly at the minute. Im massive, but aside from that I’m ok. I’ve washed 2x cars today inside and out so I’m feeling pretty pleased with myself :lol:

What the hell!

You superwoman :lol:
I am getting bloated easily. Stomach gets tight and hard (not Braxton hicks) like baby is trying to escape. Last night it went lopsided for about 5 mins. That hurt.

Dead legs, cramp and clicky hips every night.

And omg the wind. I have candles lit constantly.

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Lol @ candles lot constantly.
I haven't had clicky hope or wind. I imagine the clicking to be horrible though.
Tor you are so good! I havent done any exercise for weeks!
Tor you are so good! I havent done any exercise for weeks!

I think moving helps my spd. I’m convinced that keeping moving is minimising the pain. It hurts most when I’ve been sat for ages and then stand up. So I try to keep moving!

I’m getting tired now though.. will be tough to carry on like this!
I don't understand this percentile stuff. Someone please explain?

Mine is in 90th so I have to go for a second GTT (sigh) and they will be booking another scan for 36 weeks.

Now I have to take more time off work. Ffs
Sorry you have to have another GTT... hopefully all is well with the results and the next scan.

Best way I can explain the centile thing is the higher the number the bigger baby is compared to other babies at the same gestation.. so 50th percentile would be average.

Tor.. I'm jealous! I have a theee story house with my boys two bedrooms on the third floor.. haven't seen their rooms for a few weeks now lol that's become Daddy's domain. Trying to enjoy the struggle though as this is my last pregnancy.
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It's better that they keep an eye on you.

Big babies are one of the concerns about undiagnosed GD

(Sorry you'll all have to forgive me I'm now a gestational diabetes expert!!)

Centiles were always explained to me like this - if you had a 100 babies at exact age / gestation as your baby then 89 would be smaller and 10 would be bigger.

Same goes for when babies are born, they sit on a centile at birth and the HV like them to roughly follow the same centile when you go to have them weighed. Centiles are weird though? You have 2nd / 25th /50th / 75th and 90th. Also they don't take parents genetics into consideration and often babies on a high centile for weight are also on a high centile for height. So they are tall as well heavier. Obviously in the womb they can't be sure about height (and even weight is a guesstimate!)

It's mainly box ticking JustTrying and I'm sure all is fine but if you are measuring big then you have to go through the channels. At least you get to see baby again?
I don't understand this percentile stuff. Someone please explain?

Mine is in 90th so I have to go for a second GTT (sigh) and they will be booking another scan for 36 weeks.

Now I have to take more time off work. Ffs

So 90th centile is on the larger side... but...for a bit of reassurance, mine is off the scale I.e greater than 99.3> for all measurements at 28 weeks.

They aren’t worried about it particularly and I don’t have GD so you may not either. Are you and your partner tall?

My husband is 6’5 and I’m 5’9 and neither of us are slight in build. my daughter was 95th centile at birth and is still growing at that rate now. We’re just a big family :rofl:
Im sure I dont have any of this centile stuff! I will see the midwife tomorrow for my 32 week appointment so i shall ask her then!

Sorry you have to have another GTT... hopefully all is well with the results and the next scan.

Best way I can explain the centile thing is the higher the number the bigger baby is compared to other babies at the same gestation.. so 50th percentile would be average.

Tor.. I'm jealous! I have a theee story house with my boys two bedrooms on the third floor.. haven't seen their rooms for a few weeks now lol that's become Daddy's domain. Trying to enjoy the struggle though as this is my last pregnancy.

Oft 3 storey?? That’s sounds like hard work!!

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