Chartstalkers - November 08

can i be added please, though this is my first time using it and im not entirely sure whats going on with my cycle this month.
lirael17 said:
can i be added please, though this is my first time using it and im not entirely sure whats going on with my cycle this month.

Hi Wendy :wave: Yours is looking a little strange hun, hopefully just a blimp, hope it settles down quickly :hug:
Probably TMI, but I think I might have thrush :( Had creamy CM for 5 days now and its starting to get heavier and I'm a little sore. If it is thrush then I wont be able to bd and I think I'm coming up to OV :(
:wave: hi guys good luck to you all :pray: lots of november BFPS please!

i do chart but not on FF do it myself at home, so i do lurk in here hope you don't mind

I'n on day 42 which makes me 9dpo and i am symptom spotting like mad but its the same way i feel every month so i'm on a waiting game. :wall:
Hi Rusks :wave: 9 dpo is good! Are your temps staying up? I tried doing temps at home, never worked. Finding FF quite good at the mo. Its also good that others can look and give you advise. Hoping you have a BFP coming though, good luck hun :hug:
Hi Donna's here. You probably already know but if you think you have thrush go and get the canestan tablet as it will get rid of it within the next 24 hours. It is expensive, but I find it works a lot quicker than the cream. You can get a pill and cream pack for only £2 extra. It will cost about £10 at boots for the tablet. I had it last week and don't get much external symptoms just bloody itchy and sore and red. Bit of creamy discharge with it... The joys
Thanks JPS. The only problem is I'm not ichy yet so not sure what to do. Have already instucted hubby to go chemist on his way home tonight just incase though. I went to a party on Saturday, fancy dress and was wearing a dress, vampire dress lol, anyway, coz it was so cold and it was outside, I had knickers, shorts, tights and leggings on and am wondering if I just overheated things down there :lol:
i get thrush nearly every month, a while back me and DH were treated with the tablet etc but it just keeps coming back dr says its hormonal and i am just one of those people more prone to it, but its so uncomfortable.
I get it about every 3 months. It helps to take a probiotic as it regulates the good and bad bacteria down there. Good idea to have it on hand. It's such a bugger thrush. I am having my third lot of spotting in the last month but not enough to call a period (Haven't had af for almost 2 years. The difference is today I have slightly sore ov feeling. The spotting is just dotting really. FF says to do a HPT but I have done heaps and it says I am 21 dpo... Do you think maybe I didn't ov when it thinks? My OPK's are also negative at the moment... So depressing. It's worse when I'm not working as I think about it all the time. I have real ups and downs that is for sure.
Lots of babydust to all of us!
I am not really temping at the moment and it's nice having a little break from it! Will start doing my OPKs from tomorrow.

Hope everyone is ok x
Hannahd it's not showing your chart hun :?
lorna: 9dpo are you testing yet? its looking good
Glad you joined FF Hannah. Welcome aboard :D And I second Anna, your temps look great!
lirael17 said:
can i be added please, though this is my first time using it and im not entirely sure whats going on with my cycle this month.

Added you Hun. Good Luck :hug:
JPS said:
I get it about every 3 months. It helps to take a probiotic as it regulates the good and bad bacteria down there. Good idea to have it on hand. It's such a bugger thrush. I am having my third lot of spotting in the last month but not enough to call a period (Haven't had af for almost 2 years. The difference is today I have slightly sore ov feeling. The spotting is just dotting really. FF says to do a HPT but I have done heaps and it says I am 21 dpo... Do you think maybe I didn't ov when it thinks? My OPK's are also negative at the moment... So depressing. It's worse when I'm not working as I think about it all the time. I have real ups and downs that is for sure.

:hug: :hug: I dont know how you cope.. i think i'm going crazy with normal cycles.

Is there nothing that can be done to help your cycles :hug: :hug:
JPS is it possible that you ov'ed on day 17 instead? Making you 14 DPO? :hug:
Tx Jo Jo for your support. I have an appointment with the fertility clinic on the 3rd of December. I am not coping very well at the moment. It's funny how something can be pointed out that seems so obvious but I couldn't see myself. It is definitely possible. I was very very sick day 13 and 14 (Vomited about 30 times) :puke: So I had in the back of my mind that that would put my body off ovulating. Do you say day 17 because of the pre-rise dip?
Hey Anna, yeah i've tested but I think it's too early as BFN - only used ebay cheapies though.

My problem is I am symptom spotting like crazy again and so far this is what I have experienced. (I kept a blog this time)

Sorry if some of it is TMI

1dpo – get thrush

2dpo – still have thrush… also have a metallic taste in mouth

3dpo – thrush not cleared up, still taste metal

4dpo – thrush has pretty much cleared up now, no other symptoms

5dpo – feeling hungry all the time and quite tired

6dpo – metallic taste is back, also have a sore throat. Temperature dipped a little this morning, need to wee lots.

7dpo – temp went up a lot. Also feel a wee bit sick and have funny pulling sensations in my tummy. Have a sore throat, think I’m getting a cold. Need to wee lots again. Have heartburn and could taste metal again in evening.

8dpo – Had a vivid dream last night, feels like thrush is coming back. Have a sore throat and still feel like I am getting a cold as I have the sniffles. Taste metal again. Nausea in the afternoon, feel very tired today as well. Tested BFN.

9dpo – Tested BFN – Had another vivid dream last night – knew I shouldn’t have watched deadest last week, feel nauseated in morning, cannot stomach drinking tea. Metallic taste again. Have butterflies/pulling sensations in tummy in am. Sore boobs. Increased sense of smell, the mustard in hubbys sandwiches almost made me vom and I could smell it after I had put it back in the fridge.

I can sympathise with everyone who has been getting thrush recently it's a right pain in the backside.
JPS - I think I agree with Jo Jo, your CM was fertile around cd17 as well. I think you may have ov'd then :hug:
JPS said:
Tx Jo Jo for your support. I have an appointment with the fertility clinic on the 3rd of December. I am not coping very well at the moment. It's funny how something can be pointed out that seems so obvious but I couldn't see myself. It is definitely possible. I was very very sick day 13 and 14 (Vomited about 30 times) :puke: So I had in the back of my mind that that would put my body off ovulating. Do you say day 17 because of the pre-rise dip?

Because of the dip and rise and you had a positive opk on day 15 and wet CM on day 17.i think i read on this forum someone said FF was picking up ovulation on the wrong day for them, your cross heirs are dotted so i dont think FF knows for sure if that was definately ov..

Good luck for the 3rd December. I really hope they can sort your cycles out. Don't feel down, you will get there. Will keep my fingers crossed for you :hug: :hug: :hug:

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