Chartstalkers - November 08

Oh thanks girls. I must be positive! Can't wait till the appointment. Think they will give me some drugs to kickstart the long awaited af so I can take clomid. I only had spotting once today when wiping but haven't seen anything else yet. To be honest I am prob really on cd480 (not a joke) as the 'af' on my chart was actually only spotting.

What are cross hairs?
Just worked out what I think cross hairs are.... the cover line?
Yeah It's normally a bold red line but yours is kind of dotted. :hug:
Good luck with your appointment JPS, I really hope you get some answers :hug: :hug:

I 'think' cross hairs are the red dotted line so the cover line and the ov day as they kris kross over each other.
Lorna I think your temps are looking good. They did not get any higher for you last cycle so fingers crossed.
Lorna are you sure youve got thrush and not just white cm?
You get loads of it when pregnant.
Hi, No I think it's thrush because it's itchy - sorry if that's TMI. It seems to have cleared up but I am still getting creamy CM :?

Got a BFN again today with an ebay cheapie but still experiencing loads of symptoms. I'm convinced it's psychosomatic now and AF will pitch up tomorrow.
Can you view my chart now? If not, what have/haven't I done!!?

My temps are all over the place...just in case you can't can you tell me if this is normal to have such highs and lows please?

CD1 36.7
CD2 36.2
CD3 35.8
CD4 36.5
CD5 37.2
CD6 36.2
CD7 35.8

I have ME and my hypothalamus doesn't work properly so that might be why my chart's all
over the place!?

I used to get thrush all the time after my AF cos I used tampons, now I've switched to towels i've been ok every since.
Cori and Donna's here, you have both had temp dips.

Get BD'ing just in case. Good Luck :hug: :hug:

I have had 2 rises now so hopefully i'll have another rise tomorrow and ov will be detected fr me for CD17. :pray: :pray: we caught the egg. We managed time time BD so we did it on ov day which is making me more hopeful than the last 2 cycles
Cori and Donna's here, you have both had temp dips.

Get BD'ing just in case. Good Luck :hug: :hug:

I have had 2 rises now so hopefully i'll have another rise tomorrow and ov will be detected fr me for CD17. :pray: :pray: we caught the egg. We managed time time BD so we did it on ov day which is making me more hopeful than the last 2 cycles
HannahD said:
Can you view my chart now? If not, what have/haven't I done!!?

My temps are all over the place...just in case you can't can you tell me if this is normal to have such highs and lows please?

CD1 36.7
CD2 36.2
CD3 35.8
CD4 36.5
CD5 37.2
CD6 36.2
CD7 35.8

I have ME and my hypothalamus doesn't work properly so that might be why my chart's all
over the place!?

I used to get thrush all the time after my AF cos I used tampons, now I've switched to towels i've been ok every since.

Still cant see your chart hannah. Click sharig and copy and paste the address :hug:
HannahD said:
Can you view my chart now? If not, what have/haven't I done!!?

My temps are all over the place...just in case you can't can you tell me if this is normal to have such highs and lows please?

CD1 36.7
CD2 36.2
CD3 35.8
CD4 36.5
CD5 37.2
CD6 36.2
CD7 35.8

its ok, my temps are abit mad this cycle. FF hasnt even recognised an OV. hopefully it happened on wed tho!

keep at it hun. :D
I've had a bit of a rise today, but not enough to suggest ovulation yesterday. What do you think? I started using OPKs yesterday, but no positive yet and I haven't had any fertile CM. I thought I would ovulate tomorrow going by last month's cycle, but maybe I will on Friday. I'm BDing from tonight anyway.
oooohhhhhh, Jojo, do think about to ov then? OOOOOO excited. I'm not sure if I ov, been soooo long trying I'm hoping I do. Oi HUBBY, NOW :lol:

Thanks for the heads up Jo :hug:

Hannah, it's going to ff hun but your chart inst showing. Are you entering your temps at the mo?
Jo, just reread your post hun, sorry, was so excited that I might be coming up to oving, i hadn't seen that you just have and you think you caught the egg. Everything is crossed for you babe :pray: :hug: good luck x x
Yes, i've got 7 days worth on the chart. No idea why it's not coming up.

Think i've figured out why it's all over the place. Just read somewhere that you're supposed to take your temp first thing in the morning before you get out of bed!! I've been getting up, wandering around, having my breakfast lol!
Is that true?
HannahD said:
Yes, i've got 7 days worth on the chart. No idea why it's not coming up.

Think i've figured out why it's all over the place. Just read somewhere that you're supposed to take your temp first thing in the morning before you get out of bed!! I've been getting up, wandering around, having my breakfast lol!
Is that true?

Yeah i'm afraid so Hannah, if you get up and wander round it really affects your temps. Best idea is to set your alarm for the same time each day and take your temp then before you move!
Quick question, are your luteal phases the same length every cycle?

Mine are usually 11 days long, i'm now 12dpo and no sign of AF. Not sure if this is a good sign as I am still getting BFN's :think:

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