Reading off Jennyrenny


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
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It's another lady who does predictions. She has link on Cheri22's website. Here's what she said about me.....

Hi Denise,
Your reading reveals that your next BFP news comes the month of August 2008. The baby shows as a girl and her EDD/birthdate is referenced the month of April 2009 - specific reference to the 24th and 16th.

It's nowhere near as indepth as Cheri but will have to wait and see lol. Cheri said December and a girl to me last year, and am waiting for her to get back to me to see if her guides say it's changed, or whether it'ss be December this year (I hope not)

I know it's just fun but Cheri has a really high success rate. Don't know about the other lady though. Has anyone had a reading from her?
hiya :wave: i had a reading from her and she was a month out with me, so not bad going i guess :think:
i had a reading from her and she was spot on with me she said i will get a bfp in april from a cycle that starts in march and my edd will be december but he will be born early in november. cherri was wrong for me this time, but jenny was soo right :D
Does anyone have the links to Jenny/Cheris sites? I just emailed Cheri there a few minutes ago. I'm all excited now :)
how much is jennyrenny? how long does it take?, im interested in get a reading from her too.
i had one and she was wrong for me but cheri22 got my BFP right but the gender wrong :lol:
Hiya :wave:

Ive had a reading off both of these ladies.

Jennyrenny - said BFP in Jan 08 - month out - so not too bad

Cheri22 - She is saying conceive June 08 - so we shall see if she is right with this :o)

Kate x

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