This thread is brilliant , I've just read the whole lot!
LJY - that was fab. When I was unemployed, I felt like shit, they weren't very nice or helpful. Thankfully needed JSA for a very short period of time, but with the way the economy is I feel sorry for the honest people claiming benefits, it's soul destroying,
I think the minimum wage comment CAN be valid, how I read what the lady was saying was,
Some people on minimum wage CANT afford a baby , be it down to debts, high cost of living etc etc, and some people on low incomes know theyre situation is going to change. Others can survive extremely well on low incomes, people with no debts, little direct debits other than living costs. Some people live within their means , others dont. So yes some people on minimum wages can wait till situation is different, maybe not more money but debtas cleared? nicer area for living in etc etc. it all boils down to personal choice and what the individual wants for their own child. No way is the right/wrong way IMO if the children are loved nurtured and nourished.
Cosmic - you seem a prime example of someone who 'shouldnt' work , someone who could 'use the system for what its for' and think the world 'owes them a favour' BUT you said youve saved for this baby , your working right till EDD and your providing for your family despite having to leave your kids to do it and be financially worse off, my hat is off to you. you are a minority, that would be a tough decision for anyone. but you should be incredibly proud of yourself, if the rest of the UK were like you, there would be a hell of a lot more benefits for people resulting in TC thresholds probably being higher and perhaps people like you whos dispisable income is low would actually reap some of the benefits of our system and get alittle back from the lot theyve put in.
IMO, people living on benefits (i dont mean TC either

) i mean JSA and IS imo should not PLAN to have more kids.
Some times i think its a vicious circle too, if some of the people on benefits earned their own crust i think their self esteem and the satisfaction they would get would be priceless, its just taking that jump xx