Childs ear piercing!!

What a well written article, very sensible. Babies do not look good with pierced ears, it looks cheap and nasty IMO xx

Sent from my knackered iPhone
i do not like to see children with peirced ears, i used to be a body piercer and refused point blank anyone under 16 for any peircings.
What a well written article, very sensible. Babies do not look good with pierced ears, it looks cheap and nasty IMO xx

Sent from my knackered iPhone

Couldn't agree more.

It SHOULDN'T be allowed.
Wonderful article . Anyone who reads that and still feels it is ok to pierce a child's ears needs to seriously reconsider
What a well written article, very sensible. Babies do not look good with pierced ears, it looks cheap and nasty IMO xx

Sent from my knackered iPhone

Couldn't agree more.

It SHOULDN'T be allowed.

Dolly got her ears none at 2, i wouldn't dream of putting jeans on my little girl I think it looks cheap and tacky but everyone has different taste so I would say so.

My princess is by far not cheap or tacky xxxxx
Of course everyone has different tastes and has different opinions and is entitled to them . I for one dont see how jeans on a girls could look cheap or tacky :shrug: but each to thier own. I will say thought that putting jeans on my child is hugely different to putting holes in her ears and cause needless pain .
Of course everyone has different tastes and has different opinions and is entitled to them . I for one dont see how jeans on a girls could look cheap or tacky :shrug: but each to thier own. I will say thought that putting jeans on my child is hugely different to putting holes in her ears and cause needless pain .

I'm not really saying it is cheap and tacky to put jeans on a girl what i mean its something I don't do and don't like, but I would keep it to myself as we are all different taste i would just say jeans aren't really for me NOT your child looks cheap and tacky in them. Its fine that we all have different taste and fine if people don't want to put holes in there childrens ears thats really there choice, but it's a little personal to say my little girl looks cheap and tacky yea don't like it don't do it but there's no need to be so harsh I don't know how any little girl could look cheap and tacky xxxx
I agree with you that no little girl could look cheap or tacky as they are all beautiful :hugs: and I agree thats its a but harsh to say it about a child . I think the point was that the piercing looks tacky as opposed to the child ? If I read the comment correctly .
Correct, the piercing looks tacky, not the child, the child hasn't chosen to have holes in their ears. I think an age limit should be imposed IMO x

Sent from my knackered iPhone
Correct, the piercing looks tacky, not the child, the child hasn't chosen to have holes in their ears. I think an age limit should be imposed IMO x

Sent from my knackered iPhone
Could not agree more . The child should be old enough to sign a consent form
Both my daughters have their ears pieced I know the whole age agreement ext ext thing is there for some parents but my husband took them to get theirs done and they didn't even cry about 1-2 seconds if that it hurt her more to have her needles today she was screaming - I know they are needed and I'm not debating that but it really doesn't effect them much I think they look beautiful my daughters have diamonds in their ears and bella loves hers! If she doesn't like them when she is older she can take them out I think it's a parents own choice tbh! And I don't think they look tacky at all the piercings or the child Chloe is only tiny and they actually look really feminine on her I've picked tiny little diamonds not big hoops ext ext
I think this is going to be one of those subjects where we all agree to disagree I think x

Sent from my knackered iPhone
I think this is going to be one of those subjects where we all agree to disagree I think x

Sent from my knackered iPhone

I agree.

I don't think I will ever think it looks "nice" on a BABY to have earrings of any sort. Jewellery as a whole I don't like on babies. I saw a little boy the other day in his Pushchair, he was prob 6 months AT THE MOST and he had 1 ear pierced and a gold bracelet on!!!!!

I had Emily's Amber teething necklace on the other day and I took it off her before we went out just incase anyone thought it was a piece of jewellery! Lol!
Lol I can't really say anything Chloe has diamonds in her ears and a gold bracelet on since about 5 months x
Haha Erin, I would have done the same thing if and when I need to get a Teething Necklace for Arthur. Doesn't jewelley on babies say more about the parents than the babies...??
I do think its a vanity thing . Having said that both my girls wore silver crosses and name bracelates given to them by their godparents on saturday for Lily's baptism as it was such a special occasion

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