*~* February 2017 yummy mummies - the last trimester *~*

Well ladies we are 10 days old here and we had a good night last night well in comparision to others haha. The carobel seems to have worked wonders for her reflux, thought it might and she seems more settled too with it. We also been discharged from midwife now. She was weighed today and is 6lb 13 oz and was 6lb 6oz the other day so the expressing is working!

Sorry to hear babybee that little one failed her newborn hearing test, hopefully it be nothing or v mild that they pick up in audiology.

Aww congrats LD on your little girl and lovely name too! So glad you got your vbac too.

Hope things aint too long for you now Kimmy.

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Aww LD, that's a lovely name! Glad all is well xxx

Babybee - sorry for the failing hun but hopefully all is well and its a blip. Xxx

Kimmy - bless ya hun! I really feel for you, I'm sure if I wasn't in for a section, I would be waiting right with ya, I'm sure it's round the corner! Xxx

Well, we are on 9 days now, not far behind you hun! The routine works well at night and she sleeps through but I am severely struggling in the day with the pains! Plus, I haven't stopped dumping the last couple of days and my arse is on fire! Tmi I'm sorry but couldn't be helped! I normally keep her occupied from 6pm-10pm so she doesn't fall asleep, a good old bath and then a nice long feed, she then goes down in her Moses basket and will wake anytime between 5am-9am in the morning, depending on what time she fell asleep.. She normally sleeps for about six hours in the night.

I've been taking paracetamol and ibuprofen for the tummy pain but have any of you ladies been able to find something stronger? Xxx
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Hey all. Baby Zachary born 16th Feb. 15 min active labour!
Congrats Laura and lilac! So pleased you got your vbac Laura!

Abi is back up to her birth weight now thank goodness. I've started to use expressed milk to top up rather than formula now and I'll see how that goes, but have been discharged from midwife and met with health visitor. The nipple shields have also been a godsend until I ca get her tongue tie sorted. Saves my nipples from bleeding!! So glad I stayed determined to breastfeed though. It's been so flipping hard but it's been worth it. I can totally understand how people switch to formula in the first few days though!!
Thanks ladies :) had a rough few days feeding when milk came in as was constant and Clara was unsettled. We were really really lucky that a tongue tie specialist was at our check yesterday and able to do it there and then for us. It's made a massive difference already!

Hope everyone else is doing well x
Huge congrats LD and Lilac!!

Hows it going Kimmy?

Yay for being discharged Lura and Pinkbunny. Pinkbunny, Im so glad lo has regained!! Well done to the both of you. Noone can prepare you for the struggles of breastfeeding.

Tigeress, hope the pain is a bit better by now? I was prescribed codeine aswell as paracetamol and ibuprofen. However i only took the codeine for the first week as it made me so tired all the time. If you're in a lot of pain still I would go to the gp just to make sure the scar is healing ok and they may be able to prescribe something stronger. Hopefully you're feeling alot better now though.

We are doing ok, she's gaining weight so quickly and has slotted so perfectly into our lives. i can't imagine life without her. We had her appointment with audiology last week which was inconclusive still and we have to go back on tuesday. However it's looking more and more likely that she has severe hearing loss in both ears and will need hearing aids fitted as soon as possible. Poor little mite! I felt so sad at first but have since joined the NDCS and read up loads and seen how the majority of deaf children have very little delay in speech and development with early intervention. So now I feel much more positive and am ready to just get on with everything that needs to be done and be the best possible support I can be to her. It will involve quite a lot of learning for us as parents and also my two older girls which I never expected to do but I guess thats life - so unpredictable!
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Huge congrats LD and Lilac!!

Hows it going Kimmy?

Yay for being discharged Lura and Pinkbunny. Pinkbunny, Im so glad lo has regained!! Well done to the both of you. Noone can prepare you for the struggles of breastfeeding.

Tigeress, hope the pain is a bit better by now? I was prescribed codeine aswell as paracetamol and ibuprofen. However i only took the codeine for the first week as it made me so tired all the time. If you're in a lot of pain still I would go to the gp just to make sure the scar is healing ok and they may be able to prescribe something stronger. Hopefully you're feeling alot better now though.

We are doing ok, she's gaining weight so quickly and has slotted so perfectly into our lives. i can't imagine life without her. We had her appointment with audiology last week which was inconclusive still and we have to go back on tuesday. However it's looking more and more likely that she has severe hearing loss in both ears and will need hearing aids fitted as soon as possible. Poor little mite! I felt so sad at first but have since joined the NDCS and read up loads and seen how the majority of deaf children have very little delay in speech and development with early intervention. So now I feel much more positive and am ready to just get on with everything that needs to be done and be the best possible support I can be to her. It will involve quite a lot of learning for us as parents and also my two older girls which I never expected to do but I guess thats life - so unpredictable!

Thanks hun, I've been told by one midwife that I can take codeine and one said I can't? I rung the doctors and she prescribed me tramadol which is what I came out the hospital with, and its worked wonders!! Finally feel normal the last couple of days and been in a much better mood. Got my first op next week (for the embarrassing problem). Have an appointment on Monday which is pre op so will find out everything, but it's the first of three and just want them done and out the way so I can be healthy again!

So glad your feeling better about it hun, I know for a fact she's gorgeous! Sounds as though you everything on track and you will defo be the best support as your already doing an amazing job xxx
Glad to see everyone is doing so well and getting feeding more established now, no one can prepare you for breastfeeding it is extremely tough even without baby having tounge tie, I had to combo feed my first from about 8 weeks due to poor supply and her still being so unsettled and then she wouldn't take boob at all from 12 weeks and I was devastated but had done all I could!

Hope the next stages of your ops and recovery go well tigeress and glad you have got pain under control now.

Babybee can't imagine what you must have gone through getting that news but great that they are already doing things and the technology they have these days is amazing, glad you have already sought support and sounds like your in a good place with it.

Congratulations lilaco!!

I am still waiting, 5 days over due today (just realised my ticker is really out of date) not going to lie i am getting quite impatient now as have been so sick since Wednesday and had lots of early labour signs then it all stops. My midwife was rubbish when I saw her on Wednesday and didn't do the sweep but I have one definitely booked in for tomorrow so fingers crossed it won't be too much longer until i meet my little boy!
Tigeress I had codeine from the hospital and it really took the edge off the soreness. So annoying when you get told different things from different people.

Kimmy, did you have sweep today? Hope it gets things moving. Baby is so comfy in there. I do kind of miss my bump and feeling the movements.

Babybee, I'm so glad you are feeling more positive. You and your family will be amazing support to your little girl. Abigail didn't get a clear response in one of her ears so we are going tomorrow morning to get it redone. I always get nervous when I have to take the baby out, I don't know why but I hope it goes soon.

I'm back to the lactation clinic today so they can watch me feed. If she says they won't do anything with her tongue tie I think I will cry as I want to feed her without the shields but my nipples bleed without them where she can literally only latch on to the nipple and not any more. She made it sound like they would let her grow out of it rather than do anything which is why I am going back.
I did have my sweep this morning but also got some bad news, they are concerned as my blood pressure has crept up had a plus of protein and the sickness so I am waiting to go into hospital at 5pm to see the doctors and see if I will be induced tonight, i am obviously willing to do whatever is safest for baby but I am gutted that my body seems to be failing at the last hurdle again and it's looking unlikely that I will get my water birth this time either.

Hope the lactation clinic was ok and they are willing to do something for the tongue tie pinkbunny
Aw Kimmy sorry to hear that, but good that it's been picked up and ensure safety of you and baby. If you are being induced I hope all goes well and look forward to updates when you are able.

Baby definitely has a posterior tongue tie. The consultant said Abi has about 50% movement in her tongue and can't lift her tongue. No wonder I've had so many problems feeding. I've decided to get her frenulum cut so that will be done in the next 10 days. I feel quite annoyed that it's taken over 2 weeks for an actual diagnosis! I've seen so many people nd talked about her being unable to stay latched. I'm also feeling super relieved that things can be resolved now and we can move forward!
So my due date was 3/3 but Elias Timothy was born on 21st Feb so is a week old today! We had a bit of a rough time and finally came home on Sunday. But doing ok now.

So officially a Feb mummy now!!

So sorry it has dragged on pinkbunny but great that it should be resolved in a few days.

I just made it into being a Feb mummy with baby Reggie born at 18.04 28/02/17 weighing 7lb 10oz. With a very quick induction of less than 6hrs between pessary insertion and birth, Reggie almost arrived in the lift on the way to the labour suite. I didn't get to use the pool but did it without any pain relief but got 3rd degree tears and had to have a spinal for the sutures, he is so worth it and should be home tomorrow.
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Congratulations Kimmy, that's wonderful, news. Glad you had a quick labour, but ouchie for the tears! Love to name and what a good weight! Hope you are both doing well xx
Hey ladies,
Just been wondering how you all are??

I've had good and bad days lol which I'm guessing is pretty normal!

Hope you and babies are all ok, can't believe Ruth is 6 weeks old on Monday, the time is just flying by xx
Good and bad days but more less good days to be honest!

Baby has reflux and will only sleep on us, has no proper routine, eats in small sessions (EBF) and feel like I'm a single parent as DH isn't into the newborn stage and is busy with work. I do however, love her dearly and feel horribly protective over her. Being a mum can be so difficult!
Hi! Congratulations to all the mummies who had their babies and I didn't congratulate.
Lovely to hear from you Tigeress and Little Pip! Little Pip its hard enough and must be extra hard having to do a lot of the care alone. Are you able to get out much to groups?

We definitely have good and bad days too. Baby A is 8 weeks old as of yesterday and now weighs 11lbs 9oz. I'm lucky that she is very chilled and content. However she has now been diagnosed with a moderate to severe conductive hearing loss in both ears and is getting her hearing aids next Monday (in bright pink of course). The positive is that it's partially temporary as she has glue ear which will clear either naturally or with grommets. Once that clears all the tests show she'll still have a sensorineural hearing loss, which is a permanent one, but this one will be much more mild. She will still need hearing aids to make sure she doesn't fall behind in speech but will hear quite well without them. So now we're really looking forward to having the hearing aids fitted. She also has to have a ct scan to make sure all the bone structure of the ear is ok and that the glue ear is actually glue ear and not a deformation of the bones.
So even though it all sounds scary, we're fine about it all and it so far doesn't seem to be effecting other developmental things. She's a big smiler and smiles at so many things. She's very strong and can hold her head up for a long period of time. She's also started gurgling a lot which is adorable. So we are all good for the most part.

Also for those breastfeeding mums, i read a few articles about the benefit of drinking fennel tea on the baby. So I started drinking 2 cups a day and after 2 days she seemed so much more content, didn't struggle as much with wind and is now only sick once or twice a week rather than once a day. The best part is she's started being much more peaceful in her sleep and has started sleeping 7.30-11pm theb after a feed and nappy change goes from around 11.30-6. So I recommend trying it!

I hope everyone's well and sorry for my essay of an update.xx
Hello, are people still around? Or did you all move to a baby group now babies are here? :)

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