can you actually afford to have a baby?

It is wrong but it's not actually the job centre who decides if the course is full or part time it's the college. We've had part time course that are up to 18 hours a week but I've seen a full time course at only 14 hours a week. We have to go by what the college define it as
It is wrong but it's not actually the job centre who decides if the course is full or part time it's the college. We've had part time course that are up to 18 hours a week but I've seen a full time course at only 14 hours a week. We have to go by what the college define it as

I wish full time jobs were like that :D
ooh i think this is a very interesting thread. i currently get smp and CB and TC. i had to argue for the tc and point out that im on mat leave, and wont be going back to work full time as id never see my baby or oh if i did. and as i wont be returning to my origonal workload id never earn as much as i did. i used to work 60+ hrs a week and do at least 2 sleep ins. for that workload i got 16k in 2010/2011 tax year, i paid my own bills on my rented house etc with no help at all and ran my car etc. it was hard and i incurred a fairly large credit card bill when i was on the dole in 2009/10 trying to pay the bills and fund my car and eat. my gas bill alone is 750 to fill the tank once! and i made that once last a year just so i could pay it off eventually. my oh works 20 hrs a week in a supermarket and they point blank refuse to give him a full time contract even when there are clearly jobs available due to ppl leaving. they never have to give full time work to anyone and thats a big glaring wrong in todays society as a lot of ppl there want full time work. i will be going back to work in december and doing 20 hrs a week too if i can. im not very hopeful as to how it will work out and if i end up struggling too much i will quit and happily go on benefits for a short while. im starting year 2 of an access course in sept so that i can go to uni and do nursing, ive planned it all out and so i would have to quit my job then anyway as i would need to do placement for the uni course. im also going to ttc from dec and if possible stay in my job to get the 2nd mat leave then take a year out after my college to have baby and then go to uni the following september.

this all means that i may be on benefits for a bit but in the end i will have a career and a better wage than what im on at my current job for a more organised working schedual. i believe this is what benefits are for, yet i know ppl who just sign on every other week cos thay have to, they arent looking for a job and dont care. yet more ppl struggle on part time jobs and small amounts of top up benefits like tc to support their 2 kids. there arent a lot of full time jobs around here tho. most prevalent are seasonal jobs in holiday parks and arcades that close for the winter and leave ppl on the dole. then the next most available jobs are care work or security work. both my brothers have got their SIA security badge while on the dole to help them get a job so the jobcenter do help ppl but only the ones that actually want help i think. i cant say wether anyone has the right or priviledge to have kids really but i think some ppl should actually think about the consequences of their actions and really thats what this country has come to, a lot of ppl dont have to deal with the consequences of their actions because our nanny state takes care of them if they dont take care of themselves or dont care about what they do.
Tinks - you are doing a great job hun. I know exactly what your going through, I was a tax officer for years until I recently got another job & having to deal with income tax, tax credits ect you are people's worst enemy & also their best friend, I never told people in real life where I worked. Only fam & friends.

Working for the govt means you just need to get on with it, do the best you can even when you have people screaming shouting & personally insulting you because they think you have some sort of control over it, even though its strictly regulated. You kinda learn to let it pass over your head.

BabysMomma - my OH is a computer engineer, he is self employed & he is getting hardly anything, no jobs at all. People are putting off pc repairs until absolutely necessary & people aren't upgrading.

I'm backtracking quite a bit here, but I totally disagree that it is a 'right' to be able to have children. Does that mean that those who abuse their positions as parents have the right to children? Those who have committed awful crimes or are a danger to society?
Having a child is a privelidge, it's by no means a god given right. I think you have to earn the parent title, not be handed it. I appreciate those TTC but thats a whole different matter.

As for affording a baby... We can just and so afford our LO, however we aren't on benefits and we have saved and saved for all LOs things and have made huge sacrifices to even be in the position we are in now. I wouldn't TTC while on benefits, I think it's irresponsible. I say this as I believe if you want to raise a child then this should include all aspects- money, life lessons, personal care etc etc. HOWEVER I appreciate that for some people becoming a parent isn't always planned so may happen when on benefits and times of hardship can leave parents no alternative but to claim what is rightfully theirs for the intended purposes..
Just to throw this out there a wee bit but should you all be more concerned that your tax money goes on these nice privileged prison now days rather than benefits for people who need them x
Just to throw this out there a wee bit but should you all be more concerned that your tax money goes on these nice privileged prison now days rather than benefits for people who need them x

Blimey! I might be missing the point here, but what has this got to do with original topic? What is this, ""wind up the tax payers week" ?!! :roll:
Just to throw this out there a wee bit but should you all be more concerned that your tax money goes on these nice privileged prison now days rather than benefits for people who need them x

I feel that's off topic and not relevant. The debate is about whether or not you can afford to have a baby, not how personal tax is divided x
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Just to throw this out there a wee bit but should you all be more concerned that your tax money goes on these nice privileged prison now days rather than benefits for people who need them x

Blimey! I might be missing the point here, but what has this got to do with original topic? What is this, ""wind up the tax payers week" ?!! :roll:

Yes it's a wee bit off topic but It bugs me people moaning about us having bubbas on benefits (yes my & partners are due to medical & ppl have said that doesby include us) but feel included & its a fair bit more concerning they get nice prisons & we get told we dont deserves babies
Just to throw this out there a wee bit but should you all be more concerned that your tax money goes on these nice privileged prison now days rather than benefits for people who need them x

Blimey! I might be missing the point here, but what has this got to do with original topic? What is this, ""wind up the tax payers week" ?!! :roll:

Yes it's a wee bit off topic but It bugs me people moaning about us having bubbas on benefits (yes my & partners are due to medical & ppl have said that doesby include us) but feel included & its a fair bit more concerning they get nice prisons & we get told we dont deserves babies

No one has said you and your partner don't 'deserve babies'. Try reading the thread from the beginning. If you still choose to take offence, then I'm sorry, but that's your prerogative.
Just to throw this out there a wee bit but should you all be more concerned that your tax money goes on these nice privileged prison now days rather than benefits for people who need them x

Blimey! I might be missing the point here, but what has this got to do with original topic? What is this, ""wind up the tax payers week" ?!! :roll:

Yes it's a wee bit off topic but It bugs me people moaning about us having bubbas on benefits (yes my & partners are due to medical & ppl have said that doesby include us) but feel included & its a fair bit more concerning they get nice prisons & we get told we dont deserves babies

No one has said you and your partner don't 'deserve babies'. Try reading the thread from the beginning. If you still choose to take offence, then I'm sorry, but that's your prerogative.

Completely agree EJP.

In this discussion, it has already been established that there are people claiming legitimate benefits.
Just to throw this out there a wee bit but should you all be more concerned that your tax money goes on these nice privileged prison now days rather than benefits for people who need them x

I think this is irrelevant..

Yes it may in some aspects be true, but it is also true that alot (not all and I am not assuming this for all) of people who claim benefits use them illegitamily(sp?) and pay for a comfortable lifestyle, such as flash phones, t.vs, new clothes every two minutes. I know this isn't true of all benefit claimants, as I couldn't afford a comfortable lifestyle when we had to claim, but I know of a few people who have alot of priviledges and can afford to look nice and buy new clothes often... I'm not trying to put down anyone who claims but I think it's pretty similair to what you are trying to say about prisons..
:roll: you've said yourself that you know people have said it doesn't include people on benefits for a legitimate reason, plus noone said anything about whether people for whatever reasons "deserved" a baby, it was about logic and reasoning! And I think you'll find prison life is substantially different to what the daily fail/other tabloids lead you to believe!
Just to throw this out there a wee bit but should you all be more concerned that your tax money goes on these nice privileged prison now days rather than benefits for people who need them x

Blimey! I might be missing the point here, but what has this got to do with original topic? What is this, ""wind up the tax payers week" ?!! :roll:

Yes it's a wee bit off topic but It bugs me people moaning about us having bubbas on benefits (yes my & partners are due to medical & ppl have said that doesby include us) but feel included & its a fair bit more concerning they get nice prisons & we get told we dont deserves babies

So are you comparing your own situation (both of you on benefits) to lavish privileges given to prisoners??
If not, I don't see your point and if so are you saying that you are not entitled to the money you are claiming???
Sorry, just don't get your point!
Just to throw this out there a wee bit but should you all be more concerned that your tax money goes on these nice privileged prison now days rather than benefits for people who need them x

I can see why you mentioned it its all turned into a discussion on tax what help you get etc i personally think they should shut the tax havens for the mega rich and save some money that way, maybe then childcare would be free for working parents.
Just to throw this out there a wee bit but should you all be more concerned that your tax money goes on these nice privileged prison now days rather than benefits for people who need them x

Blimey! I might be missing the point here, but what has this got to do with original topic? What is this, ""wind up the tax payers week" ?!! :roll:

Yes it's a wee bit off topic but It bugs me people moaning about us having bubbas on benefits (yes my & partners are due to medical & ppl have said that doesby include us) but feel included & its a fair bit more concerning they get nice prisons & we get told we dont deserves babies

No one on this thread has said you dont deserve to have a baby.

It has been clarified over and over that when we refer to "people on benefits" we mean the obvious spongers. ie, people who have no intention of ever working, and are lazy. We dont mean people who are genuinely in need of help, or people who are genuinely disabled and entitled to certain benefits. That is a completely diffrent situation that is out-with your and our control.

Disabled people cant help being disabled and needin and being entitled to benefits, but able bodied spongers can sure as hell go find a job and get off their backsides iykwim?
Just to throw this out there a wee bit but should you all be more concerned that your tax money goes on these nice privileged prison now days rather than benefits for people who need them x

Blimey! I might be missing the point here, but what has this got to do with original topic? What is this, ""wind up the tax payers week" ?!! :roll:

Yes it's a wee bit off topic but It bugs me people moaning about us having bubbas on benefits (yes my & partners are due to medical & ppl have said that doesby include us) but feel included & its a fair bit more concerning they get nice prisons & we get told we dont deserves babies


No one has said anything like that. People were referring to claimants who pretend to be sick, disabled,not people who genuinely are disabled/unable to work for medical reasons.
are people just not reading this thread ? why has this even come up again?

noone said that people dont deserve kids, if you want to go ahead and have a kid when you cant support it be my guest

the thread was..........can you afford a baby.........

not '' all people who claim are scum and should be neutered''

are people just not reading this thread ? why has this even come up again?

noone said that people dont deserve kids, if you want to go ahead and have a kid when you cant support it be my guest

the thread was..........can you afford a baby.........

not '' all people who claim are scum and should be neutered''


here here!!
To be fair the original post mentioned the girl wanting IVF while on benefits. But her partner is doing an apprentiship so is obviously wants to get work so how is that any different from what you are moaning about yes she wants another baby but her partner isn't spongeing like you say. So yeah the ones who have limited few babies are made to feel like they shouldn't have had them and they don't deserve to live.

Frankly this thread in its self is Stupid and it will only go round in circles.

20/06/2012 - Elliott born at 12:09 x

11/02/2011 - Leo born at 11:37 x

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