Childs ear piercing!!

where i live the majority of parents pierce the baby ears immediately after they are born, like the 3 their way home from hospital...
i hate it and i am absolutely not doing this. She can have that when she is at school and shows some god grades or sth like that, like a reward...

the reason behind it is that it hurts less at newborn stage....
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None of my children will be having theirs done until they leave primary school.

I had mine done at 11 at the end of school holidays (silly time) and while I cant remember the piercing hurting (I did pass out though but im a wuss!) and I remember feeling like such a grown up girly then!

I do remember though that it was done with a gun and when I started back doing PE at school we found out the tip of the earing on one side had been damaged and that was painful to try and get on and off and I was too scared to touch them for quite a while so my dad had to loosen all my butterfly backs and put them on and take them off for me because I was terrified it'd hurt and my dads got a much steadier hand then I have! lol!#

Malise had hers done at 4 , we went with my little sister and i told her it would hurt , Malise asked to go first and they did the first with a gun and she cried because it hurt , then i said we spoke about it hurting malise and so you want the other doing and she did and she was sooo brave and had the other. She loves them , they took some healing and we bathed and cleaned them everyday for about a year to heal properly , we had the conversation about after care and how i would have to touch them etc she didnt want to let me and i said we'd take them out then , but she wanted them so badly she agreed to the care , now she's not bothered in the slightest about them .

I suppose i'm lenient though when it comes to piercings as i like them i have my lip , belly , nose, and i had a dermal implant on my side of my face which grew out. My ears were done when i was 1 ish and i remember them getting infected easily when i was 3 i was allergic to anything but gold in them.

I dont think it looks Chavy though , i think it can look delicate on girls given the proper earrings ie little dioamonds x
I hate it, I don't think it should be a parent's choice to make at all. I think it should be illegal unless the child is old enough to give consent and understand the care process. It's just unnecessary and cruel, and aren't your kids cute enough without bits of metal in their ears? That's what I don't get. That people feel their beautiful, innocent, perfect babies need to have holes shoved through their ears to make them cuter :/ And with a gun it is literally a blunt piece of metal being forced through the ear, not nice. I don't think the risk of infection is worth it either.

Also, just a thought, a baby is a minor - as is a 15 year old. If you had a 15 year old who was unable to communicate except through crying, with disabilities for example, and you took her to Claire's without asking her and got her ears pierced even though she cried, would that be ok? Pretty sure a lot of people would think that was disgusting. A 15 year old should have just as much rights to their own body as a 2 week old.

And saying 'they won't remember the pain' is the most ludicrous thing I've heard, just cos they don't remember the pain doesn't mean it didn't hurt :( I remember the pain of having mine done (I was about 11) but so what? I'm hardly traumatised by it. I remember the pain of giving birth but that's all it is, a memory. I'm glad I understood what I was letting myself in for and wasn't a helpless baby unaware of what was coming.
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I really hate it. Hate the way it looks, hate the thought of tiny perfect babies with holes in their ears, not to mention the pain of having it done and swelling afterwards.
It looks horrid, shouldn't be allowed x

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when my little girl had hers done it was her choice i explained to her how it would hurt and be stingy afterwards and all the care she would need take afterwards. she paid for them herself. I made sure to get hers done where they pierce both ears at once, it takes the shock of getting a second ear done. I would never get a perfect little babies ears done i think its so wrong. I think a child should be old enough to be able to make an informed choice. saying that i think if i had my time over again i would have made meg wait until she was in her teens to have hers done.
My mum took me to get them done when I wasn't even a year old and I still thank her for it! If I hadn't had got it done then - I wouldn't have no chance had it done now! Far to scared of getting anything pierced! If my LO is a girl I will defo be considering it. If they dont like when they are older they can take them out and it will heal :) x
Poor wee babies, & wee girls - i bet even if they're told it will be sore they'll still never realise the pain.

Sooooooo chavvy too lool

I'd never even suggest my daughter goes through un-necessary pain.

i dont like it either, i agree it looks slightly tacky. Each to their own tho, i wont let mine have them done till they are at least 10. 16 if its up to their dad lol
My OH said he'd leave me if I ever let his daughter go through un-necessary pain, I totally see his point.
I think 10 onwards is an appropriate age sooner then that is a bit crazy
When your old enough to ask for it , keep them clean and understand the pain then its ok. Ten sounds reasonable to me . I would never have it done on a child who didn't ask for it
Noone can "understand" the pain before having something done. How many hundreds of posts are there from 18-20 year olds on yahoo about "Will it hurt? What does it feel like? How much does it hurt" Age has nothing to do with understanding pain. Its experience.
To be totally honest, I don't think it should be allowed. I think it's cruel to do it on a baby. I don't think there is any need to put gold studs inna babys ear??? There should be a minimum age of 8 if you ask me.

I still don't think i would let Emily have hers done till she is about 12. Even then, it will be for her birthday or something. That way she is old enough to look after them herself and will appreciate it.
I just think it's wrong on all counts, you're taking away the child's choice, risking infection, potentially causing distress, it looks tacky, and ultimately any parent who chooses to have their baby's ears pierced are not doing it for the their baby, they're doing it for themselves. Shouldn't be allowed.
I just think it's wrong on all counts, you're taking away the child's choice, risking infection, potentially causing distress, it looks tacky, and ultimately any parent who chooses to have their baby's ears pierced are not doing it for the their baby, they're doing it for themselves. Shouldn't be allowed.

Totally agree.

I remember getting mine done when I was about 14 after asking my mum and dad LOADS!! lol!! It felt like a real treat and I looked after them myself and saved my pocket money for new earrings :-)
I agree it does look tacky. Lacey's 5 and still doesn't have it done. She said she doesn't want it done and I'm fine with that.
Her friend has it done and it still doesn't look right on her and she's 6!
Mine got theirs done thus summer aged 5&6. They had both been asking for about a year. I don't think they look tacky at all and they are so proud of themselves.
Wouldn't have done it to babies though, I'm too much of a wimp and I think that cal look a little too much.
Noone can "understand" the pain before having something done. How many hundreds of posts are there from 18-20 year olds on yahoo about "Will it hurt? What does it feel like? How much does it hurt" Age has nothing to do with understanding pain. Its experience.
Maybe I phrased that wrong . I mean old enough to understand that if they choose to have a piercing it is going to hurt . At least then if they decide they want a piercing they will know what to expect . Its bad enough having to see your child have injections or nessecary tests without hurting them for your own vanity .

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