Ear Piercing - Opinions please!

Oh yes that one ^^^^^ is the scariest thread ever!!!

My concern with ear peircing is that in playing games and physical activity, there could be an accident that could result in the ear getting torn. Yikes.

I would wait till Jess was eight and she could understand that it might hurt and that she would need to be carefull with them and look after them.

She has never shown any interest in them so far but I always wear little studs. I know she is only 3 but she is very good at conversation and asking about things.
Thanks to everyone for the replies...and for the links to the other threads.

It's been really helpful! :hug: :hug:

Sorry if I opened a can of worms that should have remained closed!!!! I can see it's a sensitive subject...but it's given me some great material for work! :cheer: :cheer:

were not getting our baby done if she wants it done she can have it done whenever she wants :) or she can tell my dad (her g.dad) and he will pay) ;) he dont know it yet tho lol

however i had mine done when i was about 5 1/2 back in 1985 :wink:
ohh thats an old thread, the original paradysso has posted on that one lol

i will let my kids get theirs done when they ask for it, i had mine done really young, i dont rememebr it but dont mind that my mum made the choice.
Urchin said:
budge said:
actually sammystar it was this thread that cause the big stir
http://www.pregnancyforum.co.uk/forum/v ... r+piercing

Actually you're BOTH wrong :lol:

http://pregnancyforum.co.uk/forum/viewt ... 31&start=0

lol im still currently treading that thread and waiting to get to the end to post here. despite i think i posted already and cant remember its been so long rofl. just eat half a toffee cheesecake from the coop and still reading through it. have to get a cuppa soon and ive got Worcester crisps on the brain now :( damn walkers lol
I never knew it was such a debateable issue, its real interesting to read such contrasting views.
My auntie took me to have mine done when I was 2yrs old, without telling my Mum :lol: I don't remember it and don't really wear earings so wouldn't have mided had they not been done. But maybe I was upset I never got to get them done as a teenager, because I had my eyebrow and tongue done instead :wink:
Personally I'd not consider it with my child until at least the age of 11 because I believe its an experience they may want to have at an older age, plus I'm soft so couldn't bring myself to take any child to have them done anyway :D
yes so have i lol

like i said above i had mine done when i was about 5 1/2 and i do remember them. one hurt and one didnt but i didnt cry. parents were shocked when i said one hurt and one didnt.
jo said:
budge said:
Urchin said:
budge said:
actually sammystar it was this thread that cause the big stir
http://www.pregnancyforum.co.uk/forum/v ... r+piercing

Actually you're BOTH wrong :lol:

http://pregnancyforum.co.uk/forum/viewt ... 31&start=0

i must have missedthat one then urchin. i didn't post in it at all
Think you joined just after hun


sorry about the caps lock :oops:
PMSL you would have deff been right in the middle of that one i think!!
jo said:
PMSL you would have deff been right in the middle of that one i think!!
nar - im not that bothered with that one. :roll: parental choice i suppose. but not for me until the child is old enough to decide for itself.
i hate to see boys ears peirced though :lol:
I know I'll probably regret asking this but... why IS it such a debatable issue?... It doesn't seem to be such a big thing

I agree with Budge... its a personal/cultural choice and should be left at that, I don't think it looks good or bad in babies, I just don't think its practical for little ones... Knowing how little ones LURVE to fiddle with things, at least Tia did... she had to touch, feel and stick her fingers into everything and still does :roll: and the screaming hissy fits we have cos one of her hair clips got caught in her jumper, I can only imagine the noise if an earring did the same., but that's my daughter for you LOL:

The only reason I am so against the hospital here piercing my daughters ears at birth is because it's not a medical issue and I feel like my parental rights are being infringed. It's my right to choose, not some high and mighty midwife :roll: But this is a completely different subject that has nothing to do with earrings in babies as i would feel the same if they wanted to circumcise my little boy for non medical matters.
iv seen baby boys with their ears pierced, it just doesnt look right?

with girls i think its parental choice

either way Jams not havin any tattoos or piercing until hes out from under my roof :lol:
mummykay said:
either way Jams not havin any tattoos or piercing until hes out from under my roof :lol:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I just remember my mum saying that.... so my dad took me out to get my nose pierced....
I would never peirce a babys ears, i don t think its right, but if a parent wants to then so be it. Hope can have hers done when she is old enough to ask me, she dont need em done until then :D
This was a topic which never really concerned me until I read a few threads on here and on Digital Spy.

For me it is up to the parent what they want to me and it none of my business whatsoever to judge a parent on the decision they make.

Why do some people feel the need (I am talking in general not on here) to judge other people's parenting decisions? Why can't people let parents make their own decisions without saying it is wrong. I am so sick of moral do-gooders who think they know your child better than you.

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