My OH got made redundant when I was pregnant and went from a £35k a year job to claiming JSA! Our home was repossessed and we still owe £80k to mortgage lenders

) He's signed off and on since then as he's been doing contract work on and off when the work is available. He's in IT, has about 20 years experience and this is not the first time he's been made redundant within his sector.
He's now starting University next month to earn a degree in computer programming so as he can make himself more attractive to employ if that makes sense as while he has plenty of experience and is damn fantastic at what he does, he's getting overlooked by younger candidates who have degrees (he's 44). Yes he's a late starter and we will have to take help from benefits for a while but we know we'll be better off in the long run.
While I was on maternity from work I did a diploma in health and social care to better my employability, I also volunteer once a week with an organisation for adults with learning disability which is one day at the weekend because I enjoy it but also to be able to add it to my CV.
I got a new job as an auxiliary nurse in May this year, my dream job, and I could cry because I had to leave as I just couldn't make ends meet

By the time I paid out childcare and petrol expenses (I needed a car to get LO to crèche as there is no crèche near me) I was out more than I was earning

I have no family support to help out with childcare. I tried my OHs family and they did it for 2 weeks for me while I worked but they couldn't do it anymore than that. And unfortunately it just so happened that my OH had booked in contract work for the months I started working and now he's starting uni next month.
MY OH got taxed heavily while working and he's made to feel like a loser each time he signs on while the other long term claimants younger than him and who don't have any desire to work get away with it because the people who work at the dole counters are afraid to say anything to them or challenge them because they're mouthy! But my OH gets a lecture each time! He was even told that going through agencies for work doesn't class as him actively seeking work! Like wtf!?!
He's been turned down for other jobs such as retail just as much as jobs in the IT sector. So instead of flogging a dead horse and staying on JSA he's staying positive, getting himself out there, getting a degree and hoping that along the way he can get a part time job somewhere as JSA will stop as soon as he's a student as far as I'm aware.
Rather than get tax credits I'd rather the money get put towards a free crèche for working parents and then those of us who find themselves in these unexpected circumstances can work and continue contributing.
Both my OH and I have paid our fair share of taxes for years. We just need a little help in the interim of getting ourselves to the point of doing so again. And we will. Once I know what my OHs timetable is for Uni I'll be looking at jobs again to work around it so as I don't have to pay out loads on childcare.
I don't want to be on benefits. I hate the stigma attached to it. Every single person around me where I now live (had to move to a council estate after our home was repossessed) are longtime claimants and I won't end up like that.
Unfortunately I'll never be in the position of owning my own home again but that's life. It's a stop gap for us. I wanted another baby close in age to my LO because it took me 10 years to conceive with her. I know some may not agree with what im about to post and I'm ok with that because its my life and I know I have a plan, but if I have another baby while we're in the situation we are in then its not the worst that could happen as we'll make it work and we won't be on benefits forever. At the moment my kiddies want for nothing as I budget within my means at the moment.
Even if it involves me working evenings then so be it. We'll work around it. There's no point me taking on a job on at the moment while I can't commit to the hours until I know what OHs Uni timetable is if that makes sense.
I didn't get offended by anything that was mentioned in this thread at all because it's aimed at people who don't have any desire to work but have baby after baby relying on the benefits system to "keep them". Geez I'm surrounded by them unfortunately.
There are individual cases and I don't feel that anyone on this thread is disputing that.