Christmas Babies


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2013
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So I'm already thinking ahead (don't judge me - it's how I get myself through the cycles :whistle: ) and at CD9, I'm due to test 3rd April. If it's a bfp, that would mean a December baby!

What are your thoughts on December babies? Will you be putting the brakes on ttc to avoid it, or will it be jingle bells all the way? ;)

I'm being selfish in the sense that I don't care when baby is born (or if they hate a December birthday) - I just want that bfp! :shakehead:
Not holding off just past ovulation this month which would b 2nd Dec due but if not next month would b around 27th (if my cycles stay same��) we've given ourselves this year to try and conceive no 3 n cant see the point missing cycles I was a August baby n hated when I was at school that I was youngest etc guess there are downsides whenever you're born ��. X
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December wouldn't be my first choice of birthday for my baby but given that I am just starting out on my 8th cycle I think it would be foolish to stop x
It wouldn't be my first choice either, if you get pregnant really easily then I'd probably skip a month but if it takes you a while, I'd definitely try every chance possible;)
Having been ttc for a year and and a half and suffered two miscarriages, I certainly won't be skipping a month to avoid a December baby!

If iv not managed it this month n my cycle is the same my next one would be bang on Christmas period.

Mixed feelings bout it tbh. My brother bday is 23Rd n has hated it all his life (plus it's a pain for us too :-D) but we're now past the year mark and I just want a baby now so not going to hold off and waste a month xx
My sister and I are both December babies! She's the 5th and I'm the 21st. Doesn't bother me and I never avoided it when TTC xx
My baby was suppoesed to be a December baby, I got pregnant in April, he was due December 27th, he then actually came 14 days later on 9th January via manual eviction :lol: (induction)

So depending on when you get pregnant, it could very well be a January baby.

I will say we were a bit stuck in at the start as it was a bad winter here in Scotland. However it was nice to shut the doors and no one came lots because it was winter and just after xmas. Some nice bonding time.

This time Im due 1st October, so will be an October baby. I got my bfp on my last cycle before stopping TTC until summer to avoid another December/Jan baby. Whether I wouldv stopped is another matter but 2 birthdays and 2 christmas' aswel as everyone elses christmas would have been a bit manic. OH bday is 3rd Jan, fil 12th, so we are quite busy with Jan birthdays here.

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I am a Christmas baby, 30th December and I love it. People are forever telling me how horrible it is but they cant know given their birthday is not in December! It is my favorite time of the year and I would not change it for anything.

Dont stop trying just because you think they may not like it- its all personal preference which you cant predict. I hate the heat so would dislike a birthday in the middle of summer, whatever time of year they arrive you will make it special for them no matter the season. Good luck!
Nope, definitely not stopping. I'm in my fertile period now and we are going full steam ahead! I just want a baby and don't really care when its birthday is.
Im at December baby too! I love December best time of the year! :D
I would have a baby any time of the year, although after 19 months of trying I am not in a position to pick and choose
Interesting to hear everyone's thoughts and I'm so glad to see December ladies who love their birthdays :D

Russellmuscle - no visitors following baby sounds so lovely! ;)

My hairdresser's birthday is 26th December and she has half birthdays too! So in June/July her family will buy her gifts and celebrate her "half birthday" - jammy git!

I guess with the overwhelming result, I'll keep my fingers crossed for lots of March/April BFPs! Xx
We keep saying that were going to relax these next couple of months; only because we're going away with friends this Christmas... but I'm not ovulating at the moment (doing Opks) ill be honest; if I ovulated I'm not convinced we'd be able to help ourselves as I came off the depo injection in October after only 2 shots of it and these past 4 months have been hell waiting for my cycles to start up again, so I don't think we'd miss the chance (I know 4 months is nothing and some people have been trying much longer; but that's kinda how we feel now... we're waiting to just be able to try; once my cycles come back we still don't know how long it will take for us to conceive)
My dd is a Xmas Eve baby, an dI have told her all along her birthday is so special - and now at 6 and a bit she believes me! Haha! She loves having a Xmas birthday, and tbh I like it too. My son is May, and new baby due in June, and I struggle a little with mid year bday! I just find it easier to plan & buy. It was a but naff being in hospital for Xmas, but we were all well looked after, and both of us were left a little present to open on Xmas Day. Honestly, it's 1 day. The rest of the year you don't even notice. I have always treated her to something big for Easter instead so she gets a good outdoor toy for the summer months ( a bike this year), and she does get stuff if she needs it, whereas quite often for my boy I would say get it for your birthday. It's up to you how special you make it, and I would never let it slip by/swallowed up by Xmas. We make a massive fuss, and the last thing we do before bed is put out our reindeer dust. Makes the festive period in our house even more special x
I was thinking this just the other day, my brother's birthday is the beginning of December and it was just never an issue really. DH's birthday however is New Year's Day! He says it never bothered him until he was old enough to go out drinking because everyone was always too hungover to go out :lol:

It's one day of the year isn't it - you'll make it special for your baby regardless of what time of the year it is. Plus: NEWBORN CHRISTMAS PUDDING OUTFITS. That is all. Haha ;)
Yes! Adorable little Christmas outfits! I never thought of that :cloud9:
Okay, I'm trying not to jump the gun.... but it's hard not to, I'm coming off the depo and just started bleeding (I've had bleeds before but this time it's brown blood and feels like the start of my periods used to) so I'm really hoping this is it, if I do have a period and it starts in full swing tomorrow.... it means if we were blessed enough to fall pregnant first time, we would be due on the 27th December.

So if I do have a period, we'll be thrown in with the decision of either throwing caution to the wind and starting straight away (which I think we probably would) waiting a cycle.... which would also have the benefit of seeing if I am going straight into regular cycles or not.... hmmm.... not sure I can hold off though. Feels like we've been waiting to be able to try for so long, I don't want to chose to wait another month
If I fall pregnant this cycle, I'll be due on the 23rd December!

I'm not using opks this cycle, just going to ntnp and leave it up to mother nature.

I have birthday 6th jan and its difficult after christmas, but I enjoy it as its double gifts :p
anyway I would like to have a december baby as my son is from june. So it will be 6 months apart from birthday parties :p so you can save and make them big. Just a thought

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