To be fair the original post mentioned the girl wanting IVF while on benefits. But her partner is doing an apprentiship so is obviously wants to get work so how is that any different from what you are moaning about yes she wants another baby but her partner isn't spongeing like you say. So yeah the ones who have limited few babies are made to feel like they shouldn't have had them and they don't deserve to live.
Frankly this thread in its self is Stupid and it will only go round in circles.
20/06/2012 - Elliott born at 12

9 x
11/02/2011 - Leo born at 11:37 x
Yes, however, do you know what the standard wage for an apprenticeship is?
From the DirectGov information on it (and heaven knows because I was an apprentice a few years back myself) It is "
£2.60 - the apprentice rate, for apprentices under 19 or 19 or over and in the first year of their apprenticeship."
Do you think that it is fiscally responsible of a couple who are on benefits and a £2.60 rate of earnings to be allowed IVF? To be actively TTC?
It's not even enough for a lone adult to survive on, let alone a couple and a child.
Willing to work though the person may be, why then can't they wait until he is gainfully employed and earning at
least Adult Minimum wage? I would not for a second support someone choosing to bring a baby into that by an expensive procedure for the NHS, when they will struggle to provide for themselves, let alone a baby.
This doesn't mean I don't support them ever TTC - you may notice I am not a parent yet. I have PCOS and were I to need IVF, I would not do so in that situation. I am going to be WTT for at least 2 more years myself until my life is in a better place before having children, so I know what it is to have to wait for something I want so badly.
I am aware that there are members on this forum who have partners doing apprenticeships, and I'm sure they can tell you how hard it is to get by and how frugal and sacrificing they have to be with it.