Childs ear piercing!!

Alanna got hers done at 5 months. She didnt even cry just got a lil fright and they are all healed up now, she never pulled at them or nothing, no infection, and shes cute as a button.

As for the 2 weeks thing, i think its a bit young but over here they do them within days of being born as a religious thing, they also shave the babies head >.<
Im not getting Brookes done because i had mine done at a young age and one of the butterfly backs went wright inside my ear and i can still remember screaming the house down crying as my nan tried to pull it out with a pair of tweezers :cry:

I'll wait until she's a little older and asks for it
is it really legal to have them done that young, like everywhere or do some places not allow it?
i personally dont agree with it at all, ill wait till she can tell me if she wants them done or not its not my place to think ooo that looks pretty so ill get her ears pierced.
I don't agree with piercing children's ears, but then I also don't agree with piercing guns after 2 sets of holes that are so poorly placed that on one ear they went diagonally across the backs and the other was positioned incorrectly on my top cartilage to the point that it rubbed on my glasses.

I'm unsure whether there is an age limit on having them pierced with needles though, their should be (which would prevent young piercings)
Piercing guns are insane , they should be totally illegal :( . As for childs ear piercing I wont have Aoibheanns done unless she asks for it and is old enough to look after the piercing .
I won't get Lizzie's done till she knows what's going on, purely cos it was such a 'treat' when I was allowed mine done! My niece had hers done as a baby and has never played with them. I didn't particularly like them when she was really little but they look nice now (she's 2). Apparently in Slovakia they do all babies ears as a matter of course, think I got told that midwives do it as part of their job!
yeah I remember having mine done after begging , I was so proud my mum allowed me as a treat after my communion .
i had to go behind my mums back to my nan lol. mum said no cos her mum wouldnt let her til she was 16 so i figured if nan said ok id be allowed so i got them done at 12. it was so easy that i decided to pierce them again myself at 13, then again at 14, then the top of my ear at 15. and so on from there so now i have 14 piercingsand 13 tattoos. was pretty much getting something pierced every year for a while lol. would never do it to a kid as i believe its all about their personal style not mine and they should get the opportunity to develop their own not be given mine.
I remember getting taken to get my own ears pierced at a young age and was terrified, even as an adult i never wear earings!! I have always said that Kaitlyn can decide for herself when shes old enough to understand, i kind of wish i didnt have them pierced as i look as if i've forgotten to wear them lol xxx
I'm not against it but I personally don't like the look of it.
I follow this woman on YouTube who has two grandchildren and makes videos of them. I watched one today of her baby Grand-daughter and she had an ear piercing - just one ear too. It look awful in my opinion and totally took away the cuteness of the baby. My OH hates it also so our baby willl definitely not be getting his/her ears pierced. But if we have a little girl, she can certainly have her ears pierced when she's a lot older if she likes.

I got mine done when I was 9/10ish. I remember it! OUCH!! xxx
I agree with Monkei i think 13 is a good age. I personally don't think it looks good on babies and toddlers, sorry xx
Just re reading this and thought id mention when our girls had thiers done it was at Claires and they used the guns, they did both at same time too, didnt think much of it tbh

I was 14 when i had mine done and i promptly passed out!
Just re reading this and thought id mention when our girls had thiers done it was at Claires and they used the guns, they did both at same time too, didnt think much of it tbh

I was 14 when i had mine done and i promptly passed out!
my problem with guns is Piercing guns are usually made with plastic and cannot be sterilized in an autoclave. So i dont know if they are ever properly steralised ?
Just re reading this and thought id mention when our girls had thiers done it was at Claires and they used the guns, they did both at same time too, didnt think much of it tbh

I was 14 when i had mine done and i promptly passed out!
my problem with guns is Piercing guns are usually made with plastic and cannot be sterilized in an autoclave. So i dont know if they are ever properly steralised ?

Very good point!!

Feel bad but didnt think about that tbh :oops:

Luckily theyve been fine with their ears xx
I didnt either when I had mine done , its just I've since been learning to do piercings :) :hugs: . So dont feel bad at all , I just wish they wouldn't allow it at all . Back onto subject though I was thinking and I understand that it is a cultural thing for some people and I would never judge someone elses culture or decisions , its just not for me .
Lots of the guns now are single use, also the gun never touches the ear, or the piercing part of the earring, for babies and children its a less stressful way to pierce, however can delay healing a little, but with proper aftercare guns are as good a way as any.
I wouldnt but when she's 11 before she goes into senior school if she wants them done then thats the earliest I'd allow it - I remember when I wanted mine done then and I bought myself some earings in ready and it was all exciting, something to look forward to and to me a sign youre growing up a bit.
My OH and i have very differing opinions on this! We both agree that it won't be happening until she asks for it, i don't agree with small babies having it, especially not after seeing some poor little mite screaming her head off in Claire's because she was being held down to have them down and they were hurting her! But, that's where our opinions differ. I had mine done at 5, out of my birthday money because i was desperate to get them done (and then rang my dad after in tears to tell him how much it hurt) My mum didn't really want me to, but i managed to twist her round. Therefore i am happy for my daughter to have them done whenever she asks, but i will go through with her carefully how much it hurts etc so its an informed choice and we won't be going out the moment she decides, she'll have to think about it first and if she's still wanting to do so after a few weeks, thats fine by me. My OH on the other hand, says not until she's 13, at the earliest.

I too, have my original piercing much higher up in my lobe rather than central as they were done so young, however when i was 13/14 i decided i wanted a second hole put in, again my mum allowed, but i asked them to do it below the original hole, i think it looks quite nice
Dolly got her's done at 2 there her princess ears as she calls them, she is fine with them and by the time she's older they won't be an issues my cousin just had her girls done at 6 as she ask and she's had a nightmare she screams everytime she try's to clean them won't let her take them out for school, cried laying down in bed. I got mine done when I was young and I've never really given them much thought and never thought what the hell as my mum done to me. It was just something I grow up xxx
Wanted to add, I spotted someone having their little babies ears pierced in Claires the other day. Just absolutely shocked at it.

I understand that parental consent exists for a reason, however I do feel there should be a blanket lower limit on who they'll agree to pierce with parental consent.

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