February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

Hi ladies, how exciting that so many of you are due your babies next month..... I am certain my little baby will make me wait until at least mid-Feb so I think I've got at least 10 weeks to wait if not more!

I have started pregnancy yoga which has been sooooo good for all the aches and pains. I am measuring 2 cm bigger than my gestation so no concerns from the midwife but it makes me concerned haha! SO much extra weight and bulk to be carrying around.

I am working up until mid Jan so 6 more weeks of work for me...... I cannot wait to have some rest and do some swimming.

can you remind me what you pack? I can't remember what was useful (i'm planning for a home birth but will need a 'just in case')


Are you attending pregnancy yoga classes or doing it at home? How are they helping?

Sorry honey, cant help you with home essentials bag. Literally no idea whatsoever.
Ohhh pregnancy yoga sounds amazing holly. I would really like to do that.

There are some good lists about bags online Holly, I can't remember either! I take 2 bags though - one for me and one for baby (pointless for you, if you are planning a home birth though!)

I have added the few things I can remember to my online shop for the hospital bag - breast pads, maternity pads and newborn nappies!

I am working to Mid Jan too, and will be a due date induction. So I should have a few weeks to chill (as much as you can chill with a 5yo and almost 3yo :shock:)

Am starting to feel a bit nervous now, the GD has added a lot of "potential" risks and I am no longer allowed to use the birth centre. I will need to be monitored in labour and its the exact opposite of my "ideal" [my first labour was like this though and it was fine, still managed a natural delivery etc...]

I think people expect mothers of 2nd+ babies to know what they are doing, and its just as scary and daunting each time you do it! In fact I would say I was least nervous the first time as I was blissfully unaware :lol:

Also, not sure if any other ladies have had this issue but thought I would share... I had low iron at 28 weeks so needed supplements. The supplements were AWFUL and made my tummy unsettled and constipated.

Ive replaced with spatone - you can get 28 sachets on amazon for less than £7! It is a water that is naturally infused with iron and sooooo much kinder on the tummy

Hi ladies, how exciting that so many of you are due your babies next month..... I am certain my little baby will make me wait until at least mid-Feb so I think I've got at least 10 weeks to wait if not more!

I have started pregnancy yoga which has been sooooo good for all the aches and pains. I am measuring 2 cm bigger than my gestation so no concerns from the midwife but it makes me concerned haha! SO much extra weight and bulk to be carrying around.

I am working up until mid Jan so 6 more weeks of work for me...... I cannot wait to have some rest and do some swimming.

can you remind me what you pack? I can't remember what was useful (i'm planning for a home birth but will need a 'just in case')


Are you attending pregnancy yoga classes or doing it at home? How are they helping?

Sorry honey, cant help you with home essentials bag. Literally no idea whatsoever.

wow I really do suffer from baby brain. I read the question as "what do I need for my home birth" - so sorry Holly.


I used both of these websites and ofcourse applied common sense.

Theres also a thread stickied on this forum which I found MOST useful.

Last week I also watched a few videos on youtube which showed what other other women have packed.
Yeah, YouTube has been really useful actually with ideas of what to pack
Well..consultant appointment done! Told him I'm not having a natural birth..ran down the risks of another c section etc etc, weight..didnt get much of a lecture with which was great! Student midwife sat in too and she was nice..downside..blood test!! :( the woman sucked at taking my blood and now my arm hurts :(..had a scan and baby is measuring on the 50th centile..so average!

GTT booked for 7th December at 9:45..no food after midnight..and polycal!! Ugh!! :( really don't want that stupid test!..nurse who took my blood listened to me bleat on about my fear of needles..and tried to distract me but still ended up wincing and fidgeting when she tried to do my bloods!..i know I need to man up and have the test but some of the horror stories are putting the fear of god into me :(..i suppose it'll teach me for being a tubby thing :lol:
These kicks are starting to get uncomfortable especially when I'm settled in bed
31 Week midwife appointment, everything is okay except baby measuring too large so growth scan booked for Thursday Morning.

Secretly I am hoping to be induced at 37 weeks. Am I stupid to think like this? I have no idea if there are any complications around this. I just want my baby early.
I have a growth scan on 11th and review at diabetes clinic same day (annoying the clinic is early and the scan is late and they couldn't change it!)

Should have a better idea when I'll be having this baby, am thinking I am not going to be allowed to go to EDD. I am now on medication for the GD and its not controlling my blood sugar levels completely :shock:

I think I need to prepare for an early baby!!!
I think induction at 37 weeks will only be for significant clinical reasons relating to the baby mostly (except things like pre-eclampsia etc) I’ve known women with severe spd been refused early induction on these grounds before.

A big baby is unlikely alone to be enough of a reason for a 37 week induction, though I guess will depend on your consultant. I asked the midwife and she said these days there is a reluctance to induce at 37 weeks as some babies were born with feeding and breathing problems at that gestation, despite it being considered term.

I’m going to have to argue with them for 38 weeks which is my current plan. And I’m growing a large baby and have a history of shoulder dystocia from a previous birth.
Hi ladies, how exciting that so many of you are due your babies next month..... I am certain my little baby will make me wait until at least mid-Feb so I think I've got at least 10 weeks to wait if not more!

I have started pregnancy yoga which has been sooooo good for all the aches and pains. I am measuring 2 cm bigger than my gestation so no concerns from the midwife but it makes me concerned haha! SO much extra weight and bulk to be carrying around.

I am working up until mid Jan so 6 more weeks of work for me...... I cannot wait to have some rest and do some swimming.

can you remind me what you pack? I can't remember what was useful (i'm planning for a home birth but will need a 'just in case')


Are you attending pregnancy yoga classes or doing it at home? How are they helping?

Sorry honey, cant help you with home essentials bag. Literally no idea whatsoever.

Hi Hun, I'm going to weekly classes and then putting some of the stretches into practise at home and at work. They have really alleviated the pain under my ribs and sides but now I'm getting trapped nerves in my butt and sharp pains in groin :( will ask for some different stretches to help that :)
I think induction at 37 weeks will only be for significant clinical reasons relating to the baby mostly (except things like pre-eclampsia etc) I’ve known women with severe spd been refused early induction on these grounds before.

A big baby is unlikely alone to be enough of a reason for a 37 week induction, though I guess will depend on your consultant. I asked the midwife and she said these days there is a reluctance to induce at 37 weeks as some babies were born with feeding and breathing problems at that gestation, despite it being considered term.

I’m going to have to argue with them for 38 weeks which is my current plan. And I’m growing a large baby and have a history of shoulder dystocia from a previous birth.

I have been told that depending on how my GD goes I could be looking at anything from 36w - 40+6

Have since been told no later than EDD, seems to get "earlier" each appointment I have.

I really wanted baby to come of her own accord, the difference between my natural labour and my augmented labour was immense although technically I went into labour naturally both times. I just needed a bit of help with my first labour!

My hospital don't even give you a sweep before due date if you are low risk :shock:

A close friend of mines older sister had her little girl last week she was induced at 37+3 due to her GD. She was supposed to be induced bang on 37wks but due to emergencies had to wait for a bed.

With GD and the other serious complications such as pre eclampsia they take no risks anyone who is low risk wouldn't be induced early unless the clinical need arose.

I am actually hoping little lady is la few days late as I would love for her to share her bday with my late gran.

Carnat hope your appointment on Monday goes well!
I think induction at 37 weeks will only be for significant clinical reasons relating to the baby mostly (except things like pre-eclampsia etc) I’ve known women with severe spd been refused early induction on these grounds before.

A big baby is unlikely alone to be enough of a reason for a 37 week induction, though I guess will depend on your consultant. I asked the midwife and she said these days there is a reluctance to induce at 37 weeks as some babies were born with feeding and breathing problems at that gestation, despite it being considered term.

I’m going to have to argue with them for 38 weeks which is my current plan. And I’m growing a large baby and have a history of shoulder dystocia from a previous birth.

thankyou for the information and thats my hopes dashed too :lol:

Best of luck, I hope you get induced early.

I just have a feeling that I won't because I have no other complications
It’s frustrating isn’t it? But.. on the other hand you’ve got a lovely healthy robust little life growing inside of you there which is great! :)

I know they will quote statistics at me in terms of recurrence with shoulder dystocia, I.e how the chance of reoccurrence is probably only 10% or something. But they didn’t have to deal with a broken baby for 6 months!

Fx the diabetes isn’t affecting your baby too much carnat. X
Awww Gawd Crinkles.

I'll still be working at 37w :shock:

Of course baby comes first and her health is paramount. If she needs to come early then so be it.

I think the worry with GD is if it's uncontrolled and I seem to be managing ok with diet and a little medication (they've upped my dose though.... but GD is progressive and my body is going to become more insulin resistant the more pregnant I get. In fact I have been told to expect higher blood sugar levels despite the medication)

It's all very scary after 2 low risk pregnancies!! But baby seems happy enough so we'll see what scan say next Monday afternoon.

How are you ladies feeling? Just want to see if we are all at par with our symptoms

I now feel constant pressure in my tummy. Its becoming uncomfortable sitting down. Baby is constantly kicking which feels so much like its on the surface.

Currently hes estimated to be a whoppingg 6lb (yes double what he should be) and it feels like hes getting too big for my womb.

Are these normal symptoms?

thank goodness I have my growth scan first thing in the morning, I need some perspective.
I feel really emotional today and have been crying alone again lol. Feel so down in the dumps with the pains, and now uncomfortable belly and now Ive got a full blown cold and havent been sleeping for more than a few hours each night for the past week.

To top it, had an argument with o/h and havent spoken to him for 2 days.
All I want is some attention (not sex, ew) and TLC!!!

Nobody understand me :(

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