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mrsT said:
dionne said:
like i said before i didnt get them done for looks :roll: !!! or can you not read and you no what goes on in my head?

I did read that - so your saying you got her ears pierced because when she's older other girls will have theirs done?? I just don't get it.
I'm not trying to be a cow, but I really don't get it!

She said
most girls want their ears pierced so i saved Dior the hassel of getting them done when she is older
People do it because they just assume kids want it done (like 99% do) and it does save them the pain and hassle but there is no other fuction for piercing but for looks or "pleasure" :wink:
dionne said:

do you get it now????

Nope, sorry
I accept that it is your choice and I am not here to take that away from you, but doing it because she'll want it done when she's older, I don't understand. Sorry, but I don't.
Princess_Puddles said:
mrsT said:
dionne said:
like i said before i didnt get them done for looks :roll: !!! or can you not read and you no what goes on in my head?

I did read that - so your saying you got her ears pierced because when she's older other girls will have theirs done?? I just don't get it.
I'm not trying to be a cow, but I really don't get it!

She said
most girls want their ears pierced so i saved Dior the hassel of getting them done when she is older

I know what she said thank you.
I voted never. I didn't want my ears pierced when I was a child, however my sister did. My mum refused to let her under the age of 16, and when she threatened to lie about her age, my mum threatened back to sue anybody who did it (she would as well :D )so my sister didn't do that. Interestingly though, once she could she didn't pierce her ears, once she was old enough (she is now 29). We plan on the same with our LO, if she choses to as an adult fair enough but before then we will not let her get them pierced.
mrsT said:
dionne said:

do you get it now????

Nope, sorry
I accept that it is your choice and I am not here to take that away from you, but doing it because she'll want it done when she's older, I don't understand. Sorry, but I don't.

what is there not not understand :?

she was to young to fiddle with them so it was a perfect age for me and her!
id personally (sp?) leave it up to my daughter.
When's shes old enough to decide for herself she wants it done :)
i said less then 6 months... i got mine done when i was really young... never really thought i was a big thing!!

but if it was a boy then no i wouldn't be thinking about it.... but a girl why not.. they will def want them when they are older..

i've never heard of a child complainly because she got her ear priced
mrsT said:
I didn't fiddle with mine at 14...
because at 14 you no not to. but most girls want them done young about 5 - 6
and i wouldnt make my daughter wait till she is alot older. so i think i done the right thing getting them done when i did.
and like i said before i was so happy i grew up with mine done so i hope Dior is the same.
but they can always come out if she waned them out but i dout it.
mrsT i think its basicly up to the mother. If my daughter at 14 wanted her ears done and I didnt want her to have them done then id say no.

But alot of girls these days have their ears done. I can see where Dionne is coming from by getting Diors done at a young age. In the long run I think Dionne is saving her daughter from the pain of getting it done when shes say 14. Babys forget and dont have a very long memory. Getting a babys ears done is less painfull than them having a heal prick test.

I can see why mothers get their daughters ears done, but for me its not my personal choice. As I said id wait till my daughter could ecide for herself. But I cant see why your trying to be little those who choose something different from what you would personally do.

(sorry went off on a rammble)
OK - I totally see what you are saying, but my opinino is, that I felt guilty as hell when my daughter had her heel prick (and the poor mate had to have it twice as apparently they did it too early or something!) but I knew it had to be done as it could show up a seriuos medical condition.
I just fell that - in MY opinion, I couldn't hold my daughter down whilst someone pierced her ears for no other reason than she'd want it done when she's older.

I understand you want to save them the pain, and when I was younger, I wished my mum had had my ears pierced when I was little.
BUt - it made me realise that there are consequences to actions. If I wanted my ears pierced I would have to deal with the fact that it might hurt a little. This made me seriously think about it and whether it was worth it.
To me, this was a good lesson, one that I want my daughter to learn.
Well then I think thats good for you. 'You' being the operative word. Its a very personal opinion and I wont put my daughter through that pain unless when shes older she wants to. Im the same as you hun, but I would never try and force my opinion onto someone.

At the end of the day if you want your child to have it done then go for it and if you dont, then dont. Mothers shouldnt be condemned just because they choose to pierce or not pierce a childs ears. What gives anyone the right to have a go at mothers for having an opinion or a personal view.

EDIT: This wasnt an attack on your mrsT or anyone else for that matter. I just dont wanmt to see this thread turn into a huge bitching session.
As i said earlier I think older so they can choose themselves

But i see where Dionne is coming from as Dior as grown up with them and knows no different so won't tug or pull at them or nag when she is older

Bloomin heck 4 pages long, you see why i ran away earlier!!! :rotfl:
It's an interesting debate, but I like using my brain and having a difficult conversation every now and then
Mrs T hun, i ran because i have seen threads like this go mental time and time again.
I love them though(not for the arguing) because i get to see differant peoples takes on things
I think when they are old enough to decide for themselfs if they want it done.
We are also having this debate on another site I go on...

One lady asked me to post her reply (she doesn't want to sign up as she isn't pregnant or trying to get pregnant!!)

"Some girls don't want their ears pierced, my sister didn't and still doesn't. She doesn't really wear jewellery at all.

I had my ears pierced at 13, I wanted them done earlier but mum said no. To be honest I wore them loads when I was younger but rarely wear any now, yes I like my jewellery but earrings just aren't worn anymore.

To be really really really honest my view on babies with pierced ears is a pure sign of chaviness, if I offend then I apologise but its just not something I'd do and if your reason is to excuse them of the pain later in life? WTF?!?! Pain is part of life, plus its nothing to get your ears done, it also comes with the responsibility of looking after them so they heal properly etc etc etc.

As parents I guess you make decisions for your children that they may agree with in later life, but there is alos the chance that they won't and I'm glad my mum chose to leave that decision up to me. I mean when I'm older I won't tattoo my children at a young age just because they won't feel it as much as they would when they're older. If they want to do it then that is their decision, but I would expect them to look after it, just like if they wanted a pet, thats how I was brought up and I turned out ok.

*walks off twitching*"
can someone tell me where the reasearch is that says having a babies ears pierced doesnt hurt them because as far as i am concerned it hurts no matter when you have it done, and if its to save them pain when they get older, most girls want their belly buttons done so y not get that done at the same time :roll:
i voted teenage years
its got to be their choice and they have to fully understand it and have to be able to take care of them.
I would never get a babies ears pierced, its unnessesary pain
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