Chartstalkers - November 08

FF has shifted my ovulation day from Thursday to Saturday. That would explain why I got a positive test on Friday and I had EWCM, cramps and nausea on Saturday. So that would be better, cos we BDd on weds, thurs and fri, so the sperm was waiting for the egg on sat. :pray:
God, i've still got at least 2 days til I get a +ve on my OVK. Why does my cycle have to be sooooo long?!!!

Gonna start BD'ing tonight tho just incase!! :lol:
Donna's here said:
Cori said:
lol, I wondered why you were congratulating me on ovulating :lol:

I am known to get a little excited, but that did take the pee :lol: :doh:
But Cori, help, I've had pos opk for the last 2 days, now am I right in saying that I should ovulate any time with in the next 2 days? (checking to make sure I make sense) :lol:
hun your taknig your temps at different times you won't get a accurate temp if you do that (aparently) i'd recomend puttign your alarm on to wake you up earilier than usual to get a better recording temp every day
hi! can you add my chart? this is my first full month charting and i'm only on day 3 so is that alright or shall i add it next month??!! (i'm a little confused how it works :shhh: !! )
hun your taknig your temps at different times you won't get a accurate temp if you do that (aparently) i'd recomend puttign your alarm on to wake you up earilier than usual to get a better recording temp every day
Hi Anna. I did take them later at the begining as it was school holidays, but since day cd7 i'ts all been between 7:15 to 7:45 with one 8:05 coz my alarm didn't go off :wink: so it shouldn't make that much difference should it?
I'm still a bit confused, lol. On sat when I took my temperature, it was 36.19. I took it again straight after and it was 36.29. When I put it in my chart as 36.19, my ovulation day is CD13, but if I put it in the chart as 36.29, my ovulation day is CD11. So I'm still not sure if I ovulated on CD 11 or 13. I usually ovulate around CD11, but my cycles do vary a bit when I come off the pill, so I don't suppose I can go by that. Which day should I go by?
Cori. As you had pos opk's on day 11 & 12 and then ewcm on day 13, I'd sway for ovulation on day 13. (i think lol) :? :D
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. But I will expect my period 13 or 14 days after CD11, just incase. Thanks Donna! :D
If your in my shoes she could turn up any bloody time :shock: , does my head in! Am thinking I ov'ed on the 17th, fingers crossed :D
Donna's here said:
If your in my shoes she could turn up any bloody time :shock: , does my head in! Am thinking I ov'ed on the 17th, fingers crossed :D

Yeah, your chart looks like you ovd on CD17. Good luck!
puds said:
hi! can you add my chart? this is my first full month charting and i'm only on day 3 so is that alright or shall i add it next month??!! (i'm a little confused how it works :shhh: !! )

Added you Puds. My first month i started on CD6
Hello me lovelies :wave:

Please could you add my chart as I will be joining ttc next month and have started charting a month early to see how I am working. I was in chart stalkers for a year when trying to conceive Austin, got there eventualy. Hopefuly it won't be such a long haul this time but I'll be getting comfy in my old seat and bringing a flask of hot chocolate in case. Looking forward to chartstalking you all.
Becs x x
welcome becs!!

Witchy woo just got me! its awful to see my chart start all over again... you built it up all month just to add AF and its gone!! :(
Awww sorry Lilly :hug: I know what you mean. I'm not looking forward to the month starting again. Seems to take forever to get round to testing days and start af again.

Hi Becs :wave: Looking forward to hot chocolate, yum :D
Donna's here said:
FF still hasn't confirmed I've ovulated. Is that normal?

yep thats normal... it took at least a week for it to recognise mine, you need 3 rises in temp for it to give you a date. i guessed mine to be on the 11th day and i was right! its usualy about the same time each month, has been for me anyway!
Thanks Lilly. Mines always all over the place. Hoping charting puts some kind of patern in it :wink:

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