Hi all, sorry for my quietness recently, just been super busy in work.
All is going well with baby - cannot believe I am 33+3 today, it seems to be going rather quickly!
I am still waiting for my c-section date (doctor was putting in the request last week but it goes through central booking so not sure when I am likely to hear). Still expected to be a Feb baby
I am finding sleeping increasingly difficult, but it is hit and miss whether it is a good or bad night (cannot tie it to anything I am or am not doing unfortunately). I finish work on the 3rd Feb and cannot wait to have a break before baby arrives (assuming he doesn;t arrive early!).
At my growth scan last week he was measuring 4lb 5oz so they expect him to be about 7lb when he is born at 39ish weeks. I will be very interested to see how close they are with their estimate.
I bought a few bits and pieces for my hospital bag (nightie with buttons, maternity pads etc) but haven't actually put them into a suitcase yet. The nursery decoration hasn't been started yet and I haven;t washed any baby clothes so I hope over the coming weeks I will get more organised
Given my daughters arrived at 34+1 you would have thought I would have got a move on by now!
I am going to NCT classes which I am really enjoying. Unfortunately because of not having local family close by my OH has to look after our daughters so has only made one of them when we got a friend over to baby sit.
Hope you are all doing well.
Sorry to hear you're in hospital babybee, I hope you are being well looked after.