Childs ear piercing!!

I knew a girl once who had her babys ears done when she was 2 weeks old!!! Now that i dont agree with! xx

Wow, I'm surprised it's allowed tbh.

I love threads like this x

I did an ear piercing course afew years ago as part of my beauty course and there's no way I could pierce a babies ears!
2 weeks is far too young, poor thing :(
They're not supposed to be done with guns anymore due to serious hygiene risks and yet you still get places like Claires doing them like this on very young children. :( I think if you were to use a needle you just couldnt do it on a child that young as they probably wouldnt sit still for long enough.
i really dont like it on young kids, think they need to make up their own mind on it! there's a little boy that comes into where i work, think he's about 1, his mum got his ears done recently! so so wrong!

i begged my parents to let me have mine done for years, but it was the day after my 10th birthday and me and my dad were in town together, on our own which was unusual, and he took me to get them done :) he did double check to make sure i still wanted it before we went in! it was such a surprise and he had planned it all! he had told my mum as she wasn't surprised when i walked in with them done!
I dont agree with it at all. It looks so chavy.

I think its best to wait untill the child is old enough to understand about cleaning and looking after them ect and able to make his/her own choice.

How can a baby "want" earings?

I was never allowed to have mine done. I did them myself with a drawing pin when i was 16, I ended up having 5 on one side and 4 on the other (yes with a drawing pin) I did let them close evetually apart from one on each
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I don't like them on young kids or babies. I wasn't allowed them until I was old enough to look after them myself. I think I got them done when I was 12, but I haven't worn earrings in years and now if I try it hurts after a couple of hours :wall2:

Think after blump, I will bite the bullet and put some back in and keep them in for a while, I'm sure the holes will get used to it again.
oooh this thread really took off while i was gone! loving everyones opinions and glad theres been no heated debates! and me too erin i love the controversial threads!! :) xxx
I remember seeing a friend after hers were done when she was about 7 or 8 and they got infected 'cos she insisted on wearing big studs in them before they fully healed so I wasn't overly keen on the idea. I always though my Mum would make me wait 'til I was 16 or something but when I was 13 she said, 'oh, you can have them done if you want' so I just thought 'ok' and did lol.

Once I was 16 and out of my school and on to college I wasn't limited by school uniform rules about 'one stud per ear' and got my second set done, which is how I like it :)

I wouldn't do it on my baby, so wrong, not their choice, and even if they took them out to close up, there'd still be marks surely?!

They can chose for themselves once they hit their teens.
I had mine done when I was a baby, I love the fact I can't remember the pain, I was never allowed fancy earrings til I hit my teens, just plain studs or teeny gold hoops, I can't explain it but because I grew up always seeing myself with earrings its what I know, so have never in any way felt that I've been robbed of any personal choice, its what I've always known, its hard to explain but maybe other people who had theirs done will get what I'm trying to say lol
Both of mine have theirs done we picked princess cut for belle in diamond and Chloe had little round diamonds. Belle had hers done at 3 months (I wasn't agreeing to this my husband took us on a day out and had them done) I wasn't sure to
Start with said she is just a baby ... But I had to admit they wasn't as bad as I thought - I had mine done at 12 and they got infected and I wanted did ones in before they healed and they closed up so I can see that reasoning that the bab won't mess and as far as pain we had a 3 second cry followed by belly laughter lol infact danny said that's what Chloe did as well. She had hers done just before 6 months
That's my thinking too - if I were to ever have a little girl it would be the same. I don't like earrings on baby girls, but seeing a baby boy with an earring in just looks awful!
yes they leave scars and never fully heal for the ladies who have or will be getting their los done please check the backs daily even when they are alot older
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I was going to be all sensible and say, "Oh no, you can't have your ears pierced until you are twelve and can look after them for yourself." and actually did say that to both of my daughters. My eldest, now 20, never wanted hers done and still doesn't. Her sister, now 17, however, badgered me to have hers done on a daily basis from age 5. By the time she got to 11 I was so annoyed with her constantly on about it that I gave in but I reckoned that she knew her own mind after managing to nag me for six entire years. And now she's 17... well she's taken them out and doesn't like them any more. :shock:
She does have her tongue pierced. Ick. Each to their own, though. I don't really like to see piercings on children under the age of 10 but I'm not their parent so it's none of my business.
my daughter is 15 and she hasnt had hers pierced, she very fashionable and wears make up love her accessories but has never wanted them doing. i think its up to the individual.
I think its the parents choice when they get the childrens ears pierced.

I however would not get my babys ear pierced as i believe a child should be allowed to make the choice.
My daughter was 6 when she got hers done for her birthday. She begged me from the age of 4 to let her have it done i kept saying when you are older then my mum told her that i was 6 when i had it done so that gave her the idea that is what would happen.
A month before her birthday i asked what she wanted and she looked at me and said well i will be 6 so im getting me ears pierced.
She did really well looking after them and as her birthday was the first day of the summer holidays she had the 6 weeks to let them heal. She is now nearly 9 and never had a infection.
I haven't, my DD is 8 months, but I'm not against it. I've seen some young ones with their ears pierced and it looks lovely but I think it would look daft on my DD maybe cause she hardly has any hair ha ha! :) I saw a little black girl (sorry I'm not sure if that's PC or what! Never know these days) at swimming and she had her ears pierced and it looks beautiful on her! :) I had my ears pierced at 4. Tbh I'm not bothered about it so I think I'd just wait until the day DD asks for it :) xx

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My friend had her twin boys done, 2 weeks before going abroad on holiday, I tried to advise her against as they would be in pool with chlorine and germs etc I told her if she was getting them done wait til they got back.. She got them done anyway and they were complaining about them on holiday :shock: I thought it was very silly to get them done so close to going on holiday x
Interesting thread. Personally, I don't like pierced ears on babies or toddlers and agree with the other comments about it.

I had mine done when I was 8 because we were moving to America and I begged my Mum and reasoned that all the kids there would have it done lol. Before then, I was only allowed clip-ons, which I loved! I did want my ears pierced for a long time before I was allowed them. My best friend had hers done as a baby.

I think I'll leave it for my child to decide.

Dolly was about 22 mOnths when I got hers done there her princess ears she calls them I got mine done younge and can't remember I'm not sure I've Eva herd of anybody moaning to there parents for getting there's done younge.
As for chavy dolly is so the opposite she only Eva wears dresses bows in her hair, she never wore jeans in her life or anything like that, she loves her earrings

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