Diary of an IVFer

We're all rooting for your little fellas Helen :hug:
Take it easy from today (if that's possible for you!).

:dance: Come on fellas :dance: Come on fellas :dance:
Helen how have you been? How's your OH's mum doing?

Hope everything is OK and that you're thinking positive!


Day 37 of IVF Cycle
6 days since Embryo Transfer
11 days to PG test

Thankfully, I got signed off for 2 weeks yesterday by my GP. I feel so relieved and that I can find a bit of time to relax and chill out. I should be back at work a couple of days after our test result.

I had another really tearful day yesterday. OH was at home and we ended up falling out. He's giving me tough love at the moment as he's worried that I'm just going to completely collapse if he lets me. He says that I'm so strong normally it's strange to see me acting like a "wet fart". It felt to me like he didn't believe I was struggling. We made up in the end though. I hate arguments. :)

Interestingly, GP said that the progesterone which is one of my injections would make me feel low. Maybe it is all hormones!

OH's Mum is still really poorly. Doc said to the boys last night that they are doing their best, but that sometimes that isn't enough. That shocked them all really badly especially OH's older brother who is struggling with it all. They are talking about doing a tracheotomy to help her with her breathing, although I don't think they've had to do that as yet. Last night she was talking a bit although it was really hard to hear her with the oxygen mask covering her face.

You may remember horrid younger brother of OH, who refused point blank to visit his Dad when he was in hospital recently. OH rang me earlier, apparently he's finally shown up to visit his Mum. May have had something to do with the mouthful he got off OH's older brother last night. It's a terrible time for the family to be falling out, although the rest of us are pulling together. I've been making a big pot of stew to take over tonight so that we all manage to get a decent meal instead of toast.

I talk so much about the emotional aspects of IVF, I thought I'd say something about the physical. My figure is almost back to normal now. The stimulation drugs make you bloat up really badly as your ovaries expand hugely. It was really tender and loose jogging bottoms were all I could bear to wear. I've definitely put some weight on during this time, mostly due to lack of exercise I think. Maybe half a stone or so. I've got a bit of a pot belly now although normally I'm blessed with a flat stomach.

I've got lots of bruises on my bum from the progesterone injections, the most recent ones are raised and lumpy although that goes down. I've also got bruises on my stomach from the stimulation injections and blood thinning injections. The bruise on the back of my hand from the needle they used to inject sedatives into me during the egg collection has almost gone. I've also got bruises in the crooks of both elbows where they've been taking blood from me for the blood tests. The nurse just picks the least bruised one to draw from!

Thankfully fluid balance (pee jug) seems to be settling down at last. I have another appointment tomorrow for a blood test and they'll check things again then. Slightly disappointing thing is that they don't look at blood for signs of pregnancy. Oh well, not long to wait now.



P.S. Rachel, so glad this is helping you. How is your sister doing? We're actually at Jimmy's in Leeds so it's not us your sister met. Funny, really it doesn't seem to be the done thing to chat to people in the waiting room! Good luck to your sis, I hope she never has to go through this again. :hug:

And everyone else, thanks so much for your good wishes and positive thinking. I'm hoping our mini-travellers (or Hinge and Brackett as a friend called them the other day) are feeling your positive vibes!
hope oh and family are doing ok, it must be a very stressful time for you, but you seem upbeat today so well done!!! Big hugs to you and family :hug:
Day 38 of IVF Cycle
7 days since Embryo Transfer
10 days to PG test

Been to the hospital for a blood test again this morning. All going ok and results from test on Monday are fine. The best news is that I can stop with the pee jug at last!!! :yipee:

Spoke to my oldest friend last night (oldest as in known her the longest) and finally told her about IVF. Don't know why I had put it off, I guess whenever we speak (she lives a couple of hours away so it's mostly on the phone) her life is always so full of trauma and I've never been able to bring it up. She was pretty stumped by it.

Got a phone call just after 6am this morning from hospital to say that OH Mum is back on the ventilator because she'd been having problems with her breathing. Stew went down a treat last night with everyone so may cook something else up on Saturday.

Now just chilling before we head over to the hospital again tonight.


Cor love you aren't half going through it with your IVF aswell as your poor OH's mum.

I know it sounds silly, but why do you have to wait 17 days to test? Sorry if you have mentioned this before :oops: It is because they blood test you to find out? Or do you home test?
thinking of you hun and hoping for you to get some good news soon :hug: xxxxxxx
why do you have to wait 17 days to test?

My hospital don't do a blood test for PG, it's a good old urine test which you take into hospital. My ex-sis in law is at a different local hospital and theirs is blood test which they do a week earlier than my test. :?

They can't do a PG test too early becuase when they are preparing to collect your eggs you take a HCG injection (the PG hormone) to bring them to maturity. Some woman (unlike me who aren't at risk of OHSS) also take HCG during the 2ww. That HCG takes some time to leave your system and could give you a false positive if you test too early. Plus I guess they want to give your hormones plenty of time to develop so they are sure whether it's positive or not.

The thing I'm not sure about is that potentially with a urine test you could get a negative result and still be PG even at 17 days, plenty of women conceiving naturally have the same problem. I asked the nurse the other day at my blood test whether they check for pregnancy when they check the bloods. They don't. :wall:


Day 39 of IVF Cycle
8 days since Embryo Transfer
9 days to PG test

Having a quiet sort of day today. Slept in with OH which was lovely. Had a Chinese last night and woke up with terrible indigestion in the night. Thankfully that has gone now.

OH's Mum has been sedated since yesterday so we haven't visited her. We're just letting her sleep. Hopefully they'll wake her up tomorrow sometime. In meantime OH is getting some time to himself to chill out.

Getting a few little twinges down below, although some of them are around where my ovaries are so maybe it's just them recovering.

I got a magazine from an infertility support group that I'm a member of today and that got conflicting emotions from me.... One bit in a discussion on whether to transfer one or two embryos said "the cruicial factor being the quality of the embryo". :cheer: Yay! We have transferred top quality embryos. Then in an article discussing the emotional side of infertility "The reality is that the majority of cycles are unsuccesful...". :(

Up-down, up-down....


Try to stay positive hun. Numbers can be confusing and/or misleading. Everything seems positive so far, the # of eggs collected and fertilized, the quality of the embryos, the embryos frozen etc. Don't compare yourself to statistics, I think you're doing the best you can, esp looking after yourself.

I understand how scared you must be feeling and your need to read this stuff so that you know what to expect. I just hate to see you feel down

many hugs :hug: :hug:

Day 40 of IVF Cycle
9 days since Embryo Transfer
8 days to PG test

Phew! Over half way now. The injections are getting increasingly more painful each night... both of them. Will really have to dig deep if I have to do this for 12 weeks. Getting more bloated again now, could be huge AF on way or could be due to constipation I now seem to be suffering. :shock:

Discussed whether we should do a PG test before the test at hospital with OH and agreed that we wouldn't. The risk of a false result (however small) either way isn't worth it. In some ways making that decision helps because I know where I am now.

OH's Mum is still sedated today so we've had another quiet day which has been good for us both especially OH who seems to be coming down with a cold. Bit of a disaster because I don't want those germs right now and it'll mean he can't visit his Mum either. :( The hospital have done a tracheotomy to help her breathe and to take her off the tube. Hopefully they'll wake her up tomorrow.


not long to go now! Its going to be another long week for you, I hope oh's cold doesn't materialise! And I also hope you mil gets better it sounds like a bit of a nightmare, remember and keep destressed! xxx
Day 41 of IVF Cycle
10 days since Embryo Transfer
7 days to PG test

Had an unscheduled trip to the hospital this morning. I woke up in the night with a sharp pain just under my rib cage. I couldn't get comfy all night as whenever I moved it started hurting. Rang the hospital this morning and explained and they got me straight in.

So... more blood tests, blood pressure tests and listening to my heart and lungs. All seems to be ok. They suspect that I've got some OHSS symptoms of bloating (no need to tell me that!) and that's pressing my stomach against a rib which is what's hurting. Prescription? Gaviscon and rest and relaxation.

Rang OH to tell him, I'm sure he thinks this is all a ruse to get out of housework and generally be lazy. Still getting tough love from him..."as long as you're alright....you'll be able to put washing on though won't you?" :lol: :wall:

It does mean that I don't need to go to my appointment at the hospital tomorrow which means nothing now (except injections) until PG test next Monday morning.


Sorry your not feeling great at least it is nothing serious! Hope the pains go soon, and the next week doesnt drag for you! :hug:
rubbish about the pains! but at least it sounds normalish! my oh must be speaking to yours, I was told this morning that the washing needed folded, as if I didn't know!!! grrrrrrr
Sorry you're not feeling too well Helen! Hope the pain eases a bit

It's great to be lazy for a change isn't it? I love being lazy but I'm usually filled with guilt whenever I do it so I don't enjoy it very much!

What can we do to make this week pass more quickly?!

Day 42 of IVF Cycle
11 days since Embryo Transfer
6 days to PG test

Look out, look out, there's a woman on hormones about! :evil:

Oh God, I am just a horrible person at the moment. These hormones are the worst yet. They're like having permanent PMT! :shock: I'm miserable, tearful, irrational and paranoid as well as permanently knackered!

Fell asleep on the sofa last night at 9pm and then decided to have a go at my poor worn out OH. He's still full of cold, worried sick over his mother, managing to keep working and there I am giving him a hard time. :(

And if things go to plan... there's at least another 10 weeks of this. Poor guy. :hug:



P.S. Andrianne a time machine would be a good idea!! :lol:
hope the pains are easing and your feeling a little better

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