Chartstalkers - November 08

as long as you are taking your temp about the same time each day and while you are still in bed they will be right... it will sort itself out dont worry!
lilly said:
as long as you are taking your temp about the same time each day and while you are still in bed they will be right... it will sort itself out dont worry!
I do hun, even make hubby turn the alarm off so I dont move too much before taking it :lol:
Donna's here said:
I do hun, even make hubby turn the alarm off so I dont move too much before taking it :lol:
glad its just not me then... !!! LOL
The best bit is he has to go the other side of the room and again coz he hits the snooze and doesn't think to himself I've already done my temp so I could move :lol: Bless him
I'm gutted today. If todays temperature had been as high as the last 2 days my chart would have detected a triphastic pattern but today it has dropped by 0.2. I'm starting to think its over for me this month :(
Hi Jo Jo,

It's not all over by any measure, you don't have to go all triphasic, it could easily still be your month. Todays temp is still a beautiful distance from your cover line.

Best of luck,
B x
Thanks Becs

The last 2 months it has dipped a couple of days before my period and gone below the coverline on the day of my period. I'm due monday so the dip has come a little early so i'm praying it goes back up tomorrow. :pray:
jo jo said:
I'm gutted today. If todays temperature had been as high as the last 2 days my chart would have detected a triphastic pattern but today it has dropped by 0.2. I'm starting to think its over for me this month :(

mine didn't go to triphasic hun ironically it did though the month before when i got AF so its certainly not over :hug:

good luck girls :pray:
jojo i wouldnt be thinking youre out by any means!
i thought my chart was really poor looking.
I'm with them *points to the above* I've had three pregnancies and never went triphasic once. I think it is quite rare as I spent a year in here before and hardly ever saw anyone else do it either.
Jojo your chart looks a little like mine last cycle, 9dpo could have been an implantation dip...? If it was you would get a +ve PG test tomorrow morning...? Don't want to get in trouble for encouraging you to test early though!!! :rotfl:

Good luck x
Woah, look at my temp rise this morning! Is that a good sign?
Thanks Donna, me too! I won't get my hopes up though.
ejjie said:
Jojo your chart looks a little like mine last cycle, 9dpo could have been an implantation dip...? If it was you would get a +ve PG test tomorrow morning...? Don't want to get in trouble for encouraging you to test early though!!! :rotfl:

Good luck x

i'm still here keeping a check on these early testers you know :wink:
ejjie said:
Jojo your chart looks a little like mine last cycle, 9dpo could have been an implantation dip...? If it was you would get a +ve PG test tomorrow morning...? Don't want to get in trouble for encouraging you to test early though!!! :rotfl:

Good luck x

if i had more than one test left i really would test tomorro but i'm scared it will be neg ad a waste so im going to be good ad wait untill monday. If my temp is up on Sunday i will possibly do it as that will be a good sign for me because last 2 months i have had big dips at 13DPO
I'm def stalking some charts this weekend. Come on Jo jo and Cori :pray: Got a real good feeling about you 2 :D
Donna's here said:
I'm def stalking some charts this weekend. Come on Jo jo and Cori :pray: Got a real good feeling about you 2 :D

Hope you're right, Donna! :D
Okay I know I am new but the fever has set in already. Jo Jo and Cori - get up and put your temps in!!!

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