Childs ear piercing!!

I really like them 2 just not on a 10 year old.
Bet they looked lush am x
I stretched my lobes, to be fair I really liked them, I wore 1" tunnels in both ears. I took them out when I was in labour as they were doing my head in and I've not felt the need to put them back in since. They haven't gone back to normal though, they don't look as bad as they did at first but I found out yesterday I can still get a pen through them lol! Guess they were stretched beyond repair for so long, I can't see them getting any better now. Still, they don't look too bad so all is good :)

I also feel the need to say that they didn't smell!!
I also feel the need to say that they didn't smell!!

Hahahah maybe its a man thing? All Liams piercings have been smelly (not like you can smell them next to him but when he takes em out for a clean they are stink)
Ive never known piercings to smell unless they got infected
nope this is just sweaty cheesey smell! I know hes not the only one coz i have had other mates with piercings that have had the same problem!
I had a male friend whos ear was kinda stinky when he was stretching it , but it was because he wasnt looking after it and it was dirty and infected . ( not saying that was why Liam's was stinky of course )
Liam used to clean his weekly... they just smelt a bit cheesy! I dont think he is the cleanest of men though and he works bloody hard so... probably just sweat!

I have had other friends with the same, not infected or really nasty just a bit cheesy lol

maybe i just have dirty friends ahahahah long haired hippies :D
piecerings that have been stretched tend to have a bit of a sweaty smeel purely because it all gets trapped betwen the skin and the stretcher- it your wore normal earings long enough they'd smell a little too just not enough to notice it.

always worse when you first take them out because you've the whatever lube was used to get it in on the first place mixed in. I know exactly what smell you mean though- the sweaty, stale smell - not pleasant but not offensive enough to notice until the first 5-10mins after its been taken out. xx
Im sure thats not the case :) but its anogther reason why a child shouldnt have a piercing anyway they need regular careful cleaning and not to be handled with dirty hands . No child would be able to do that
piecerings that have been stretched tend to have a bit of a sweaty smeel purely because it all gets trapped betwen the skin and the stretcher- it your wore normal earings long enough they'd smell a little too just not enough to notice it.

always worse when you first take them out because you've the whatever lube was used to get it in on the first place mixed in. I know exactly what smell you mean though- the sweaty, stale smell - not pleasant but not offensive enough to notice until the first 5-10mins after its been taken out. xx
Ah I see :) Thanks for clearingf that up x
piecerings that have been stretched tend to have a bit of a sweaty smeel purely because it all gets trapped betwen the skin and the stretcher- it your wore normal earings long enough they'd smell a little too just not enough to notice it.

always worse when you first take them out because you've the whatever lube was used to get it in on the first place mixed in. I know exactly what smell you mean though- the sweaty, stale smell - not pleasant but not offensive enough to notice until the first 5-10mins after its been taken out. xx
Ah I see :) Thanks for clearingf that up x

We all went on a mission when I was about 14 because my friend had hers stretched and freaked thinking she got an infection from it andwent to EVERYONE asked why (not even the gp knew) turn out some guy in talk wise whose like a pin cushion had been interested by why it was like that but wasnt infected so did experiements on himself.... I didn't ask for details!!

Another things thats a bad point about little ones ears being done is chapped skin. I've had to take my earrings out because I've chapped skin behind my ears(always get it around now no matter what I do and always have!) I've never complained about it but all I can think is if I'd had mine done before I thought it was a good idea to take them out when the skin splits and how to look after it then I'd have gotton some AWFUL infections and scarring. Really want a tattoo back there but I just know itll split clean down the middle =[[
hey im new here!! :wave: i just saw this post and i just have to admit i am comletely agains it. why would you do it?? i dont get it. sorry dont mean to offend anyone! :) x

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