c-section to avoid get induced?

Its not bullying its called having an opinion - this is what i found rude, a lady trys to tell you her experience and you just take it as a personal attack and refuse to listen to her. Im not arguing with you i have other stuff to do good luck in your pregnancy.
I'm sure you have already convinced yourself that they way you express your very accusatory name-calling opinion is "just having an opion" rather than bullying :roll:
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Anddd all 4 ladies who had induction when i was in had the tablet after me and went into labour during the night then i went next day
(just giving positive feedback from induction)
No one can bully you into anything, ladies on here shared their experiences (whilst you only have anxiety and not the experience of either natural birth, induction or c-section)
It doesnt make your anxiety invalid but I think your posts are coming across quite rude.

Anyway, all the best in whatever you decide to do.
No one can bully you into anything, ladies on here shared their experiences (whilst you only have anxiety and not the experience of either natural birth, induction or c-section)
It doesnt make your anxiety invalid but I think your posts are coming across quite rude.

Anyway, all the best in whatever you decide to do.
Well, according to some people in here - my so-called anxiety was just an excuse for wanting a c-section rather than just to come clean that I apparently wanted a c-section as default.

If you go through the thread you will see that I'm only replying in the same tone I received replies. Although, I don't feel I have been rude towards anybody but RedBear, when she decided to accuse me for various things.

So if anybody feels that I have been rude towards them, except for RedBear, then I do apologise and I didn't mean to be rude but was probably rather frustrated.
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Anddd all 4 ladies who had induction when i was in had the tablet after me and went into labour during the night then i went next day
(just giving positive feedback from induction)
Congrays with Harvey Jack :)
I know there are postive experiences with inductions, and knowing what I know now, after my app today, then maybe I'll be more receptive towards inductions and perhaps, who knows, maybe I'll choose an induction if I reach 40+0.

For me it's just important that I know I can go with different options, which makes me feel more safe with inductions as well as going over due.
Just came back from my consultant app today and everything went well - well, according to my wishes. :)

We have agreed that they will start sweeping me from week 38 to give "nature a helping hand", as the consultant put it, and if I haven't gone into labour by 40+0 then I will have the option to either;

a. Get induced
b. Get a c-section, which will be booked in case I choose this
c. Postpone my c-section to a day later in my pregnancy I feel comfortable with
d. Wait until I go into labour and/or follow the normal "routine" for women being over due

Seeing the consultant in 3 weeks again and if I still feel the same way, then they will put it into my birthing plan. Words can't explain how relieved I am.

To other women who are sharing the same thoughts as me, then I can tell you that the consultant was so kind and understanding and to quote her "you have obviously read the NICE guidelines and you have the right to an elective c-section and we can't refuse that".

However, she also understood, unlike most women in here, that I'm not opting for a c-section as a default but actually hoping for a natural birth hence they are going to start sweeping me from week 38 and still have the option for an induction by 40+0 if I feel more comfortable about it by then.

I'm glad your appointment went well, and I really hope you get the natural birth you want xx
Welll they cant force u to have anything you dont want' .. Ur body .. Ur baby .. Ur birth :) good luck :)
Hun if u want a section by all means go ahead and have one a lot of women on here are just trying to advise you not all inductions are bad and there is a lot of very positive inductions (like mine) .

I hope you have the birth you want and I wish you all the best x
I hope being induced isn't all bad - looking very likely I'll be induced :-( C'mon baby :-(
Another option Fab is that instead of being induced as such, you might be dilated enough to just have your waters broken, and then things progress naturally from there x
Another option Fab is that instead of being induced as such, you might be dilated enough to just have your waters broken, and then things progress naturally from there x
Well that's what the sweeping from week 38 will hopefully do - fingers crossed :)
But will definitely ask at my next app but reading up on it, it unfortunately doesn't guarantee a natual labour, but thanks for mentioning it.

Spent some reading up on reflexology yesterday and have decided that Im going to have a weekly treatment from now to week 36 and then twice a week from week 37 :) It may or may not help but at least it will be a little treat :D
Theres a good chance with the sweeps you'll go into labour yourself xx

If you're booked for a planned c section anyway, it might be worth seeing if they can break your waters the day before if you know what I mean? x
Theres a good chance with the sweeps you'll go into labour yourself xx

If you're booked for a planned c section anyway, it might be worth seeing if they can break your waters the day before if you know what I mean? x
Ah now I get - great idea! :)
I've had a few friends who were induced that way, and all had natural births xx Just another option if you're looking to avoid pitocin etc xx
Just came back from my consultant app today and everything went well - well, according to my wishes. :)

We have agreed that they will start sweeping me from week 38 to give "nature a helping hand", as the consultant put it, and if I haven't gone into labour by 40+0 then I will have the option to either;

a. Get induced
b. Get a c-section, which will be booked in case I choose this
c. Postpone my c-section to a day later in my pregnancy I feel comfortable with
d. Wait until I go into labour and/or follow the normal "routine" for women being over due

Seeing the consultant in 3 weeks again and if I still feel the same way, then they will put it into my birthing plan. Words can't explain how relieved I am.

To other women who are sharing the same thoughts as me, then I can tell you that the consultant was so kind and understanding and to quote her "you have obviously read the NICE guidelines and you have the right to an elective c-section and we can't refuse that".

However, she also understood, unlike most women in here, that I'm not opting for a c-section as a default but actually hoping for a natural birth hence they are going to start sweeping me from week 38 and still have the option for an induction by 40+0 if I feel more comfortable about it by then.

I must say I am very impressed with your hospital if they are giving you all of these options and the fact they were discussing elective c-section versus induction at your 28 week appointment??? :shock: :shock:

At my hospital you get the following:

* no sweeps until 41w if you are having a healthy, low risk pregnancy
* appointment at prolonged pregnancy clinic once you at least 4 days overdue (you will have MW appointment, ultrasound to check placenta and waters, internal scan to check cervix, you are offered a sweep and given an induction date)
* induction offered ideally before 41w 5d but does not have to be accepted

I was advised very early on that elective c-sections are NOT routinely offered at my hospital (http://www.uclh.nhs.uk/OURSERVICES/SERVICEA-Z/WH/MAT/Pages/CSonrequest.aspx)

As someone who looks to be heading towards being offered an induction I have re-read through this thread with interest and although I really DO NOT want an induction, I want a c-section even less!!
Also the stat I have been given in my literature from the hospital is that only 1 in 7 sweeps prevent induction??

Very sensible carnat.
As someone who has experienced both c section and induction, I think you've got the right idea. Induction over section any day.
I was always really scared of induction but it's nothing to be scared of and in fact this was my best delivery yet x
You are so wise Nat.

Personally I would choose induction over section purely because a section is a very risky surgery whether it is planned or not.

I don't think surgery should be used unless need be but then thats my labour plan an everyone has their own idea of their labour.

Also, I hope you don't get your stats purely from the internet, if so I hope it's trusted sites ie NHS - I wouldnt leap into surgery after reading google.

Hmm as far as im aware unless you have had a previous section or a very good reason, safetly for you or baby health probs, probs in pregnancy ect you don't have a choice of a section.

Tbh it's not a choice you should make lightly IF you did have a choice, its major surgery and higher risk also the recovery is not easy. its not something they will just let you have and its not an easy option trust me.
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