ear Piercing.. babies

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i would hardly say a photo competition had caused an up-roar WE KNOW U DONT LIKE THE COMPETITITON, BUT weve had enough of your opinion on it, we are all enjoying it, so leave it will you

*comes back quickly, punches thread, strangles it, stabs it through the heart*

*comes back again, stamps on thread a few times, kicks it, checks it's pulse, stamps in it again, then leaves*

Right, I think it's dead, phew.
skiddo your constantly having a bitch at me no matter what i say or do, every thread i make you have made into a argument, just get a life please. i know u dont like photo competition, but for others it will be fun, so just leave me to do it in peace
Great I think the flames are fanned yet again ! Am gonna get Laura to end this thread once and for all!!
tell her she may as well end the photo competititon one as well coz she will only start on at me again some where else, its the third thread shes done it now
This is not my argument, if you are upset by someone else on here you should tell Laura not the rest of us.
Can't we just ignore any comment we don't like? It seems a bit childish to have to have a thread locked or removed because people can't stop themselves reacting to it.

I've killed this thread...but it keeps rising from the grave.

*stabs thread through the heart with a wooden stake this time*

P.S. I think i've been watching too much Buffy.

just read back on this thread before i even made a post skiddoo brought me into more then once? why she got to do this..... its pathetic, she always got to try and drag my name through the dirt
FGS Paradysoo - chill. I recalled a certain amount of debate around the idea of a photo comp is all. Wasn't trying to have a go at you, just curious about what gets people going.

Your photo comp thread is safe - I have no intention of going anywhere near it!

But, just for the record, the only thread I've participated in that's been shut down was locked after a particularly unpleasant remark from first.time.daddy to me - since deleted!
Topic locked.

However, I will say this (again) - if any member has an issue with another member, will you please take it up using the Private Mail facility. These message boards are intended to provide calm and supportive surroundings for pregnant ladies and new mothers, and I will not tolerate any level of nastiness at any time.
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