Wow is all igotta say at first i cant beleive how everyon eis talking to one another were all friends and help eachother.
I dotn take anyones sides at all.
But i want to get Kiaras ears pierced once my stitches heal and im allowed to the mall, but i got mine done at a few weeks old and dont remmeber and my dad took really good care of them for me.
Also if she hatedthem when she got older i know they can close up, as my sister took hers out for a night and they vlosed up.
Mc Donalds ide probably treat her about once a month and i used to work there for almost two years and there are alot of great people there who im still friends with, the only meat you have ot worry about is teh mc chickens they are processed i never touch them no more... yuck
lol but i guess its the same as hotdogs?
I also understand why others wouldnt agree with us because everyone has there opinions, but i also think opinions should be left at that and should be dropped and if you want to give your opinions maybe say them a little nicer for some of you, maybe just say i dont agree, i think you shouldnt do it but thats only my opinion ect???
I just think we should all be nice its makin me sad.
Oh and the latest topic lol..... sex hmm i think thjis can go on forever as well lol, where should we start.
Anyways, ill chat with you all later and remember everyone this is suppost to be a friendly site that we all wnat to be in , i used to go to another site where this happened so often that everyone keft and i dont want to see that happen here.
Katrina and Kiara