ear piercing ??

Its making more sense now. Sorry was having dippy moment. In that way I think its good then when they are young. I remember nagging my mum for mine done, but she wouldnt let me :( So when I turned 16 I rebbeled and got my ears done 6 times! lol we had so many arguments over that. 3 on one ear and two on the other with one at the top. I remember crying when I got the one at the top done and going home and telling my mum, all i got was the 'i told you so' line lol :roll:
Grrrrrrrrrrr leave me out of this!!!!!!!!

the last thread made me grey and there were lots of nasty coments!

but i just hope the forum has come a long way since then and people will respect other peoples choice!

yes Dior has her ears peirecd, there are alot of down sides for some people infections ect, but i was lucky as i looked after Diors very well and they are perfect never had any probs

the reason i got them done was yes i thought they would look cute, and to save her the pain as she will never remember any of it, she cryed for a few mins then was fine
i like it when little girls have there ears peirced i had mine done very young and dont remember a thing about it
i think everyone can be civilised there are some good points youve got me thinking Dionne how did Dior react to it was she ok when she had them done?
i would have got them done even earlier. she was 10 months and screamed when i was trying to hold her still... once they peirced them she cryed a tiny bit then was fine....

the hard part was me holding her still as i anoyed her.

i bathed her ears evey night and now they are fine, just 2 lil pink dimonds

but alot of people are really against it, do what you feel is right :D
I personally would not pierce my baby's ers as I think its up to them to choose, and if they are afraid of the pain or don't like it well to me that's part of piercings. I had to wait til I was older and have had a few now but I got to choose.
Personally i would wait untill they decided that they wanted it done, i think i had mine done around the age of 9ish can remember my exact age then i had them done again when i was 23 i was such a wimp i'd like to get the top of my ear done, but people have said that piercing through cartilage is painful. sorry going of the point a bit!
its not too bad hypnorm, I had mine done 3 times altogether and it didn't really hurt me (and I am a massive wimp)
I had my first daughters done when she was 14 months and it was hell,she hated having them cleaned and sometimes they fell out in the bath and it would be murder getting them back in,i felt terrible :( .My second daughter actually asked to have her ears pierced when she was 3,they did both at the same time and she just laughed :D ,she was great about having them cleaned and was so happy to have earings,a much happier expereince all round xx
i had charlies done when she was 5 months old, never had any probs and she loves them.

but if i had a girl now i wouldnt do it again, not sure why, maybe its coz im older, i have got nothing agaisnt it tho.

layla said:
i had charlies done when she was 5 months old, never had any probs and she loves them.

but if i had a girl now i wouldnt do it again, not sure why, maybe its coz im older, i have got nothing agaisnt it tho.


yep ild think twice if i have another girl... because alot of the comments on my old thread made me feel bad.

i was lucky with Diors but ild feel awfull if my next childs go wrong :shock:
babe, dont let anyone make you feel bad, your a fantastic mum.

you do what you feel is right for you and your own

I had Elsie-Angels Ears pierced a few months ago - she was about 5 months.

I did not plan on getting them done really - I was going to get my daughter Ruby's ears pierced (she's 18mths). I really didn't know if I was doing the right thing, felt awful when we were in there - really sick - really wanted to get out!! Mind you we were prob in there the best part of an hour. (Layla came wit me LOL!)

Ruby had hers done first, the gun didnt work properly on one ear and the earring came back out again, so the lady did it again and now poor ruby has two holes on the one side. Now that really did make me feel bad!

Elsie-Angel was absolutely fine tho - she cried a little but nothing major - no worse than an injection at the docs I spose. (maybe a bit less) I have been lucky and her ears have been great with no problems. Now she will just sit in her chair and I can change the earrings no prob so they def dont hurt her. She is 7mths now and doesnt grab them or anything and I think she will think that they are part of her as she doesn't remember anything else.

The lady in the shop said that she prefers doing them younger as they dont know what is going to happen. (she said she did her granddaughter when she was 1 or 2 days old and she didnt flinch - I would never do that tho to a newborn!)

My three year old, Erin, wanted her ears pierced bout 6mths ago. She was all up for it until the lady had done one and then that was it - she went nuts! I think it was easier with the babies.

However, After the experience in the shop having Elsie-Angel and Ruby done together. I would maybe hesitate in having a baby done again in the future. I'm not sure. I think I felt really guilty and then everybody else made me feel even worse. I would get a few comments, some good, some bad .... but now a few months on I am glad that I have had it done and she looks really cute! Thats my little story anyway!
hmmm this makes interesting reading :lol:

i had Beths ears pierced this morning. I have been trying to get them done for ages but the only place i could find that would do them was Claire's Accessories (I had my 3rd set done there and had nothing but problems with them, there is no way on this earth they were going near my baby!)

I had my ears pierced as did my sister at about 12 weeks old and the way my mum put it to me was the younger you have them done there is less chance of them touching them, fiddling with them so less chance of them getting infected.

Beth was as good as gold, she had the first one done and she had a little bit of a whinge (i think it lasted a whole of 30 seconds) when it came to the second one we left it a couple of minutes before doing it and had it done and again we had a 30 second whinge and she has been fine since she hasnt touched them once.

I fully intend on cleaning them properly twice a day and i dont really have any worries about her fiddling with them.

It is completly down to personal preference whether you have them done or not, and i think you will find no matter where you ask questions peoples views will be very different to others. :)
bubble_dreamer said:
Beth was as good as gold, she had the first one done and she had a little bit of a whinge (i think it lasted a whole of 30 seconds) when it came to the second one we left it a couple of minutes before doing it and had it done and again we had a 30 second whinge and she has been fine since she hasnt touched them once.

Dior got hers done at claires and they done both ears at one one lady each side 1,2,3 then both pressed the gun :shock:
Hypnorm said:
i'd like to get the top of my ear done, but people have said that piercing through cartilage is painful. sorry going of the point a bit!

Ive got that part done, had it done after having zack. It was painfull, only because the guy did it wrong. I had blood all over my best top :( But I loved it afterwards. It didnt heal tho after 2 years, it was a bit sore to sleep on aswell. Ive taken it out now, but who love to have it done again. But not by that bloke ..he was awful.
violet-glow said:
Hypnorm said:
i'd like to get the top of my ear done, but people have said that piercing through cartilage is painful. sorry going of the point a bit!

Ive got that part done, had it done after having zack. It was painfull, only because the guy did it wrong. I had blood all over my best top :( But I loved it afterwards. It didnt heal tho after 2 years, it was a bit sore to sleep on aswell. Ive taken it out now, but who love to have it done again. But not by that bloke ..he was awful.

ild like it done but i thought it would be to painfull... but iv had my tragus done which is even thicker but for some reason the top of my ear scares me :lol:
violet-glow said:
dionne said:
there bloody pricey too... £28 they cost :roll:

For your ears! :shock: Mine only cost 6 quid
Top of my ear cost 20 tho :?

yep in claires ecessories as because she was so tiny i needed to get the proper gold ones

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