c-section to avoid get induced?

I hate the feel of it, it's slightly wonky and it's numb to touch but feels horrible when touched iykwim. I just hate it. If you put nice underwear on, part of it peeps out of the top (unless I wear granny knickers), it just spoils the moment and there is nothing I can do to make it better, it will always be there. That's what upsets me x
I kid you not cosmic, once I've had my babies I'm getting an apronectomy and a boob job!
I am thinking after babies defo a boob job lol

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Hahaha I had a boob job in 2001, best thing I ever did! x
I have a flap a'la 'click' style. For those of you wondering what that is watch the Adam sandler film. Lol,

I'm having it cut off when my family is complete without a doubt!
Cos, if you don't mind me asking, can you still Bf after a boob job? X
I know heaps of horror stories with c sections. I won't even have an epidural if I need to have a section. My friend's epidural was stuffed up and she leaked spinal fluid so her brain was just sitting on her spine. Another friend it was not working properly and she could feel the scalpel cut into her, not to mention the fact that they tear the skin the rest of the way. Its easier to stitch up. I know of someone else who had something cut that was not meant too be and she almost bled to death. I know more stories and each one wishes they could have done it naturally even with induction. I'd actually go as far to say 50% or more of people I know who have had one has a bad story.

C sections should be avoided for so many reasons be it human error or just plain bad luck. Just make sure you know all the risks before you sign on the dotted line. Plus remember you will be dependent on other people 4 at least 6 weeks afterwards.
Yes, I'm aware and we will book a maternity nurse and our cleaner has agreed to errands and other housework needed the weeks after my husbond goes back to work until I'm fully recovered.

Don't worry, I don't think yourll need a maternity nurse, you can do lots of things with baby, as they are only small, I just wanted to convey the risks to baby and you from the op, and yes it's harder afterwards, but it is in most cases manageable, just leave the cleaning, whats a little mess, the health visitors like to see mess anyway, glad you have an appointment with a consultant to dicuss your feelings/ wishes on this.:lol:
I was induced at 39+5 with my son due to high bp and traces of protein in urine. They put the pessary in at 5pm, 8pm my waters broke and contractions started - I laboured all night, on drip and epi next day and had him at 2.30pm next day!

compare that to my daughters birth - natural start to labour at 40+1 - contractions started at 1.30am - had her in water with no pain relief at all at 1.30pm :)

I wouldn't elect to have a c-section - inductions do not always end in c-section and recovery from vaginal birth is much easier than section recovery.
My auntie had had five babies. Has never ever gone into labour herself, been induced every time with five natural births.
Just came back from my consultant app today and everything went well - well, according to my wishes. :)

We have agreed that they will start sweeping me from week 38 to give "nature a helping hand", as the consultant put it, and if I haven't gone into labour by 40+0 then I will have the option to either;

a. Get induced
b. Get a c-section, which will be booked in case I choose this
c. Postpone my c-section to a day later in my pregnancy I feel comfortable with
d. Wait until I go into labour and/or follow the normal "routine" for women being over due

Seeing the consultant in 3 weeks again and if I still feel the same way, then they will put it into my birthing plan. Words can't explain how relieved I am.

To other women who are sharing the same thoughts as me, then I can tell you that the consultant was so kind and understanding and to quote her "you have obviously read the NICE guidelines and you have the right to an elective c-section and we can't refuse that".

However, she also understood, unlike most women in here, that I'm not opting for a c-section as a default but actually hoping for a natural birth hence they are going to start sweeping me from week 38 and still have the option for an induction by 40+0 if I feel more comfortable about it by then.
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I dont see why else she would be so rude about people trying to give her advice and be so closed minded, but thats just what i think .... but i am judgemental ill hold my hands up to that lol x
So according to you I am rude because I stick to my gut feeling, my experiences, do not take your words as the holy grail and just roll over and do what you think I should do???

Right, how about being rude for actually not reading what I've written and at least consider that? Or giving me an ulterior motive for creating this thread?

Well, based on my appointment today - thank god I didn't let you bully me into submission!
Don't worry, I don't think yourll need a maternity nurse, you can do lots of things with baby, as they are only small, I just wanted to convey the risks to baby and you from the op, and yes it's harder afterwards, but it is in most cases manageable, just leave the cleaning, whats a little mess, the health visitors like to see mess anyway, glad you have an appointment with a consultant to dicuss your feelings/ wishes on this.:lol:
Thanks :)

Think we will still ask the maternity nurse to come around regardless as I am so scared of harming him without knowing it as I don't have my mum around, it would be good just to have a reassuring and most importantly experienced hands to help us out.

But good to know the health visitors don't mind a little mess :)
I dont see why else she would be so rude about people trying to give her advice and be so closed minded, but thats just what i think .... but i am judgemental ill hold my hands up to that lol x
So according to you I am rude because I stick to my gut feeling, my experiences, do not take your words as the holy grail and just roll over and do what you think I should do???

Right, how about being rude for actually not reading what I've written and at least consider that? Or giving me an ulterior motive for creating this thread?

Well, based on my appointment today - thank god I didn't let you bully me into submission!

Im not bullying anyone :wall2::wall2::wall2::wall2:We where only trying to tell you other experiences and options because you dont even have your own experience yet you have your friends.
I dont think you should do anything i haven't told you what to do once!! I have said repeatedly if you want a section fekking have one i couldn't care less if its what you want then have it but your wrong that its safer than induction. That's all everyone was trying to tell you.
Im not bullying anyone :wall2::wall2::wall2::wall2:We where only trying to tell you other experiences and options because you dont even have your own experience yet you have your friends.
I dont think you should do anything i haven't told you what to do once!! I have said repeatedly if you want a section fekking have one i couldn't care less if its what you want then have it but your wrong that its safer than induction. That's all everyone was trying to tell you.
...and yet you proceed to call me rude, accuse me for creating the thread for attention and accuse me for using my fear of induction as an excuse for a c-section. No, that's not bullying at all! :roll:
The reasons you have said for not wanting to be induced are pregnancy related tho... These things could happen overdue or not?!?
C-sections are MAJOR surgery and should only be used in extreme circumstances...
I'm sure if inductions were so dangerous the nhs would change there guidelines and they wouldn't do them the way they do.
4 of my friends, plus me have all had babies this year. So that's 5 pregnancies that were all induced.
Only 1 of these births ended up with medical assistance, and she had a foreceps delivery. She has health complications before, so this was not a surprise.
Personally I loved being induced, I was monitored at every point in my labour, on the medical side of the labour ward. With a senior midwife. There was 2 midwifes present due to having an induced labour.
I had an epidural and no intervention whatsoever.
I had my baby and was home with him 12 hours later. Breastfeeding and feeling great.
I think that c-section risks outweigh an induced delivery.
Listen, I wasn't really asking for anybody's opinion or approval - I was asking whether anybody knew what rights one has when it comes to a c-section when being overdue.

Nothing that you or anybody say can convince me otherwise. I have the rights on my side and my mind is made up and I don't have to justify it to you or anybody else. It's as simple as that.

Its not bullying its called having an opinion - this is what i found rude, a lady trys to tell you her experience and you just take it as a personal attack and refuse to listen to her. Im not arguing with you i have other stuff to do good luck in your pregnancy.
Hey i had a very successful induction' mine went like this ...
They put a small tablet above cervix or bhind it leave 24hours to work.. It did work othet wise waters would of had to be broke and a drip put on..
I had intense pain for about 4 hours and pushed him out within 45mins..
I was terrified about having one but i thought it was grate'
Harvey jack was born safe n sound 2 weeks early :) he is now a week old tomorrow xx

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