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end of the day we all have our own opinions on this subject, only seems like me and dionne agree on letting your child have its ear pierced but thats your choice theres no need to bring name callin in to it none of u no how to bring up own own kids or weather we r "chavs" my girls lv there ears pierced so whats the problem
Well it does seem ur trying to provoke, bringing in other people's comments, loosely disguised as ur own is now just trying to make others feel like they are seen as chavs.

Why bother?

let's keep it nice
mrsT said:
wow - they will love that comment... I'm passing it on
I can practically hear the giggles

Tell me was it fun wasting a few mins of your life trying to be little someone, for your own sense of selfworth? :roll:
i dont think babies that cant even speak for themselves and dont understand is fair on the babies, they might not want them when they old enough to kno what they want!

i voted 8-12, i nagged my mum to allow me to get mine pierced from about age 6 (she made me wait til i was 12 :roll: )- when my daughter is over 6 if she really wants it i wont make her wait as long as my mum made me wait (we'll hav to see what her dad says tho, he hates piercings!)
violet-glow said:
mrsT said:
wow - they will love that comment... I'm passing it on
I can practically hear the giggles

Tell me was it fun wasting a few mins of your life trying to be little someone, for your own sense of selfworth? :roll:

hmmm - sarcasm, obviously wasted here then.
Ok im locking this thread, I'll leave it here for now so you can see this post explaining why.

There is no need for the name calling, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and its a shame this couldnt have just been a healthy debate without the name calling!
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