ears pierced ?????????? updated page 1

My daughter asked me to get her ears pierced and iv left it this long already iv explained that it will hurt and that it needs cleaning for like 6weeks and she knows everything and before i get them done im going to go over it again with her. All her friends have earrings and i have and she wants to be the same. x
i agree with mummynmummy2be as well.

I think it should be a choice for a child to make. I chose to get mine pearced at 7 and i remember it like it was yesterday. It hurt like hell but i loved my new bling. I also remeber them being quite sore for a week or so after. I imagine a very young child will find it quite distressing! xx
I think its a subject where we have to respect every parents choice :)

Just as the way it is a parents choice how to feed their child, what nappies to use etc :)

I don't think we have to make any parent feel bad over any choice they make :)
Ah just saw the update :)
Only advice I will give now is to check the studs regularly, especially first thing in the morning as some kids can swell up a bit after the gun method and sometimes the little butterfly back can become embedded in the ear.
Did they give you cleaning solution? If not get yourself some contact lense solution, works a treat :) Glad she took it well and fingers crossed for a quick heal up :D
I've done an ear piercing course and when I was piercing adults ears they'd jump as I was doing it! I can only imagine what a child would be like! I had my first one done at 9 and I know I begged my mum for ages before she gave in then went on to have them done 3 more times in the space of 5 years but I don't wear earrings now! I grew out of that phase! It's completly personnal choice to get your childs ears pierced but I'm going to wait until laceys old enough to properly understand about them
i had my daughters done when she was really little i think about 8 months (she is 10 now) i cant remember but when it came to school they wasnt allowed to wear them so constantly had to take them out and put them back in again so i left them out and healed nicely then 1 day she came back from her dad with them repeirced i wasnt happybut she said she wanted them done then last year i noticed her ear was red and had a look at the butterfly was embedded in her ear so i took both earings out and cleaned both ears and she isnt having them back in untill she is old enough to go to a studio and have them done herself!!
i know some1 in spain and they do them the day after they are born!

if you have them done or thinking of having them done please check their ears daily even if they have had them in for years still check :)
Ah just saw the update :)
Only advice I will give now is to check the studs regularly, especially first thing in the morning as some kids can swell up a bit after the gun method and sometimes the little butterfly back can become embedded in the ear.
Did they give you cleaning solution? If not get yourself some contact lense solution, works a treat :) Glad she took it well and fingers crossed for a quick heal up :D

thanks simoneh, yea I have cleaning solotion luckly she likes getting them cleaned and lets my touch them etc I will keep an eye on the butterfly backs. There is no redness at all they look really clean dunno if they start abit more in a few days when they start to heal?

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