Chartstalkers - November 08

Lorna said:
Quick question, are your luteal phases the same length every cycle?

Mine are usually 11 days long, i'm now 12dpo and no sign of AF. Not sure if this is a good sign as I am still getting BFN's :think:

hope thats a good sign hunny it was for ejjie remember she had really short leutel phases and when she got her BFP it was the longest she'd ever had. :pray: this is it for you. mine are always 14 days long as far as i can remember.

JPS good luck with your appointment hun. although no AF is a good sign hope its a BFP for you too :pray:

good luck with temping hannah when you get into it its a great way of finding out what your body is up too.

good luck cori and donnashere hope you ovulate soon and jo jo hope you got that egg hun xx

i'm on day 45 expecting AF on saturday or more likely sunday, really thinking shes going to come as my symptoms are exactly the same to the day they are every month and i too am feeling a little down :cry:

good luck lets get loads of november BFPs xx :pray:
:hug: :hug: :hug: rusks, it's really not over until the witch arrives, some women don't get any symptoms at all so you never know.
Lorna ~ thank you, I had no idea I had to do it that way. Good job I checked!! I did think it was odd :oops: :lol:

What's a luteal phase? S'ok...looked it up!

Note to more!
Cori, Donnas here and Lucy C you have all had rises today after yesterdays dips :D

If it was ov i hope you caught those eggys :hug:

I officially in the 2ww now and already sympto spotting like mad :lol:
When are you testing rusks?

Any symptoms? :hug:

:pray: for you
jo jo said:
When are you testing rusks?

Any symptoms? :hug:

:pray: for you

i have loads of symptoms hun problem is they are exactly the same to the day i get them every time pre AF :cry: so i'm thinking its not for me.

the only difference is i have had bad headaches the last couple of days but DH has had them too so thinking its more related to the colds we have had.

i haven't had the pulling dragging feeling in my ovary region like i did last month but apart from that classic sore Boobs, tiredness and so so moody!!

AF is due on saturday or sunday i can't do my temp sat morning as working a night tomorrow typical!! but if no AF by sunday and my temp stays up then i will test sunday am. :pray:

good luck in your 2ww hun i hope it goes quick for you and you get a BFP at the end of it xx
Thanks Rusks :hug:

Hope Sunday brings a BFP for you. i'll look out for your update :hug:

I get stomach cramps every month after ov ad ive got them now at 3DPO so i wont get my hopes up this month. Boobs feel "different" though
Good luck Rusks :hug:

My temps are slightly up again today, so from them it's looking like I ov'ed, but I still haven't had a pos on my opk and I haven't had any change in cm, still creamy (had thrush but still no ew)! Plus, my cycle is 32 days, so I'm thinking it cant be ov can it?
Donna's here said:
Good luck Rusks :hug:

My temps are slightly up again today, so from them it's looking like I ov'ed, but I still haven't had a pos on my opk and I haven't had any change in cm, still creamy (had thrush but still no ew)! Plus, my cycle is 32 days, so I'm thinking it cant be ov can it?

i would think you are near OV hun keep BDing xx :cheer:
Still BFN but no AF either.

I am wondering now if FF got it wrong and I ov'd on CD20 and not CD14. What do you think? If I did ov on cd20 then we have no chance of being pg as I was still getting over thrush and BD'ing wasn't a high priority...

I'm confused!
I cant tell hun. You did not have any CM around CD20...

Have you done any OPK's?
Thanks Jo Jo, yes I did I got dark lines around cd14 I then stopped poas around cd16 so don't have any around cd20. I had thrush which I think affected my CM so I am now really confused :?

Good luck for tomorrow rusks :hug:
my chart finally told me i ov'd on day 13, not 11 like i thought! now it says my cycle is 30 days long instead of 27 like it normaly is. is this because my Post Ovulation Phase has to be 14 days???
Doesn't make sense Lilly, I would say you ov'ed on day 11 too. Go by what you think as well hun. Fingers crossed xx
lily how long is your LP normally? they tend to stay the same as far as im aware.

Lorna :pray: no AF is a good sign.

no AF yet for me. i worked last night and had terrible AF cramps convinced everytme i went to the loo it was going to pitch up nothing yet, still thinking its coming but have this glimmer of hope. waiting to see what my temp does tomorrow. :pray:
All excited, just got a faint line on my opk test, so heres hoping I ov in the next 2 days. YAY :dance: (what will I be like when I get +PG test :? )
rusks said:
lily how long is your LP normally? they tend to stay the same as far as im aware.
last month my LP was 15 days.. FF thinks this month my LP will be 17 days long!!! suppose i will just have to wait and see!

Donna's here said:
All excited, just got a faint line on my opk test, so heres hoping I ov in the next 2 days. YAY :dance: (what will I be like when I get +PG test :? )
YAY!! getting going girl!!! :cheer:
Lorna, Rusks & Lilly, got all my fingers and toes crossed for ya girls :hug:

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