ear Piercing.. babies

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Kerry said:
This thread needs to be forgotten now so everyone can move on and talk about something nice again!!


sorry, can you tell im frustrated? :wink:
now please lets all drop it... im not going to put another post on here now purely because i no il end up getting kicked of the forum..

if any one has any thing to say direct to me feel free to pm me.

but im off work now for a week and only get to catch up when at my mums as i dont have internet

oh yh and its my 21st bday on weds thats y im taking time of work

me kris and Dior going the zoo... lol im getting boring.

spending my 21st in the zoo lol

ok is this going to start a dissagreement?
am i a bad mum letting Dior come the zoo incase she breathes in the monkey poo??
i hate women looking down there nose on other mums

and thats how i felt i was being looked at for the things we have been disagreeing over on this thread

Oh Dionne dont feel like that ( wont do you blood pressure any good ) :wink:

I for one am def not looking down my nose at you, from what i have seen of Dior you are doing a wonderful job of raising her she looks so happy and haelthy and you are doing something i would never have the guts to do and thats have 2 babies so close

Just look at gap between my 2 :!:

we all have differant ideas of what is good for our babies and i think we should leave it at that otherwise this thread could get very nasty and personal and its just not worth it.

I bet youll think twice before doing a poll again wont you?! :D
Hypnorm said:
Sorry but this thread has made me really angry. you say you are sparing her the memory of the pain - but you are inflicting pain on her now!

Even my husband agrees - "stupid and irresponsible"

ok but just to let u all no this is the msg that really broke my temper how dare some one say that!!

that was by far over the top...

sorry to the rest of u x x x x

take care

and sorry about the older women comment x x

lol very tempermentel

ok sorry that was my last post

Wow is all igotta say at first i cant beleive how everyon eis talking to one another were all friends and help eachother.
I dotn take anyones sides at all.
But i want to get Kiaras ears pierced once my stitches heal and im allowed to the mall, but i got mine done at a few weeks old and dont remmeber and my dad took really good care of them for me.
Also if she hatedthem when she got older i know they can close up, as my sister took hers out for a night and they vlosed up.
Mc Donalds ide probably treat her about once a month and i used to work there for almost two years and there are alot of great people there who im still friends with, the only meat you have ot worry about is teh mc chickens they are processed i never touch them no more... yuck
lol but i guess its the same as hotdogs?

I also understand why others wouldnt agree with us because everyone has there opinions, but i also think opinions should be left at that and should be dropped and if you want to give your opinions maybe say them a little nicer for some of you, maybe just say i dont agree, i think you shouldnt do it but thats only my opinion ect???
I just think we should all be nice its makin me sad.

Oh and the latest topic lol..... sex hmm i think thjis can go on forever as well lol, where should we start.

Anyways, ill chat with you all later and remember everyone this is suppost to be a friendly site that we all wnat to be in , i used to go to another site where this happened so often that everyone keft and i dont want to see that happen here.
Katrina and Kiara :D
Dionne don't make this your last post, that'll be really sad if you have taken everything to heart, if i have said anything to upset you i apologise, we gotta let things go now

i didnt mean last post ever lol i just ment on this topic fort ild say that didnt want u to think i was being a spoilt lil brat saying im leaving lol
takes more to get rid ov me

and hey im one of the oldest members on her as far as i no i got the oldest baby my posts are still on here from being preg b4... i feel special
Come on everybody ((((group hugs)))))

We all have our different views on bringing up children, but we all have their best interests at heart and love our babies lots. I know I have said this before but this is by far the best forum I have been on as everyone is so supportive of everyone else. I have been on some right ones, the arguements get really nasty. You should read the ear piercing one on Bounty, :shock:
what about maybe asking a moderater to lock it and throw away the key?
will i go mad if i read the comments they make?

i respect what ppl think but dont like it wen they call u a bad mum for it..

there are babies out there being beaten raped and things ppl never dream of so i think ear peircing is not a big issue in the world

u seen them adverts for nspcc?? they break my heart

im porud to say i give money out of my wage every month..

please every one else :)
are babies are lucky to av good mums there are some very unfortinate children out there

any one been watching that BABY BE MINE?? on bbc1 last night at 9pm

its really sad would make u want to adopt i would love to but kris aint interested in it :( he is worried he would favour our children
wow - i go out shopping and come back to world war 3 lol

i was the one that mentioned i will only feed home cooked food... i dont work, i stay at home all day so i have time too. im not having a go, u feed what u like, but i just wont feed salty, sugary things to alana until she is fully developed at she has excema and those things can aggrivate it.

we all have our own opinions on what we think is best for our children, if alana deserves a treat when she is 12 months old i would probably buy her a disney video or a book.... ive never thought of food as a treat, when i was little if i was good when my parents were shopping, they took me to toys r us and let me spend £5.

i mean i dont sterlise her bottles so you could all have a good and say im risking her health, but as far as im concerned her bottles are clean enough so i dont bother.

and i took offense to being called old, im only 24 and i boil my veg lol

any ways lady why hasnt any one entered the photo competition yet???? pull ur fingers out ya arses and get snapping

love elaine
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
god i do go from one subject to the other dont i
I would love to adopt too.

just to know that i could make a child that has had it tough, for what ever readon, happy and safe would be one of the best feelings in the world i think.
Just had a quick look now at Bounty, its a funny forum isnt it? cant make anything of it, its all a bit back to ffront!
Glad everyone has decided to call this debate a day, it got way out of hand!
that made me giggle, but i might not be able to get a pic in time for taht hmm i will see what i can do
yh it would but im 20 good job partner has too, but kris has a criminal record for fighting and other lil things
(b4 we meet) but not married and only rent a house so i thought it would go against me???

but then again if kris has been honest and said he would not be able to love it like he will love his own two babies then ild be a bad person to bring a child into my home if it wasnt being treated equally?

ild love it like my own if it was young and we could bond.
one thing i do like about this thread well now since all the rows stoppped is its just general chit chat rather then making a 10000 of threads just like.. what i av been up to and lil bits so how bout we start a thread "general chit chat"????
any one up for it?

like some times i just want to put... oh im tired crap day at work... but were do i put it????
Good idea Dionne! would be good to have a general chit chat thread i think!
stephlw25 said:
Good idea Dionne! would be good to have a general chit chat thread i think!

your opinion is not important lol :lol:

go and watch flight plan

i was well impressed today steph i found out that you and elaine could both read , as she said you both read narnia. Quite impressive for nurses :lol:
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